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Create a Program to Create Shopping System in Java Assignment Solution.


Write a java homework program to create shopping system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create shopping system in java

Source Code



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package shopping;



* @author Eduardo


public class ElectronicItem extends ShoppingItem {

private int storage;

public ElectronicItem(String name, int quantity, double price, int storage)


super(name, quantity, price);

this.storage = storage;


public int getStorage() {return storage;}

public void setStorage(int newStorage) {storage = newStorage;}


public String toString(){

return "(Electronics) " + super.toString() + String.format(", Storage: %d GB", getStorage());





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package shopping;



* @author Eduardo


public class FoodItem extends ShoppingItem {

private int calories;

private double proteins;

public FoodItem(String name, int quantity, double price, int calories, double proteins)


super(name, quantity, price);

this.calories = calories;

this.proteins = proteins;


public int getCalories() {return calories;}

public double getProteins() {return proteins;}

public void setCalories(int newCalories) {calories = newCalories;}

public void setProteins(double newProteins) {proteins = newProteins;}


public String toString(){

return "(Food) " + super.toString() + String.format(", Calories: %d, Proteins: %.1f%%", getCalories(), getProteins()*100.0);





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package shopping;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Scanner;



* @author Ken


public class Shopping {


* @param args the command line arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create Scanner

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

ShoppingBag myBag = new ShoppingBag(); //this is myBag. I can buy things to put in it

// Create a list of all available items in the shop

List stock = new ArrayList();

// add some items as examples, like food and electronics

stock.add(new FoodItem("Bag of 10x oranges", 10, 0.499, 100, 0.05));

stock.add(new FoodItem("Bread", 1, 0.5, 140, 0.1));

stock.add(new ElectronicItem("microSD Kingston", 1, 59.99, 512));

stock.add(new ElectronicItem("Crucial SSD", 1, 69.99, 1000));

// start program



// dsplay menu


System.out.println("Please enter an option: ");

// ask for main menu

int option = getMenuOption(sc, 1, 3);


if(option == 1) // buy item


// display items


System.out.println("Please enter an option: ");

// ask for item id

int index = getMenuOption(sc, 1, stock.size());


// get item by index

ShoppingItem item = stock.get(index-1);

// add item to the bag


// display item info

System.out.println("The following item has been added to your bag: " + item.toString());


else if(option == 2) // list items




else if(option == 3) // print bag and leave


System.out.println("Here is a summary of your orders:");







// method to display the menu

public static void displayMainMenu()


System.out.println("1) Buy Item");

System.out.println("2) List all items in bag");

System.out.println("3) Leave Shop");


public static void displayAvailableItems(List items)


// get number of items

int N = items.size();

// assign one id to each item

int i = 1;

for(ShoppingItem item: items)


System.out.println(String.format("%d) %s", i, item.toString()));




public static int getMenuOption(Scanner sc, int lb, int ub)



This function asks to user for a menu option (int) that is between lb and ub

If the user enters a wrong option, the function will keep requesting for the correct one




int option = Integer.valueOf(sc.nextLine());

if(option >= lb && option <= ub)

return option;


System.out.println(String.format("Please enter an optionn between %d and %d.", lb, ub));


