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How to Create 10 Test Cases for UI in Software Design

In this guide, we will delve into the process of creating ten comprehensive test cases for UI in software design. Through meticulous testing, you can validate the responsiveness and accessibility of your user interface, leading to a more intuitive and enjoyable experience for your users. By covering a diverse range of test scenarios, you can fortify your application against unexpected errors, making it more robust and user-centric. Additionally, these carefully crafted test cases empower your development team to identify potential weaknesses and implement improvements to deliver a flawless user interface.

  • Test Case: Verify UI Elements Existence

test('UI Elements Existence', () => {

const header = document.getElementById('header');

const sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar');

const mainContent = document.getElementById('main-content');

// Assertion





Explanation: This test ensures that essential UI elements, such as the header, sidebar, and main content, exist on the page.

  • Test Case: Validate Form Input

test('Form Input Validation', () => {

const nameInput = document.getElementById('name-input');

nameInput.value = 'John Doe';

// Trigger change event to simulate user input

TestLib.fireEvent(nameInput, 'change');

// Assertion

expect(nameInput.value).toBe('John Doe');


Explanation: This test case, often a topic where students seek software engineering assignment help, focuses on validating form input functionality. It simulates user input in the name field and verifies that the entered value is correctly captured.

  • Test Case: Test Button Click Functionality

test('Button Click Functionality', () => {

const button = document.getElementById('submit-button');

// Trigger click event

TestLib.fireEvent(button, 'click');

// Assertion

// Add relevant assertions here to verify the expected behavior after button click.


Explanation: This test case examines the button click functionality. It verifies that clicking the submit button triggers the expected action.

  • Test Case: Validate Error Messages

test('Error Message Display', () => {

const emailInput = document.getElementById('email-input');

emailInput.value = 'invalid-email';

// Trigger blur event to validate input and display error message

TestLib.fireEvent(emailInput, 'blur');

// Assertion

expect(document.getElementById('error-message').innerText).toBe('Invalid email address');


Explanation: Error message display is crucial for providing feedback to users. This test checks if error messages are shown correctly when invalid data is entered into an input field.

  • Test Case: Test Dropdown Selection

test('Dropdown Selection', () => {

const dropdown = document.getElementById('select-dropdown');

dropdown.value = 'option2';

// Trigger change event to simulate user selection

TestLib.fireEvent(dropdown, 'change');

// Assertion

// Add relevant assertions here to verify the expected behavior after dropdown selection.


Explanation: Dropdowns are commonly used UI elements. This test ensures that selecting an option from the dropdown updates the underlying data as expected.

  • Test Case: Test Modal Popup

test('Modal Popup', () => {

const openModalButton = document.getElementById('open-modal-button');

// Trigger click event

TestLib.fireEvent(openModalButton, 'click');

// Assertion



Explanation: This test checks the functionality of modal popups. It verifies that the modal popup opens correctly when triggered.

  • Test Case: Test Data Loading

test('Data Loading', () => {

// Simulate data loading

const testData = { name: 'Test User', age: 25 };


// Assertion

expect(document.getElementById('name').innerText).toBe('Test User');



Explanation: In this scenario, we test data loading functionality by simulating data retrieval and ensuring that it is correctly displayed in the UI.

  • Test Case: Test Sorting Function

test('Sorting Function', () => {

const data = [5, 2, 8, 3, 1];

const sortedData = sortData(data);

// Assertion

expect(sortedData).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 5, 8]);


Explanation: Sorting functions are essential for presenting data in a meaningful way. This test verifies if the sorting function produces the expected output.

  • Test Case: Test Image Loading

test('Image Loading', () => {

const imageElement = document.getElementById('profile-image');

// Assertion




Explanation: Images are a common element in UI. This test case checks if images are loaded correctly and appear on the page.

  • Test Case: Test Responsive Design

test('Responsive Design', () => {

// Set the window size to a specific resolution

TestLib.setWindowSize(768, 1024);

// Assertion

// Add relevant assertions here to check if the UI components are correctly positioned for the specified resolution.


Explanation: With various screen sizes and devices, responsive design is crucial. This test ensures that the UI adapts correctly to different resolutions.


Properly testing the UI is fundamental to delivering a seamless user experience and identifying potential issues in your software design. By incorporating these ten test cases into your UI testing strategy, you can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your application. Remember that a well-tested UI not only boosts user satisfaction but also builds trust and credibility for your brand. So, embrace the art of testing and ensure that your application stands strong in the face of real-world usage. Happy testing!