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Linker for Assembly Language Files in C

This C program serves as a linker for assembly language files, combining multiple object files into a single executable. The code defines structures for symbol and relocation entries, reads information from individual files, and performs the linking process. It handles symbol resolution, global labels, data definitions, and relocation entries. The resulting combined executable is written to an output file. The linker ensures proper alignment and updates offsets. Additionally, it checks for errors, such as duplicate global labels or undefined symbols, providing a comprehensive solution for assembling and linking assembly language programs.

Implementation Details of the Assembly Language Linker in C

This C program functions as a powerful linker for assembly language files, adept at combining multiple object files into a cohesive and executable whole. It employs meticulous structures for symbol and relocation entries, allowing for precise organization and resolution of symbols during the linking process. Whether you are grappling with global labels, data definitions, or relocation entries, this linker provides a comprehensive solution. Its error-checking mechanisms guard against issues like duplicate global labels or undefined symbols. If you're struggling with your C assignment related to assembly language programming or linking, utilizing this code can significantly help streamline your efforts and produce a well-linked executable.

Block 1: Header Files and Definitions

#include #include #include #define MAXSIZE 500 #define MAXLINELENGTH 1000 #define MAXFILES 6


  • The code includes standard C libraries for input/output and string manipulation.
  • It defines constants MAXSIZE, MAXLINELENGTH, and MAXFILES.

Block 2: Data Structures

typedef struct FileData FileData; typedef struct SymbolTableEntry SymbolTableEntry; typedef struct RelocationTableEntry RelocationTableEntry; typedef struct CombinedFiles CombinedFiles; struct SymbolTableEntry { char label[7]; char location; unsigned int offset; }; struct RelocationTableEntry { unsigned int offset; char inst[7]; char label[7]; unsigned int file; }; struct FileData { // ... (various fields) }; struct CombinedFiles { // ... (various fields) };


  • Defines several structures (SymbolTableEntry, RelocationTableEntry, FileData, CombinedFiles) for organizing data related to symbol tables, relocation tables, file data, and combined file data.

Block 3: Symbol and Instruction Checks

// functions for symbol and instruction checks int searchSymbol(char *label, CombinedFiles combined); int isGlobal(char *label); int isDataInst(char *inst);


Function prototypes for:

  • searchSymbol: Searches for a symbol in the combined symbol table.
  • isGlobal: Checks if a symbol is global.
  • isDataInst: Checks if an instruction is a data definition.

Block 4: Main Function - Argument Parsing

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // ... (variable declarations) if (argc <= 2) { // ... (error message and exit if insufficient arguments) } outFileString = argv[argc - 1]; // ... (file opening and error checking) FileData files[MAXFILES]; // ... (file reading loop)


  • The main function begins by parsing command-line arguments, checking for the correct number of arguments, and opening the output file.
  • Declares an array of FileData structures (files) to store information about each input file.

Block 5: File Reading Loop

for (i = 0; i < argc - 2; i++) { // ... (file-specific variable declarations) // parse first line of file fgets(line, MAXSIZE, inFilePtr); sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d", &textSize, &dataSize, &symbolTableSize, &relocationTableSize); // ... (reading various sections of the file) fclose(inFilePtr); } // end reading files


  • Loops through each input file, reading and parsing information about text size, data size, symbol table size, and relocation table size.
  • Reads the text, data, symbol table, and relocation table sections of each file.

Block 6: Linking Process

CombinedFiles combined; int numfiles = argc - 2; // ... (copying text and data entries to combined table) // ... (combining symbol tables) // ... (checking for bad symbols) // ... (combining relocation tables) // ... (performing relocations) // ... (saving text and data to the output file) fclose(outFilePtr); return 0;


  • Creates a CombinedFiles structure (combined) to store the combined information from all input files.
  • Combines text, data, symbol tables, and relocation tables.
  • Checks for duplicate or undefined symbols and handles the stack position.
  • Combines relocation tables and performs relocations.
  • Writes the final text and data sections to the output file.

Block 7: Conclusion

} // main


  • Closes the main function.


In conclusion, this meticulously crafted C program not only exemplifies the intricacies of assembling and linking assembly language files but also stands as a versatile tool for developers grappling with complex linking tasks. Its well-structured design, error-checking mechanisms, and comprehensive approach to symbol resolution make it a valuable asset in the realm of systems programming. Whether you are a student seeking assistance with a C assignment or a seasoned developer aiming to streamline the linking process, this linker offers a robust solution. By leveraging its capabilities, programmers can enhance efficiency, ensure code integrity, and overcome challenges in assembling and linking diverse assembly language files, ultimately contributing to a more seamless development experience.