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Java Program to Create Flashcard Application Assignment Solution.


Write a Java assignment program to create a flashcard application in Java. This assignment will involve designing and implementing a program that allows users to create, view, and manage flashcards. The application should provide options for adding new flashcards with questions and answers, as well as the ability to view and revise these flashcards. This assignment will not only test your understanding of Java programming concepts but also your ability to create a user-friendly interface and manage data efficiently. Be sure to consider factors such as user input, data storage, and appropriate error handling in your program.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create flashcard application in java
      program to create flashcard application in java 1

Source Code



* This class represents a FlashCard object.


import java.util.Random;

public class FlashCard {


* To contain the text of the challenge.


private String challenge;


* Contains the response.


private String response;


* Variables used to contain the challenge or response.


private String question;


* Variables used to contain the challenge or response.


private String answer;


* Random variable.


private Random rnd;


* Constructor given challenge and response.

* @param challenge String

* @param response String


public FlashCard(String challenge, String response) {

this.challenge = challenge;

this.response = response;

this.question = "";

this.answer = "";

this.rnd = new Random();



* Getter for challenge variable.

* @return String


public String getChallenge() {

return challenge;



* Getter for response variable.

* @return String


public String getResponse() {

return response;



* Show one face of the card.


public void show() {

if (rnd.nextInt(2) == 0) {

this.question = this.challenge;

this.answer = this.response;

} else {

this.question = this.response;

this.answer = this.challenge;




* Getter for question variable.

* @return String


public String getQuestion() {

return this.question;



* Getter for answer variable.

* @return String


public String getAnswer() {

return this.answer;





* This class represents the Driver of the program.


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Driver {


* This function displays the menu to user and requests for an input.

* @param sc Scanner

* @return char


public static char menu(Scanner sc) {

System.out.println("(a) Flip the card");

System.out.println("(b) Indicate answer");

System.out.println("(c) Indicate that you do not know the answer");

System.out.println("(d) Exit");

// Create Scanner

// Ask for input

char input;

while (true) {

input = sc.nextLine().toLowerCase().charAt(0);

if (input == 'a' || input == 'b' || input == 'c' ||input == 'd') {

return input;

} else {

System.out.println("Please enter a valid option.");





* This is the main function.

* @param args Argumnents

* @throws Exception Exception


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Create Scanner

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

// Create a Random object

Random rnd = new Random();

// First, create the 5 boxes

Box box1 = new Box(0.5161);

Box box2 = new Box(0.2581);

Box box3 = new Box(0.1290);

Box box4 = new Box(0.0645);

Box box5 = new Box(0.0323);

// Add two card to each box

box1.addCard(new FlashCard("Dog", "Perro"));

box1.addCard(new FlashCard("Cat", "Gato"));

box2.addCard(new FlashCard("Keyboard", "Teclado"));

box2.addCard(new FlashCard("Chair", "Silla"));

box3.addCard(new FlashCard("I walk", "Yo camino"));

box3.addCard(new FlashCard("I am sleeping", "Yo estoy durmiendo"));

box4.addCard(new FlashCard("Monday in the morning", "Lunes por la mañana"));

box4.addCard(new FlashCard("Thursday afternoon", "Jueves por la tarde"));

box5.addCard(new FlashCard("I went to the school", "Yo fui a la escuela"));

box5.addCard(new FlashCard("I ate too much", "Comi demasiado"));

// Create an arraylist containing boxes

ArrayList boxes = new ArrayList();






// begin program

char input;

FlashCard picked = null;

int pickedFrom = -1;

String answer;

double prob;

while(true) {

// First, generate andom number to know from which box we will pick the card

while(picked == null) {

prob = rnd.nextDouble();

if(prob <= boxes.get(0).getProbability() && boxes.get(0).count() > 0) {

picked = boxes.get(0).drawCard();

pickedFrom = 0;

} else if(prob <= boxes.get(1).getProbability() && boxes.get(1).count() > 0) {

picked = boxes.get(1).drawCard();

pickedFrom = 1;

} else if(prob <= boxes.get(2).getProbability() && boxes.get(2).count() > 0) {

picked = boxes.get(2).drawCard();

pickedFrom = 2;

} else if(prob <= boxes.get(3).getProbability() && boxes.get(3).count() > 0) {

picked = boxes.get(3).drawCard();

pickedFrom = 3;

} else if(prob <= boxes.get(4).getProbability() && boxes.get(4).count() > 0) {

picked = boxes.get(4).drawCard();

pickedFrom = 4;



// Flip card


// DisplayEn esta fu


System.out.println("Picking a new card...");

System.out.println("The card shows: " + picked.getQuestion());


input = menu(sc);

if(input == 'a') {

// user decided to flip the card

// Display answer

System.out.println("You flip the card. The other side displays: " + picked.getAnswer());

// Add to box 1


} else if(input == 'b') {

System.out.print("Please enter your answer: ");

answer = sc.nextLine();

if(picked.getAnswer().toLowerCase().equals(answer.toLowerCase())) {


// Move card to next box (if there is any)

if(pickedFrom < 4) {



} else {

System.out.println("Sorry, that's incorrect.");

// Move card to box 1



} else if(input == 'c') {

// user do not know the answer

// Send to box 1 without showing the answer

// Add to box 1


// Clear picked variable

picked = null;

} else if(input == 'd') {

System.out.println("Good bye!");



picked = null;



