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Create a Program to Implement Geometric Shapes in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a C++ assignment program to implement geometric shapes.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement geometric shapes in C++
program to implement geometric shapes in C++ 1
program to implement geometric shapes in C++ 2

Source Code


#include "Circle.hpp"



radius = 1.0;


Circle::Circle(double rad) // parametrized constructor


radius = rad;


// getters

double Circle::getRadius() {return radius;}

// setters

void Circle::setRadius(double newrad) {radius = newrad;}

// methods

double Circle::area() {return PI*radius*radius;}

double Circle::circunference() {return 2*PI*radius;}

double Circle::diameter() {return 2*radius;}

bool Circle::compareWithRect(Rectangle rect)


return rect.area() == area();



#include "rectangle.hpp"




length = 1.0;

width = 1.0;


Rectangle::Rectangle(double l, double w)


length = l;

width = w;


// getters

double Rectangle::getLength() {return length;}

double Rectangle::getWidth() {return width;}

// setters

void Rectangle::setLength(double newlength) {length = newlength;}

void Rectangle::setWidth(double newwidth) {width = newwidth;}

// methods

double Rectangle::area() {return length*width;}

double Rectangle::diagonal() {return sqrt(pow(length, 2) + pow(width, 2));}

double Rectangle::perimeter() {return 2*(length + width);}



#include "circle.cpp"

#include "triangle.cpp"

#include "rectangle.cpp"

using namespace std;

void display_menu()


// Function to display all the options from the menu

cout << "1. Create Circle" << endl;

cout << "2. Create Triangle" << endl;

cout << "3. Create Rectangle" << endl;

cout << "4. Quit" << endl;


int get_option()


// This function asks to user to enter a menu option.

// If the option is not valid, the function will keep prompting the user until a valid option is entered

int option;

while(true) // infinite loop


cout << "Please enter an option: ";

cin >> option;

if(option >= 1 && option <= 4) // option is valid

return option;

else // option is invalid

cout << "Invalid option." << endl;



char get_yes_no()


// This function asks to user for Yes (y) or No (N)

char option;



cout << "Do you want to enter the parameters of the shape (Y) or use default values (N)? (Y/N): ";

cin >> option;

if(option == 'y' ||option == 'Y' ||option == 'n' ||option == 'N')

return option;


cout << "Invalid option." << endl;



double get_double()


// This function prompts user for a double value that is positive

double option;



cin >> option;

if(option > 0)

return option;


cout << "Please enter only positive values." << endl;



int main()


bool running = true; // variable used for the while-loop to keep the program running

int option; // store user's numeric option here

char optionchar; // store user's char input here

double radius, base, height, length, width; // double variable to store shapes parameters




option = get_option();

if(option == 1) // create a circle


// Create circle

Circle circle;

// Ask if he/she wants to enter the parameters or use default values

optionchar = get_yes_no();

if(optionchar == 'y' || optionchar == 'Y') // user wants to enter the parameters


cout << "Enter radius: ";

radius = get_double();

// Call parametrized constructor

circle = Circle(radius);



// if the option is No, then the circle object created already has default values

// Display all info about the circle

cout << "***** Circle *****" << endl;

cout << "Radius: " << circle.getRadius() << endl;

cout << "Diameter: " << circle.diameter() << endl;

cout << "Area: " << circle.area() << endl;

cout << "Circumference: " << circle.circunference() << endl;

cout << endl;


else if(option == 2) // Triangle


// Create Triangle

Triangle triangle;

// Ask if he/she wants to enter the parameters or use default values

optionchar = get_yes_no();

if(optionchar == 'y' || optionchar == 'Y') // user wants to enter the parameters


cout << "Enter base: ";

base = get_double();

cout << "Enter height: ";

height = get_double();

// Call parametrized constructor

triangle = Triangle(base, height);




// if the option is No, then the circle object created already has default values

// Display all info about the circle

cout << "***** Triangle *****" << endl;

cout << "Base: " << triangle.getBase() << endl;

cout << "Height: " << triangle.getHeight() << endl;

cout << "Area: " << triangle.area() << endl;

cout << endl;


else if(option == 3) // Rectangle


// Create Rectangle

Rectangle rectangle;

// Ask if he/she wants to enter the parameters or use default values

optionchar = get_yes_no();

if(optionchar == 'y' || optionchar == 'Y') // user wants to enter the parameters


cout << "Enter length: ";

length = get_double();

cout << "Enter width: ";

width = get_double();

rectangle = Rectangle(length, width);


// if the option is No, then the circle object created already has default values

// Display all info about the circle

cout << "***** Rectangle *****" << endl;

cout << "Length: " << rectangle.getLength() << endl;

cout << "Width: " << rectangle.getWidth() << endl;

cout << "Area: " << rectangle.area() << endl;

cout << "Diagonal: " << rectangle.diagonal() << endl;

cout << "Perimeter: " << rectangle.perimeter() << endl;

cout << endl;


else if(option == 4)


cout << "Good bye!" << endl;

running = false;



return 0;



#include "Triangle.hpp"

Triangle::Triangle()// default constrcutor


    base = 1.0;

    height = 1.0;


Triangle::Triangle(double b, double h) // parametrized constructor


    base = b;

    height = h;


// getters

double Triangle::getBase() {return base;}

double Triangle::getHeight() {return height;}

// setters

void Triangle::setBase(double newbase) {base = newbase;}

void Triangle::setHeight(double newheight) {height = newheight;}

// methods

double Triangle::area() {return base*height/2.0;}