+1 (315) 557-6473 

Create a Program to Implement Puzzle in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a c++ assignment program to implement puzzle.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement puzzle in c++
program to implement puzzle in c++ 1

Source Code




using namespace std;

string puzzleMaker(string str, int L)


int Len = L * 2;

char word[Len];

int WordLen = str.length();

int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)


if (count < WordLen and i % 2 != 0)


word[i] = str[count];





word[i] = 'a' + rand() % 26;



return word;


void createNew()


int noOfWords = 0, highLen = 0;

cout << "How many words you like to type?:";

cin >> noOfWords;

string words[noOfWords];

string puzzles[noOfWords];

for (int i = 0; i < noOfWords; i++)


cout << "Enter word [" << i + 1 << "]:";

cin >> words[i];

int tempSize = words[i].length();

if (tempSize >= highLen)


highLen = tempSize;



for (int i = 0; i < noOfWords; i++)


string tempWord = puzzleMaker(words[i], highLen);

puzzles[i] = tempWord;


cout << "Do you want to save this?(Y/N):";

char ans;

cin >> ans;

if (ans == 'y' || ans == 'Y')


string fileName;

cout << "Enter file name to save puzzle:";

cin >> fileName;

fstream puzzleData;

puzzleData.open(fileName + ".txt", ios::out);

if (puzzleData.is_open())


puzzleData << "Puzzles";

for (int i = 0; i < noOfWords; i++)


puzzleData << puzzles[i] << "";


puzzleData << "Solutions";

for (int i = 0; i < noOfWords; i++)


puzzleData << words[i] << "";





void openOld(string fileName)


fstream puzzleData;

puzzleData.open(fileName + ".txt", ios::in);

if (puzzleData.is_open())


string tempData;

while (getline(puzzleData, tempData))


cout << tempData << "";




class Node



string data;

Node *next;

Node(string value)


data = value;

next = NULL;



void insert(Node *&head, string value)


Node *n = new Node(value);

if (head == NULL)


head = n;



Node *temp = head;

while (temp->next != NULL)


temp = temp->next;


temp->next = n;


void solvePuzzle(string fileName)


Node *puzzles = NULL;

Node *solutions = NULL;

fstream puzzleData;

puzzleData.open(fileName + ".txt", ios::in);

if (puzzleData.is_open())


string tempData;

int val = 0;

while (getline(puzzleData, tempData))


if (val == 2)


insert(puzzles, tempData);


if (val == 1)


insert(solutions, tempData);


if (tempData == "Puzzles")


val = 2;


if (tempData == "Solutions")


val = 1;



Node *temp1 = solutions;

Node *temp2 = puzzles;

while (temp1 != NULL)


while (temp2 != NULL)


if (temp1 == NULL)


temp2 = NULL;



string selectedSolution = temp1->data;

string selectedPuzzle = temp2->data;

int lenPuzzle = strlen(selectedPuzzle.c_str());

int lenSolution = strlen(selectedSolution.c_str());

for (int i = 0; i < lenSolution; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < lenPuzzle; j++)


if (selectedSolution[i] == selectedPuzzle[j])


cout << selectedSolution[i];

i = i + 1;




cout << " ";




cout << "";

temp2 = temp2->next;

temp1 = temp1->next;





int main()


bool start = true;

while (start)


cout << "Choose an option:" << endl;

cout << "(1) Create a new puzzle" << endl;

cout << "(2) Open an existing puzzle" << endl;

cout << "(3) Solve an existing puzzle" << endl;

cout << "(4) Exit" << endl;

int userInput = 0;

cin >> userInput;

string fileName1, fileName2;

switch (userInput)


case 1:



case 2:

cout << "Enter file name to read old puzzle:";

cin >> fileName1;



case 3:

cout << "Enter file name to read old puzzle:";

cin >> fileName2;



case 4:

start = false;



cout << "Please enter a valid choice 1-4!" << endl;



