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Implementation of The Classic Snake Game In MIPS Assembly Language Assignment Solution

June 28, 2024
Rehana Magnus
Rehana Magnus
🇨🇦 Canada
Assembly Language
Rehana Magnus, PhD in Computer Science from the esteemed Acadia Institute of Technology, Canada. With 6 years of experience, specializes in assembly language programming. Proficient in low-level coding, optimizing performance, and enhancing system functionality.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Java assignment into smaller tasks, focus on understanding core concepts like OOP, and write clean, modular code. Use comments for clarity, and test each function thoroughly.
In 2025, the programming landscape is evolving with the emergence of new languages like Rhythm, designed for concurrent processing, and Quanta, tailored for quantum computing applications.



Write a MIPS assembly assignment program to make a snake game from snake.c

Requirements and Specifications

Your task in this assignment is to implement snake. s in MIPS assembly.

You have been provided with some assembly and some helpful information in snake. S. Read through the provided code carefully, then add MIPS assembly so it executes exactly the same as snake.c.

A handful of utility functions have already been translated to MIPS assembly for you. You only have to implement the following unfinished functions in MIPS assembly:

  • Main,
  • Init_snake
  • Update_apple
  • Update_snake
  • Move_snake_in_grid, and
  • Move_snake_in_array

Screenshots of output

program-to-make-snake-game-using-MIPS-assembly 1
program-to-make-snake-game-using-MIPS-assembly 2

