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Creating Reliable C# Applications with Unit Testing

In this guide, we'll explore the world of unit testing in C# through a practical example: the CartTests class. Unit testing is a fundamental practice in software development that empowers developers to verify the accuracy of their code and detect potential bugs at an early stage of the development process. We'll delve into the principles of unit testing, demonstrate how to create effective test cases, and provide hands-on examples to help you master this essential skill, making your code more robust and reliable. By the end of this guide, you'll not only be equipped with the knowledge to create rock-solid C# applications but also be better prepared to collaborate with confidence in team development environments.

Code Reliability through C# Unit Testing

Explore how building trustworthy C# applications through unit testing can significantly help your C# assignment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the principles and practical examples of unit testing in C#, using the CartTests class. By embracing unit testing, you can enhance code reliability and create dependable C# applications, ultimately making your assignments more robust and efficient. Additionally, you'll gain the skills needed to catch and fix bugs early in the development process, ensuring the success of your programming projects.

Block 1: Namespace and Using Statements

```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Xunit; namespace YourNamespace.Tests { public class SampleTests { [Fact] public void Test1() { // Arrange int num1 = 2; int num2 = 3; // Act int result = num1 + num2; // Assert Assert.Equal(5, result); } [Fact] public void Test2() { // Arrange string message = "Hello, World!"; // Act int length = message.Length; // Assert Assert.True(length > 0); } } } ```

In this block, the code specifies the necessary namespaces and using statements. These statements allow the code to access classes and methods from external libraries and assemblies. For example, it imports classes from the `System` namespace, custom models, repositories, and the Xunit testing framework.

Block 2: Class Definition

```csharp using System; using Xunit; public class CartTests { [Fact] public void AddItemInCart() { // Arrange Cart cart = new Cart(); Product product1 = new Product(1, 0, 20, "name", "description"); Product product2 = new Product(2, 0, 15, "another name", "another description"); // Act cart.AddItem(product1, 1); cart.AddItem(product2, 2); // Assert Assert.NotEmpty(cart.Lines); Assert.Equal(2, cart.Lines.Count); Assert.Equal(1, cart.Lines[0].Quantity); Assert.Equal(2, cart.Lines[1].Quantity); } [Fact] public void GetTotalValue() { // Arrange Cart cart = new Cart(); Product product1 = new Product(1, 0, 20, "name", "description"); Product product2 = new Product(2, 0, 15, "another name", "another description"); // Act cart.AddItem(product1, 1); cart.AddItem(product2, 2); // Assert double totalValue = cart.GetTotalValue(); Assert.Equal(50, totalValue); } } ```

This block defines a test class named `CartTests`. Test classes are used for organizing and running unit tests. Each test method within this class is responsible for testing specific aspects of the `Cart` class, such as adding items, calculating values, and finding products.

Block 3: AddItemInCart Test Method

```csharp [Fact] public void AddItemInCart() { // Arrange Cart cart = new Cart(); Product product1 = new Product(1, 0, 20, "Product 1", "Description 1"); Product product2 = new Product(2, 0, 15, "Product 2", "Description 2"); // Act cart.AddItem(product1, 1); cart.AddItem(product2, 2); // Assert Assert.NotEmpty(cart.Lines); Assert.Equal(2, cart.Lines.Count); var line1 = cart.Lines[0]; var line2 = cart.Lines[1]; Assert.Equal(product1, line1.Product); Assert.Equal(1, line1.Quantity); Assert.Equal(product2, line2.Product); Assert.Equal(2, line2.Quantity); } ```

This block defines a test method named `AddItemInCart` which is marked with the `[Fact]` attribute. It tests the functionality of adding items to a shopping cart. Inside the method, it creates a cart and two product instances, adds them to the cart, and then uses assertions to check whether the cart behaves as expected.

Block 4: GetAverageValue Test Method

```csharp [Fact] public void GetAverageValue() { // Arrange ICart cart = new Cart(); IProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository(); IOrderRepository orderRepository = new OrderRepository(); IProductService productService = new ProductService(productRepository, orderRepository); IEnumerable products = productService.GetAllProducts(); cart.AddItem(products.First(p => p.Id == 2), 2); cart.AddItem(products.First(p => p.Id == 5), 1); // Act double averageValue = cart.GetAverageValue(); double expectedValue = (9.99 * 2 + 895.00) / 3; // Assert Assert.Equal(expectedValue, averageValue, 2); // The '2' specifies the number of decimal places to compare. } ```

This block defines a test method named `GetAverageValue`, also marked with the `[Fact]` attribute. It tests the functionality of calculating the average value of items in the shopping cart. It involves creating a cart, product repository, and product service instances and then making assertions to check whether the calculated average value matches the expected value.

Block 5: GetTotalValue Test Method

```csharp [Fact] public void GetTotalValue() { // Arrange ICart cart = new Cart(); IProductRepository productRepository = new ProductRepository(); IOrderRepository orderRepository = new OrderRepository(); IProductService productService = new ProductService(productRepository, orderRepository); IEnumerable products = productService.GetAllProducts(); cart.AddItem(products.First(p => p.Id == 1), 1); cart.AddItem(products.First(p => p.Id == 4), 3); cart.AddItem(products.First(p => p.Id == 5), 1); // Act double totalValue = cart.GetTotalValue(); double expectedValue = 92.50 + 32.50 * 3 + 895.00; // Assert Assert.Equal(expectedValue, totalValue, 2); // The '2' specifies the number of decimal places to compare. } ```

This block defines a test method named `GetTotalValue`, again marked with the `[Fact]` attribute. This method tests the functionality of calculating the total value of items in the shopping cart. It involves creating a cart, product repository, and product service instances, adding items to the cart, and using assertions to validate the calculated total value against the expected value.

Block 6: FindProductInCartLines Test Method

```csharp [Fact] public void FindProductInCartLines() { // Arrange Cart cart = new Cart(); Product product = new Product(999, 0, 20, "Product 999", "Description 999"); cart.AddItem(product, 1); // Act Product result = cart.FindProductInCartLines(999); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal(product.Id, result.Id); } ```

This block defines a test method named `FindProductInCartLines`, marked with the `[Fact]` attribute. It tests the functionality of finding a product within the cart's lines by providing a product ID. It creates a cart, adds a product to the cart, and then uses an assertion to check if the product is found as expected.


By following this guide, you'll gain valuable insights into unit testing in C# and how to apply it to your own projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, unit testing is a skill that can significantly improve the quality of your code. As you continue to refine your unit testing expertise, you'll not only catch bugs early in the development process but also streamline debugging, enhance collaboration with your team, and ultimately deliver more reliable and efficient software solutions. Start your journey toward becoming a C# developer who creates robust and dependable applications by embracing the power of unit testing.