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Room Booking System Implementation in Java

This Java code exemplifies a room booking system featuring client management, room loading, and booking functionalities. The program employs object-oriented principles with classes for clients, rooms, and bookings. It persists client data to a file, loads room data from external files, and checks room availability before confirming bookings. The system provides a user-friendly console interface with options to add clients, list clients, add bookings, and more. The modular structure ensures maintainability, and the use of Java streams and collections enhances efficiency. This implementation showcases fundamental concepts in Java programming for building robust and interactive room booking applications.

Java Room Booking System: A Comprehensive Code Overview

The provided Java code constitutes a Room Booking System, featuring client management, room allocation, and booking functionalities. The program initiates with a user interface allowing clients to add, list, and cancel bookings, while also providing options to manage clients and rooms. It persistently stores client data in a file and loads it during system startup. Additionally, the system can dynamically load room information from separate files for labs, meeting rooms, and conference rooms. The code showcases a modular approach, encapsulating distinct functions such as adding clients, loading data, and finding available rooms. If you need further clarification or help with your Java assignment, feel free to ask for specific assistance with code segments or concepts within the provided system.

Block1: Imports and Class Declaration:

package RoomBookingSystem; import java.io.*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class RoomBookingSystem {


  • Imports necessary Java libraries.
  • Declares the RoomBookingSystem class with fields and methods for managing clients, rooms, and bookings.

Block 2: Class Fields

private final String CLIENTS_FILE = "clients.txt"; private final String LABS_FILE = "Labs.txt"; private final String CONFERENCE_ROOM_FILE = "ConferenceRooms.txt"; private final String MEETING_ROOM_FILE = "MeetingRooms.txt"; private Set clients; private Map rooms; private List bookings;


  • Defines file names for storing data.
  • Initializes data structures for clients, rooms, and bookings.

Block 3: Constructor

public RoomBookingSystem() { clients = new HashSet<>(); rooms = new HashMap<>(); bookings = new ArrayList<>(); }


  • Initializes the data structures when an instance of the RoomBookingSystem class is created.

Block 4: Main Method

public static void main(String[] args) { RoomBookingSystem system = new RoomBookingSystem(); system.run(); }


Creates an instance of the RoomBookingSystem class and starts the system by calling the run method.

Block 5: Run Method - User Interface

public void run() { // ... // User interface with menu options for managing the system. // ... }


  • Implements the main user interface for the Room Booking System. It displays a menu with options and processes user input accordingly.

Block 6: Add Client Method

private void addClient(Scanner scanner) { // ... // Collects client information from the user and adds a new client to the system. // Persists client data to a file. // ... }


  • Takes user input to add a new client to the system and persists client data to a file.

Block 7: Load Clients on Startup Method:

private void loadClientsOnStartup() { // ... // Loads client data from a file during system startup. // ... }


  • Loads client data from a file during system startup.

Block 8: Persist Client Method

private void persistClient(Set client) { // ... // Persists client data to a file. // ... }


  • Persists client data to a file.
Block 9: List Bookings by Room Method private void listBookingsByRoom(Scanner scanner) { // ... // Displays bookings for a specified room based on user input. // ... }


  • Lists bookings for a specified room based on user input.

Block 10: Load Rooms Method

private void loadRooms() { // ... // Loads room data from files (labs, meeting rooms, conference rooms). // ... }


  • Loads room data from files (labs, meeting rooms, conference rooms) during system startup.

Block 11: Create Separate Value Lists Method

private Collection > createSeparateValueLists(int chunkSize, List valuesList) { // ... // Splits a list of values into separate lists based on a specified chunk size. // ... }


  • Splits a list of values into separate lists based on a specified chunk size.

Block 12: List Bookings by Client Method

public void listBookingsByClient(Scanner scanner) { // ... // Lists bookings for a specified client based on user input. // ... }


  • Lists bookings for a specified client based on user input.

Block 13: Cancel Booking Method

public void cancelBooking(Scanner sc) { // ... // Cancels a booking based on user input. // ... }


  • Cancels a booking based on user input.

Block 14: List Clients Method

public void listClients() { // ... // Displays a list of clients. // ... }


  • Displays a list of clients.

Block 15: Add Booking Method

private void addBooking(Scanner scanner) { // ... // Adds a new booking to the system based on user input. // ... }


  • Adds a new booking to the system based on user input.

Block 16: Find Available Room Method:

private Room findAvailableRoom(int numAttendees, int numberOfWorkingStations, boolean hasASmartBoard, boolean hasAPrinter, LocalDateTime startDate, LocalDateTime endDateTime) { // ... // Finds an available room based on booking criteria. // ... }


  • Finds an available room based on booking criteria.

Block 17: Check If Room Is Free Method:

private boolean checkIfRoomIsFree(String referenceNumber, LocalDateTime startDate, LocalDateTime endDate) { // ... // Checks if a room is free for a specified time range. // ... }


  • Checks if a room is free for a specified time range.


In conclusion, the provided Java code showcases the implementation of a versatile Room Booking System. With features for managing clients, rooms, and bookings, the system offers a user-friendly interface through a console-based menu. Notably, it employs file handling to persist client data and loads room information from designated files during system initialization. The code demonstrates effective use of Java streams and collections, enhancing readability and maintainability. Overall, this Room Booking System serves as a foundational example of a practical application, incorporating object-oriented principles, user input handling, and data persistence, making it a valuable resource for understanding Java programming concepts in a real-world context.