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Java Program to Implement Vehicle Management Assignment Solution.


Write a java assignment program to implement vehicle management.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement vehicle management in java

Source Code


* This class represents a Bus object.

* Bus that contains location and stopsPerMile

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class Bus extends Vehicle {


* Location of the Bus


private String location;


* Number of stops per Mile


private int stopsPerMile;


* Constructor that creates a Bus object.

* Given id, numMiles, location and stopsPermile

* @param id String

* @param numMiles int

* @param location String

* @param stopsPerMile int


public Bus(String id, int numMiles, String location, int stopsPerMile) {

super(id, numMiles, new String[20]);

this.location = location;

this.stopsPerMile = stopsPerMile;



* Constructor that creates a Bus object.

* Given id, numMiles and location

* @param id String

* @param location String


public Bus(String id, String location) {

super(id, 0, new String[20]);

this.location = location;

this.stopsPerMile = 2;



* Method to check if the us can drive a given distance.

* @return boolean



public boolean canDrive(int distance) {

return distance >= 0;



* Method that calculates the cost for a travel.

* @return double



public double calculateCost(int distance) {

return (canDrive(distance)) ? distance * 3 / stopsPerMile : -1;



* Method that add passengers.

* @return boolean



public boolean addPassenger(int distance, String[] names) {

if (canDrive(distance)) {

// Loop through names

for (String s: names) {

// Get index of a free seat

for (int i = 0; i < this.passengers.length; i++) {

if (this.passengers[i] == null) { // seat is free

this.passengers[i] = s;






setEarnings(getEarnings() + calculateCost(distance));

return true;

} else {

return false;




* Compare two bus objects.

* @return boolean



public boolean equals(Object other) {

if (other == this) {

return true;


if (!(other instanceof Bus)) {

return false;


Bus otherBus = (Bus) other;

return super.equals(other) && getLocation().equals(otherBus.getLocation())

&& getStopsPerMile() == otherBus.getStopsPerMile();



* Return a string representation of the bus.

* @return String



public String toString() {

return String.format("Bus %s This bus drives around %s and "

+ "makes %d stops per mile.", super.toString(), getLocation(), getStopsPerMile());



* Getter method for location.

* @return String


public String getLocation() {

return this.location;



* Getter method for stops per mile.

* @return int


public int getStopsPerMile() {

return this.stopsPerMile;



* Setter method for location.

* @param newLocation String


public void setLocation(String newLocation) {

this.location = newLocation;



* Setter method for stops per mile.

* @param newStopsPerMile int


public void setStopsPerMile(int newStopsPerMile) {

this.stopsPerMile = newStopsPerMile;





* This class represents a Car object.

* Car that contains rate, fees and maxNumMiles

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class Car extends Vehicle {


* Car rate


private double rate;


* One time fee


private double fees;


* Max number of miles


private int maxNumMiles;


* Constructor that creates a Car object.

* Given a id, numMiles, passengers, rate, fees and maxNumMiles

* @param id String

* @param numMiles int

* @param passengers Array of String

* @param rate double

* @param fees double

* @param maxNumMiles int


public Car(String id, int numMiles, String[] passengers,

double rate, double fees, int maxNumMiles) {

super(id, numMiles, passengers);

this.rate = rate;

his.maxNumMiles = maxNumMiles;



* Constructor that creates a Car object.

* Given a id, numMiles and maxNumMiles

* @param id String

* @param numMiles int

* @param maxNumMiles int


public Car(String id, int numMiles, int maxNumMiles) {

super(id, numMiles, new String[4]);

this.rate = 10.0;

this.fees = 15.0;

this.maxNumMiles = maxNumMiles;



* Constructor that creates a Car object.

* Given a id and set default values to all other variables

* @param id String


public Car(String id) {

super(id, 0, new String[4]);

this.maxNumMiles = 200;

this.rate = 10.0;

this.fees = 15.0;



* Method to check if the car can drive the given distance.

* @return boolean



public boolean canDrive(int distance) {

return distance >= 0 && (getNumMiles() + distance) <= maxNumMiles;



* Method to calculate the cost.

* @return double



public double calculateCost(int distance) {

double cost = (canDrive(distance)) ? (fees + rate * distance) : -1;

return cost;



* Method to add list of passengers.

* @return boolean



public boolean addPassenger(int distance, String[] names) {

if (canDrive(distance)) {

// Get number of free seats

int numFree = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < this.passengers.length; i++) {

if (this.passengers[i] == null) {




if (numFree >= names.length) { // there are seats for everybody

for (String s: names) {

// First, get the index of the first free seat

int index = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < this.passengers.length; i++) {

if (this.passengers[i] == null) {

index = i;




// Add to passengers

this.passengers[index] = s;



setEarnings(getEarnings() + calculateCost(distance));

return true;

} else {

return false;


} else {

return false;




* Method to check if two car objects are equal.

* @return boolean



public boolean equals(Object other) {

if (other == this) {

return true;


if (!(other instanceof Car)) {

return false;


Car otherCar = (Car) other;

return super.equals(other) && this.getRate() == otherCar.getRate()

&& otherCar.getFees() == this.getFees()

&& this.getMaxNumMiles() == otherCar.getMaxNumMiles();



* Method that returns a string representation of the car object.

* @return String



public String toString() {

return String.format("Car %s It can only drive %s miles."

+ " It costs %.2f dollars per mile and "

+ "there is a one-time fee of %.2f dollars", super.toString(),






* Getter method that returns the rate of the Car.

* @return double


public double getRate() {

return this.rate;



;* Getter method to return the fee.

* @return double


; public double getFees() {

return this.fees;



* Getter method to get the max num of miles.

* @return int


public int getMaxNumMiles() {

return this.maxNumMiles;



* Setter method for rate.

* @param newRate double


public void setRate(double newRate) {

; this.rate = newRate;



* Setter method for fees.

* @param newFees double


public void setFees(double newFees) {

this.fees = newFees;



* Setter method for max number of miles.

* @param newMaxNumMiles int


public void setMaxNumMiles(int newMaxNumMiles) {

this.maxNumMiles = newMaxNumMiles;

