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Expert artificial intelligence homework helper

Vancouver, Canada

Christopher, T 

PhD. in Programming, University of Alberta, Canada
Professional artificial intelligence homework helper
Are you stuck on complex artificial intelligence homework? Would you like to hire someone to do it for you? Contact me right away. I am a professional artificial intelligence homework helper, with more than ten years of experience in the academic writing industry. I have also worked as a lecturer in a couple of universities, administering programming classes for both graduate and undergraduate programs. Since I joined ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com, I have focused primarily on artificial intelligence and I have covered a variety of topics through homework writing. Among these topics include machine learning, robocraft programming, robot design, mobile autonomous systems, machine vision, and human intelligence. My vast knowledge in these topics and the expertise I have acquired over the years have helped me greatly in providing academic support to students. If you would like your artificial intelligence paper completed professionally and in a timely fashion, do not hesitate to contact me.

Neural Networks Homework Solver

Is the deadline for your neural networks homework fast approaching? Worry no more because I am here to help you. I am a skilled neural networks homework solver helping students get top grades in their homework. Neural networks are inspired by human brains, and they copy how biological neurons communicate with one another. Therefore, understanding all these concepts can be challenging. The good thing is that I know extensive knowledge in all the topics in neural networks. Being a Ph.D. tutor, I cover both undergraduate and postgraduate homework. Therefore, instead of struggling with your challenging neural networks homework, reach out to me here. Some of the topics I cover in neural networks include:
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• Dropout
• Transfer learning
• Tuning the learning rate

Decisions Trees Homework Helper

The creation of decision trees in artificial intelligence gives students a hard time. I come across many students almost giving up on this topic because of how challenging it is. Therefore, if your decision trees homework is hard, know that is the nature of this topic. However, I am here to give you a helping hand. I am a decision trees homework helper working with students to ensure they get good grades in their homework. With me, you will get help in both models of neural networks, which are;
1. Prediction of continuous variables
2. Prediction of categorical variables
Although I offer top solutions to students, my pricing is very low. I want every student to have to get help without having to dig too deep into their pockets. Therefore, if you are looking for a top expert in neural networks, think of me.

Experienced Robotics and Machine Vision Lecturer

If you are looking for an experienced robotics and machine vision lecturer, you are at the right place. For over eight years, I have been working with students helping them score good grades. Most of the students I have helped have returned for more help. By working with me, you will notice that my solutions are easy to understand and well simplified. Other than just submitting the homework, students use them for revision. I ensure that all homework is delivered before the deadline. Therefore, by hiring me, you will not have late deliveries.
What is more, you get plagiarism-free content from me. I can even send you the plagiarism report upon your request. I am available throughout the day, and therefore, reach out to me for help and enjoy top solutions at a lowered price.

Skilled Ensemble Learning Project Helper

Is your ensemble learning project giving you sleepless nights? Are you wondering where you can get an expert to relieve the stress? Worry no more because I am here to walk with you through this journey. I am a skilled ensemble learning project helper. Accepting to complete your project, I know there might be some visions, but I will not charge you if your professor wants a revision. I am here to ensure that your challenging project does not stress you. I will do your ensemble learning project from scratch, following all the instructions. Therefore, hire me today and enjoy a good grade. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Image manipulation

