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Implementing an interrupt-driven I/O driver for the UART in PC-Tutor assignment help

The assignment deals with implementing an interrupt driver for the UART in the PC-Tutor. The program uses the provided API to implement the required interrupt driver. The interrupt driver interfaces with the COM1 to receive and transmit characters. Our operating system assignment help experts have provided the solution to this task below.
Table Of Contents
  • Using an API to Create an Interrupt Driver

Using an API to Create an Interrupt Driver

/****************************************************************** * * file: cmds.c * bob wilson: changed the COM1 driver part of the assignment - 2/17/2008 * bob wilson: added solution for mp5 - 11/27/2004 * author: betty o'neil * date: dim dark past * * semantic actions for commands called by tutor (cs241, hw2) * * revisions: * 9/90 eb cleanup, convert function declarations to ansi * 9/91 eb changes so that this can be used for hw1 */ /* the Makefile arranges that #include <..> searches in the right places for these headers-- */ #include #include #ifdef SAPC #include #include "tickpack.h" #include "comintspack.h" #endif #define PROMPT "Prompt: \n\r" /*===================================================================* * * Command table for tutor program - an array of structures of type cmd * - for each command provide the token, the function to call when * that token is found, and the help message. * * slex.h contains the typdef for struct cmd, and declares the * cmds array as extern to all the other parts of the program. * Code in slex.c parses user input command line and calls the * requested semantic action, passing a pointer to the cmd struct * and any arguments the user may have entered. * *===================================================================*/ #define USECS_PER_SEC 1000000 #define MAXLINE 200 PROTOTYPE int quit(Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int mem_display(Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int mem_set(Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int help(Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int timeon ( Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int timeoff ( Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE int spi ( Cmd *cp, char *arguments); PROTOTYPE void process_input(char *buffer); PROTOTYPE void process_output(char *buffer); PROTOTYPE void tick_print(void); /* command table */ Cmd cmds[] = {{"timeon", timeon, "Timer On: timeon help); return 0; } init_ticks(interval * USECS_PER_SEC, &tick_print); timer_on = 1; ticks = 0; printf("%s", "timer on\n"); return 0; } void tick_print(void) { ticks++; printf("(%d)\n", ticks); } /*===================================================================== * * timeoff: shut down timer and stop printing of count * *======================================================================*/ int timeoff (Cmd *cp, char *arguments) { shutdown_ticks(); timer_on = 0; ticks = 0; printf("%s", "timer off\n"); return 0; } /*===================================================================== * * spi: set serial port interrupts either on or off * *======================================================================*/ int spi (Cmd *cp, char *arguments) { char on_off[MAXLINE]; if (sscanf(arguments,"%s", on_off) != 1){ printf ("Proper Usage : %s\n", cp->help); return 0; } if(!strcmp(on_off,"on")) { /* turning on */ port_on = 1; /* send prompt to user on COM1 then alternately * print user entries to COM2 and prompts to COM1 * via interrupts and the callback functions below */ cli(); /* see comments in comintpack.c */ init_comints(TRANSMIT, process_output, PROMPT, strlen(PROMPT)); sti(); printf("comints for COM1 on\n"); } else { /* turning off */ cli(); /* see comments in comintspack.c */ shutdown_comints(); sti(); port_on = 0; printf("comints for COM1 off\n"); } return 0; } /* interrupts are disabled during execution of these two callback functions */ void process_output(char *prompt) { /* you write the code here */ shutdown_comints(); init_comints(RECEIVE, process_input, buffer, MAXLINE); } void process_input(char *received) { /* you write the code here */ int i = 0, j; while(received[i] != '\r') { outpt(COM2_BASE+UART_TX, received[i]); /* transmit char (Transmitter should be ready) */ i++; } outpt(COM2_BASE+UART_TX, '\n'); outpt(COM2_BASE+UART_TX, '\r'); shutdown_comints(); init_comints(TRANSMIT, process_output, PROMPT, strlen(PROMPT)); } /*===================================================================* * command routines * * Each command routine is called with 2 args, the remaining * part of the line to parse and a pointer to the struct cmd for this * command. Each returns 0 for continue or 1 for all-done. * *===================================================================*/ int quit(Cmd *cp, char *arguments) { if (timer_on) { shutdown_ticks(); timer_on = 0; } if (port_on) { cli(); /* see comments in comintspack.c */ shutdown_comints(); sti(); port_on = 0; } return 1; /* all done flag */ } /*===================================================================* * * mem_display: display contents of a single byte in hex * */ int mem_display(Cmd *cp, char *arguments) { int arg=0; unsigned char *memloc; /* note ptr to *byte* (could use char *) */ if (sscanf(arguments, "%x", &arg)==1) { memloc = (unsigned char *)arg; printf("%x : ", arg); printf("%2x ", *memloc); printf("\n"); return 0; } else { printf("%s\n", cp->help); return 0; } } /********************************************************/ /* mem_set : ms