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Create a Program to Create Friends Finding System in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a C++ assignment program to create friends finding system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create friends finding system in C++
program to create friends finding system in C++ 1
program to create friends finding system in C++ 2
program to create friends finding system in C++ 3
program to create friends finding system in C++ 4

Source Code


#include "FriendFinder.h"



// default cosntructor


void FriendFinder::GetDetails()


string first_name, last_name;

int age, id;

cout << "What is your first name? ";

getline(cin, first_name);

cout << "What is your last name? ";

getline(cin, last_name);

bool valid_input = false;

// user a while loop here in case the user enters an invalid value

while (!valid_input)


cout << "What is your age? ";

cin >> age;

if (age > 0)

valid_input = true;



valid_input = false;

// user a while loop here in case the user enters an invalid value

while (!valid_input)


cout << "What is your ID? ";

cin >> id;

if (id > 0)

valid_input = true;



// Now, update person

m_me.SetDetails(first_name, last_name, age, id);


void FriendFinder::DisplayMenu(int &choice)


bool valid_input = false;

// use a while loop so program keeps asking to user until he/she enters a valid value

while (!valid_input)


// Function to display main menu

cout << "1. Display Entire Organization" << endl;

cout << "2. Display Friend List" << endl;

cout << "3. Search for a Friend" << endl;

cout << "4. Remove Friend" << endl;

cout << "5. Exit" << endl;

cin >> choice;

if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 5)

valid_input = true;



void FriendFinder::Start()


// First, create the person


// build orgaization



int choice;

bool running = true; // true until player enters the "Exit" option

cout << "************************" << endl;

cout << " Welcome to " << m_organization.GetName() << " Friend Finder" << endl;

cout << "************************" << endl;

cout << endl;

int user_input;

while (running)



if (choice == 1) // Display Entire Organization



cout << endl;


else if (choice == 2) // Display Friend List




else if (choice == 3) // search for a friend



Person* person = m_organization.GetPerson();

if (person != NULL)





else if (choice == 4) // Remove Friend


// First, display friends


if (m_me.GetFriendsCount() > 0)


bool valid_input = false;

while (!valid_input)


cout << "Who would you like to remove? ";

cin >> user_input;

if (user_input >= 1 && user_input <= m_me.GetFriendsCount())


// Get Friend

Person* p = m_me.GetFriends()[user_input];




cout << "There is no person in your Friends List with that index." << endl;




else if (choice == 5)

running = false;


// program ended. Show farewell message

cout << "Thank you for using " << m_organization.GetName() << " Friend Finder!" << endl;



#include "Organization.h"



// default constructor

m_numRoster = 0;


void Organization::SetName()


// ask user for organization name

cout << "What is the name of your organization? ";

getline(cin, m_name);


void Organization::LoadRoster()


// ask user for file name

cout << "Please enter file name: ";

getline(cin, m_fileName);

// Now, read file

// First, read the input file

ifstream input_file;

input_file.open(m_fileName, ios::in);

// get data

string line;

size_t found;

string first_name, last_name;

int age, ID;

while (getline(input_file, line))


//cout << line << endl;

// split line so we get each field

// each line has only 4 fields

found = line.find(",");

first_name = line.substr(0, found);

line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length());

found = line.find(",");

last_name = line.substr(0, found);

line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length());

found = line.find(",");

age = stoi(line.substr(0, found));

line = line.substr(found + 1, line.length());

ID = stoi(line);

// Build person

Person p(first_name, last_name, age, ID);

// add person to roster

m_roster[m_numRoster] = p;




cout << m_numRoster << " people loaded into the roster" << endl;


void Organization::DisplayRoster()


// check if there is people in roster

cout << "*****" << GetName() << "*****" << endl;

if (m_numRoster > 0)


// display all people in roster

int count = 1;

for (int i = 0; i < m_numRoster; i++)


cout << count << ". " << m_roster[i] << endl;





cout << "There is no people in the organization." << endl;


Person* Organization::GetPerson()



// check if m_roster is populated

if (m_numRoster > 0)


// now, ask number of person

int index;

cout << "Who would you like to friend?" << endl;

while (true)


cin >> index;

if (index >= 1 && index <= m_numRoster) // valid


Person* p = (m_roster + index-1);

return p;





return NULL; // return null



#include "Person.h"



// constructor without parameters

m_friendCount = 0;


Person::Person(string first_name, string last_name, int age, int ID)


m_friendCount = 0;

m_fName = first_name;

m_lName = last_name;

m_age = age;

m_ID = ID;


void Person::AddFriend(Person* person)


m_friends[m_friendCount] = person;


cout << "You are now friends with " << person->m_fName << "!" << endl;


void Person::RemoveFriend(Person* person)


// First, iterate through array to check if the person exists

for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++)


Person *p = m_friends[i];

if (p->m_ID == person->m_ID)


// Iterate from element i to the end and move the remaining elements in the array to the left

for (int j = i + 1; j < m_friendCount; j++)


m_friends[i] = m_friends[j];


// remove the last element from the array






bool Person::CheckID(int id)


for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++)


if (m_friends[i]->m_ID== id)


return true;



return false;


void Person::DisplayFriends()


if (m_friendCount < 1)

cout << "You don't have any friends yet" << endl;

else if (m_friendCount <= 10)


cout << "Friend List for " << m_fName << endl;

int count = 1;

for (int i = 0; i < m_friendCount; i++)


Person p =*m_friends[i];

cout << count << ". " << p << endl;




else if (m_friendCount > 10) // display only the first 4 and last 4


cout << "Friend List for " << m_fName << endl;

int count = 1;

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


Person p = *m_friends[i];

cout << count << ". " << p << endl;



cout << ".\n.\n.\n";

count = m_friendCount - 4;

for (int i = m_friendCount - 4; i < m_friendCount; i++)


Person p = *m_friends[i];

cout << count << ". " << p << endl;





void Person::DisplayDetails()


cout << "You are: " << m_fName << " " << m_lName << " (" << m_age << " yrs) " << m_ID << endl;


void Person::SetDetails(string first_name, string last_name, int age, int id)


m_fName = first_name;

m_lName = last_name;

m_age = age;

m_ID = id;
