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Java Program to Implement Player Management System Assignment Solution.


Write a java assignment program to implement player management system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement player management system in java
program to implement player management system in java 1

Source Code



* Class to create Player objects


public class Player



* Player name


private String name;


* Player's team name


private String teamName;


* Number of goals


private int goals;


Overloaded constrcutor

* @param name String

* @param teamName String

* @param goals int


public Player(String name, String teamName, int goals) {

this.name = name;

this.teamName = teamName;

this.goals = goals;


public String getName() {

return this.name;


public String getTeamName() {

return this.teamName;


public int getGoals() {

return this.goals;


public void setName(String newName) {

this.name = newName;


public void setTeamName(String newTeamName) {

this.teamName = newTeamName;


public void setGoals(int newGoals) {

this.goals = newGoals;



public String toString() {

return String.format("%s (%s): %d goals", getName(), getTeamName(), getGoals());




import java.io.File;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class League {

private static List players;

public League() {

players = new ArrayList();


public static void addPlayer(Player player) {



public static void printLeague() {

// Print all players

for(Player p: players) {




public static void printAverageScore() {

// Calculate the average score

double avg_score = 0.0;

// Loop through players

for(Player p: players) {

avg_score += p.getGoals();


// Calculate avg

avg_score /= (double)players.size();

System.out.println(String.format("The average score is %.2f", avg_score));


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

League l = new League();

// Check that a file name was passed via arguments

if(args.length < 1) {

System.out.println("You must give the name of the file containing the players data.");



// Get name of file

String file_name = args[0];

// Create Scanner

Scanner reader = new Scanner(new File(file_name));

String line;

while(reader.hasNextLine()) {

// read line

line = reader.nextLine();

// Split

String[] row = line.split(",");

// Get name, team and goals

String name = row[0].strip();

String teamName = row[1].strip();

int goals = Integer.valueOf(row[2].strip());

// Create player object

Player player = new Player(name, teamName, goals);

// Add to list of players



// print all players


// Print average score


// Close scanner


