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Create a Program to Sort a List Using Recursive Merge Sort in X86 Assembly Language Assignment Solution.


Write a program to sort a list using recursive merge sort in x86 Assembly language.

Requirements and Specifications

Write an x86 assembler assignment that to perform a recursive Mergesort sorting algorithm on a list of unsigned integers (up to 32-bits). The algorithm must correctly sort all the items in the input list in ascending order.
The declaration for the unsorted list must appear like the below picture in your code. Do not prompt the user to manually input the list.
Keep the following things in mind:
  • Be sure to reuse your for merging sorted lists from code from PA #5. If your PA#5 implementation did not work, then fix it before attempting this problem.
  • You must implement a recursive Merge Sort algorithm. The pseudocode for this, as well as other information on Mergesort, can be found in the attached PPT file. You can also Google other material and tutorials on Mergesort.
  • Do not artificially limit the size of the input list. Thus, you are advised to use operators to determine the size of the list.
  • Be aware that I will inspect your code as well as run it. If you implement an algorithm other than Mergesort (like Bubblesort), you will receive a zero. Your Mergesort implementation needs to be recursive.
Screenshots of output
sort a list using recursion in assembly language
sort a list using recursion in assembly language 1
sort a list using recursion in assembly language 2
sort a list using recursion in assembly language 3
sort a list using recursion in assembly language 4

Source Code

TITLE Program 7

; This program takes an unsorted array and sorts

; it using mergesort.

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


ProgInfo BYTE "CPSC 232 - Mergesort Program", 0

unSortList DWORD 1000, 501, 100, 51, 0, 1, 1, 0, 50, 101, 500, 1001

;unSortList DWORD 0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0

;unSortList DWORD 27,10,12,20,25,13,44,15,22,10,44,50,10

;unSortList DWORD 27,1000,12,20,25,13,44,15,22,10,44,50,10

;unSortList DWORD 100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91,90,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,59,59,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0

tempList DWORD (LENGTHOF unsortList) DUP(0)

List1 BYTE "The unsorted list is: ", 0

List2 BYTE 10,"The sorted list is: ", 0

comma BYTE ", "


Display PROC

mov eax,[esi]

add esi, 4

call writedec

dec ecx


lea edx, comma

call writestring

mov eax,[esi]

add esi, 4

call writedec

loop DisplayLoop


Display ENDP

Merge proc


cmp ebx, 0

je AddArray2

cmp ecx, 0

je AddArray1

mov eax,[esi]

cmp eax,[edi]

jl AddArray1 ;Jump if less

jmp AddArray2 ;Jump if greater or equal


cmp ebx, 0

je EndJump

mov eax,[esi]

mov [edx],ax

add esi,4

add edx,4

dec ebx

jmp L1


cmp ecx, 0

je EndJump

mov eax,[edi]

mov [edx],ax

add edi,4

add edx,4

dec ecx

jmp L1



Merge ENDP

; Sorts using mergesort,

; requires esi = array to sort, edi = temporary array, ecx = array length

MergeSort PROC

push ecx ; save length

push esi ; save array

push edi ; save temp array

cmp ecx, 1 ; if length is 1, it's sorted

jle endSort

push ecx

shr ecx,1 ; divide length by 2

call MergeSort ; sort the half array

mov eax, ecx

pop ecx

push esi

push eax

sub ecx, eax ; get length of second half of array

shl eax, 2 ; multiply first array length by 4

add esi, eax ; advance pointer

call MergeSort ; sort the half array

mov edx, edi

mov edi, esi

pop ebx ; load length of first array

pop esi ; load address of first array

call Merge

mov esi,[esp] ; load address of temp array

mov edi,[esp + 4] ; load address of initial array

mov ecx, [esp+8] ; load number of elements

; copy from temp to initial array


mov eax,[esi]

mov [edi], eax

add esi, 4

add edi, 4

loop copy


pop edi ; restore registers

pop esi

pop ecx


MergeSort ENDP

main PROC

mov edx, OFFSET Proginfo

call WriteString

call Crlf

call Crlf

mov edx, offset List1

call writestring

mov ecx,lengthof unsortList

mov esi,offset unsortList

call Display

mov esi,OFFSET unsortList

mov edi,OFFSET tempList

mov ecx,LENGTHOF unsortList ; elements in list

call MergeSort

mov edx, offset List2

call writestring

mov ecx,lengthof unsortList

mov esi,offset unsortList

call Display

call Crlf


main ENDP

END main