###################################################### # Project: Project 3 - Image Manipulation # UIN: # repl.it URL: https://repl.it/@kedmiri/WeightyAlienatedOpengroup ###################################################### from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw from io import BytesIO import requests FONT_FILE = r'NerkoOne-Regular.ttf' DATA_FILE = 'data.txt' def get_web_image(url): """Retrieves an image file from the web and returns an Image object """ response = requests.get(url) return Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)) def paste_image(source, destination, x, y, omit_color="None"): """ Copy the pixels from source to destination, starting at the x,y coordinate passed if omit_color is "transparent", don't copy any transparent pixels if omit_color is a color value, don't copy any pixels with that color :return reference to the updated source Image object """ src_width, src_height = source.size dst_width, dst_height = destination.size for w in range(x, src_width+x-1): for h in range(y, src_height+y-1): # Source image is bigger than the destination/ if w >dst_width or h >dst_height: continue pixel = source.getpixel((w-x, h-y)) # Transparent pixel if source.mode == 'RGBA' and omit_color == 'transparent' and pixel[3] == 0: continue destination.putpixel((w, h), pixel) return destination def invert_colors(image): """ Invert image colors """ width, height = image.size result = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y)) result.putpixel((x, y), (255-r, 255-g, 255-b)) return result def mirror_image(image): """ Construct image miror """ width, height = image.size result = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) for index, x in enumerate(reversed(range(width))): for y in range(height): result.putpixel((index, y), image.getpixel((x, y))) return result def flip_image(image): """ Flip image """ width, height = image.size result = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) for x in range(width): for index, y in enumerate(reversed(range(height))): result.putpixel((x, index), image.getpixel((x, y))) return result def grayscale(image): """ Convert colored image to grayscale """ width, height = image.size result = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y)) grey = int(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b) result.putpixel((x, y), (grey, grey, grey)) return result def write_text_image(image, text): width, height = image.size result = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): result.putpixel((x, y), image.getpixel((x, y))) font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_FILE, 60) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(result) draw.text((300, height - 100), text, fill ="white", font = font, align="center") return result def read_text_from_file(filename): """ Read file content into a string. """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: return ''.join(f.readlines()) def main(): background_url_image = 'https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/Travel/2018/November/lion%20cover.jpg' background_image = get_web_image(background_url_image) # Resize image to (1200, 800) background_image = background_image.resize((1200, 800)) text = read_text_from_file(DATA_FILE) background_image = write_text_image(background_image, text) transparent_image_url = 'https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/media/1011/lion.png?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=680&height=640&rnd=132037090900000000' lion_img_trans = get_web_image(transparent_image_url) lion_img_trans = lion_img_trans.resize((300, 300)) # Project transparent image on top of the background image. x_corrdinate = background_image.size[0] - lion_img_trans.size[0] paste_image(lion_img_trans, background_image, x_corrdinate, 0, omit_color='transparent') lion_small_url = 'https://sn4.scholastic.com/content/dam/classroom-magazines/sn4/issues/2019-20/100719/should-this-lion-cub-be-in-a-zoo/SN4-20191007-Zoo-HR-MO_.jpg' reference_lion_image = get_web_image(lion_small_url) reference_lion_image = reference_lion_image.resize((200,200)) mirrored_image = mirror_image(reference_lion_image) paste_image(reference_lion_image, background_image, 0, 0) paste_image(mirrored_image, background_image, 200, 0) flipped_image = flip_image(reference_lion_image) paste_image(flipped_image, background_image, 0, 200) mirrored_flipped_image = flip_image(mirrored_image) paste_image(mirrored_flipped_image, background_image, 200, 200) grayscaled_image = grayscale(reference_lion_image) paste_image(grayscaled_image, background_image, 0, 400) inverted_image = invert_colors(reference_lion_image) paste_image(inverted_image, background_image, 0, 600) # Save result to a file. background_image.save('artwork.jpg') main()

Python Code for a Calculator

# Welcome message print("Hello, welcome to the investment calculator!\n") # get type of fund userInput = input("Which type of investment would you like to make (savings/CD/mutual funds/bonds)? ") # if savings if userInput == "savings": # get amount invested investment = float(input("\nHow much would you like to invest? ")) # 0.6% increase for 3 years current = round(investment * 1.006, 3) print("\nAfter 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.006, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.006, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) # if CD elif userInput == "CD": # get amount invested investment = float(input("\nHow much would you like to invest? ")) print() # if amount at least 2500 if investment >= 2500: # 2.5% increase for 4 years current = round(investment * 1.025, 3) print("After 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.025, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.025, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.025, 3) print("After 4 years: " + str(current)) else: # 1% increase for 4 years current = round(investment * 1.01, 3) print("After 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.01, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.01, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) # if mutual funds elif userInput == "mutual funds": # get amount invested investment = float(input("\nHow much would you like to invest? ")) # 5% increase for 3 years in best case scenario print("\nBest case\n---------") current = round(investment * 1.05, 3) print("After 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.05, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.05, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) # 1% decrease for 3 years in worst case print("\nWorst case\n---------") current = round(investment * 0.99, 3) print("After 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 0.99, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 0.99, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) # if bonds elif userInput == "bonds": # get amount invested investment = float(input("\nHow much would you like to invest? ")) # if amount at least 5000 if investment >= 5000: # 2% increase for 3 years current = round(investment * 1.02, 3) print("After 1 year: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.02, 3) print("After 2 years: " + str(current)) current = round(current * 1.02, 3) print("After 3 years: " + str(current)) else: # can't invest print("Investments under $5000 do not qualify for investment") # else invalid choice else: print( "Sorry, this investment calculator does not support money markets. Please try again using savings, CD, mutual funds, or bonds.")