Source Code

######################################################################## # COMP1521 21T2 -- Assignment 1 -- Snake! # # # # !!! IMPORTANT !!! # Before starting work on the assignment, make sure you set your tab-width to 8! # For instructions, see: https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs1521/21T2/resources/mips-editors.html # !!! IMPORTANT !!! # # # This program was written by YOUR-NAME-HERE (z5555555) # on INSERT-DATE-HERE # # Version 1.0 (2021-06-24): Team COMP1521 # # Requires: # - [no external symbols] # # Provides: # - Global variables: .globl symbols .globl grid .globl snake_body_row .globl snake_body_col .globl snake_body_len .globl snake_growth .globl snake_tail # - Utility global variables: .globl last_direction .globl rand_seed .globl input_direction__buf # - Functions for you to implement .globl main .globl init_snake .globl update_apple .globl move_snake_in_grid .globl move_snake_in_array # - Utility functions provided for you .globl set_snake .globl set_snake_grid .globl set_snake_array .globl print_grid .globl input_direction .globl get_d_row .globl get_d_col .globl seed_rng .globl rand_value ######################################################################## # Constant definitions. N_COLS = 15 N_ROWS = 15 MAX_SNAKE_LEN = N_COLS * N_ROWS EMPTY = 0 SNAKE_HEAD = 1 SNAKE_BODY = 2 APPLE = 3 NORTH = 0 EAST = 1 SOUTH = 2 WEST = 3 ######################################################################## # .DATA .data # const char symbols[4] = {'.', '#', 'o', '@'}; symbols: .byte '.', '#', 'o', '@' .align 2 # int8_t grid[N_ROWS][N_COLS] = { EMPTY }; grid: .space N_ROWS * N_COLS .align 2 # int8_t snake_body_row[MAX_SNAKE_LEN] = { EMPTY }; snake_body_row: .space MAX_SNAKE_LEN .align 2 # int8_t snake_body_col[MAX_SNAKE_LEN] = { EMPTY }; snake_body_col: .space MAX_SNAKE_LEN # int snake_body_len = 0; snake_body_len: .word 0 # int snake_growth = 0; snake_growth: .word 0 # int snake_tail = 0; snake_tail: .word 0 # Game over prompt, for your convenience... main__game_over: .asciiz "Game over! Your score was " ######################################################################## # # Your journey begins here, intrepid adventurer! # # Implement the following 6 functions, and check these boxes as you # finish implementing each function # # - [x] main # - [x] init_snake # - [x] update_apple # - [x] update_snake # - [x] move_snake_in_grid # - [x] move_snake_in_array # ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text main: # Args: void # Returns: # - $v0: int # # Frame: $ra # Uses: $a0, $v0 # Clobbers: $a0 # # Locals: # - None # # Structure: # main # -> main_prologue # -> main_body # -> do_loop # -> main_epilogue # Code: main__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -4 sw $ra, ($sp) main__body: jal init_snake # init the snake jal update_apple # update the apple do_loop: jal print_grid # print the grid jal input_direction # get direction move $a0, $v0 # copy direction to first argument jal update_snake # update_snake(direction) bnez $v0, do_loop # repeat while update is not zero main__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $ra, ($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 4 li $v0, 0 jr $ra # return 0; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text init_snake: # Args: void # Returns: void # # Frame: $ra # Uses: $a0, $a1, $a2 # Clobbers: $a0, $a1, $a2 # # Locals: # - None # # Structure: # init_snake # -> init_snake_prologue # -> init_snake_body # -> init_snake_epilogue # Code: init_snake__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -4 sw $ra, ($sp) init_snake__body: li $a0, 7 li $a1, 7 li $a2, SNAKE_HEAD jal set_snake # set_snake(7, 7, SNAKE_HEAD); li $a0, 7 li $a1, 6 li $a2, SNAKE_BODY jal set_snake # set_snake(7, 6, SNAKE_BODY); li $a0, 7 li $a1, 5 li $a2, SNAKE_BODY jal set_snake # set_snake(7, 5, SNAKE_BODY); li $a0, 7 li $a1, 4 li $a2, SNAKE_BODY jal set_snake # set_snake(7, 4, SNAKE_BODY); init_snake__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $ra, ($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 4 jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text update_apple: # Args: void # Returns: void # # Frame: $ra, $s0, $s1 # Uses: $a0, $s0, $s1, $t0, $t1, $t2 # Clobbers: $a0, $v0, $t0, $t1, $t2 # # Locals: # - `int apple_row1` in $s0 # - `int *ptr` in $s1 # # Structure: # update_apple # -> update_apple__prologue # -> update_apple__body # -> update_apple__epilogue # Code: update_apple__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -12 sw $ra, 8($sp) sw $s0, 4($sp) sw $s1, ($sp) update_apple__body: li $a0, N_ROWS jal rand_value # apple_row = rand_value(N_ROWS); move $s0, $v0 # save return value li $a0, N_COLS jal rand_value # apple_col = rand_value(N_COLS); li $t0, N_COLS # load n columns mult $s0, $t0 # multiply apple_row*NCOLS mflo $t0 # get result add $t0, $t0, $v0 # add apple_col la $t1, grid # load address of grid add $s1, $t1, $t0 # get address of grid[apple_row][apple_col] lb $t2, ($s1) # get value in grid[apple_row][apple_col] bne $t2, EMPTY, update_apple__body # while (grid[apple_row][apple_col] != EMPTY); li $t0, APPLE sb $t0, ($s1) # grid[apple_row][apple_col] = APPLE; update_apple__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $s1, ($sp) lw $s0, 4($sp) lw $ra, 8($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 12 jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text update_snake: # Args: # - $a0: int direction # Returns: # - $v0: bool # # Frame: $ra, $s0, $s1, $s2 # Uses: $s0, $s1, $s2, $a0, $a1, $v0, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3 # Clobbers: $a0, $a1, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3 # # Locals: # - `int new_head_row` in $s0 # - `int new_head_col` in $s1 # - `int apple` in $s2 # Structure: # update_snake # -> update_snake__prologue # -> update_snake__body # -> update_snake__next # -> update_snake__rettrue # -> update_snake__retfalse # -> update_snake__epilogue # Code: update_snake__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -16 sw $ra, 12($sp) sw $s0, 8($sp) sw $s1, 4($sp) sw $s2, ($sp) update_snake__body: move $s2, $a0 # save argument jal get_d_row # d_row = get_d_row(direction); move $s0, $v0 # save d_row move $a0, $s2 # reload argument jal get_d_col # d_col = get_d_col(direction); move $s1, $v0 # save d_col la $t0, snake_body_row lb $t0, ($t0) # head_row = snake_body_row[0]; la $t1, snake_body_col lb $t1, ($t1) # head_col = snake_body_col[0]; li $t2, N_COLS # load n columns mult $t0, $t2 # multiply head_row*NCOLS mflo $t2 # get result add $t2, $t2, $t1 # add head_col la $t3, grid # load address of grid add $t3, $t3, $t2 # get address of grid[head_row][head_col] li $t2, SNAKE_BODY sb $t2, ($t3) # grid[head_row][head_col] = SNAKE_BODY; add $s0, $s0, $t0 # new_head_row = head_row + d_row; add $s1, $s1, $t1 # new_head_col = head_col + d_col; slti $t0, $s0, 0 bne $t0, $zero, update_snake__retfalse # if (new_head_row < 0) return false; slti $t0, $s0, N_ROWS beq $t0, $zero, update_snake__retfalse # if (new_head_row >= N_ROWS) return false; slti $t0, $s1, 0 bne $t0, $zero, update_snake__retfalse # if (new_head_col < 0) return false; slti $t0, $s1, N_COLS beq $t0, $zero, update_snake__retfalse # if (new_head_col >= N_COLS) return false; li $t2, N_COLS # load n columns mult $s0, $t2 # multiply new_head_row*NCOLS mflo $t2 # get result add $t2, $t2, $s1 # add new_head_col la $t3, grid # load address of grid add $t3, $t3, $t2 # get address of grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] lb $t0, ($t3) # load grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] li $s2, 0 # apple = 0 bne $t0, APPLE, update_snake__next li $s2, 1 # apple = 1 update_snake__next: la $t0, snake_body_len lw $t0, ($t0) # load snake_body_len addi $t0, $t0, -1 # snake_body_len-1 la $t1, snake_tail sw $t0, ($t1) # snake_tail = snake_body_len - 1; move $a0, $s0 # load new_head_row move $a1, $s1 # load new_head_col jal move_snake_in_grid # move_snake_in_grid(new_head_row, new_head_col) beq $v0, $zero, update_snake__retfalse # if (! move_snake_in_grid(new_head_row, new_head_col)) return false; move $a0, $s0 # load new_head_row move $a1, $s1 # load new_head_col jal move_snake_in_array # move_snake_in_array(new_head_row, new_head_col); beq $s2, $zero, update_snake__rettrue # if (apple) { la $t0, snake_growth lw $t1, ($t0) # load snake_growth addi $t1, $t1, 3 # add 3 sw $t1, ($t0) # snake_growth += 3; jal update_apple # update_apple(); update_snake__rettrue: li $v0, 1 # return true b update_snake__epilogue update_snake__retfalse: li $v0, 0 # return false update_snake__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $s2, ($sp) lw $s1, 4($sp) lw $s0, 8($sp) lw $ra, 12($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 16 jr $ra # return ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text move_snake_in_grid: # Args: # - $a0: new_head_row # - $a1: new_head_col # Returns: # - $v0: bool # # Frame: $ra # Uses: $a0, $v0, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3 # Clobbers: $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3 # # Locals: # - None # # Structure: # move_snake_in_grid # -> move_snake_in_grid__prologue # -> move_snake_in_grid__body # -> move_snake_in_grid__else # -> move_snake_in_grid__endif # -> move_snake_in_grid__next # -> move_snake_in_grid__epilogue # Code: move_snake_in_grid__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -4 sw $ra, ($sp) move_snake_in_grid__body: la $t0, snake_growth lw $t0, ($t0) # load snake_growth slt $t1, $zero, $t0 # if (snake_growth > 0) { beq $t1, $zero, move_snake_in_grid__else la $t0, snake_tail lw $t1, ($t0) # load snake_tail addi $t1, $t1, 1 # snake_tail++; sw $t1, ($t0) # save snake_tail la $t0, snake_body_len lw $t1, ($t0) # load snake_body_len addi $t1, $t1, 1 # snake_body_len++; sw $t1, ($t0) # save snake_body_len la $t0, snake_growth lw $t1, ($t0) # load snake_growth addi $t1, $t1, -1 # snake_growth-- sw $t1, ($t0) # save snake_growth b move_snake_in_grid__endif move_snake_in_grid__else: # else{ la $t0, snake_tail lw $t0, ($t0) # load snake_tail la $t1, snake_body_row add $t1, $t1, $t0 # get address of snake_body_row[tail]; lb $t1, ($t1) # tail_row = snake_body_row[tail]; la $t2, snake_body_col add $t2, $t2, $t0 # get address of snake_body_col[tail]; lb $t2, ($t2) # tail_col = snake_body_col[tail]; li $t0, N_COLS mult $t1, $t0 # tail_row*N_COLS mflo $t3 # load result add $t3, $t3, $t2 # add tail_col la $t0, grid # point to grid add $t0, $t0, $t3 # get address of grid[tail_row][tail_col] li $t1, EMPTY sb $t1, ($t0) # grid[tail_row][tail_col] = EMPTY; move_snake_in_grid__endif: li $t0, N_COLS mult $a0, $t0 # new_head_row*N_COLS mflo $t1 # load result add $t1, $t1, $a1 # add new_head_col la $t0, grid # point to grid add $t0, $t0, $t1 # get address of grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] lb $t1, ($t0) # load grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] bne $t1, SNAKE_BODY, move_snake_in_grid__next # if (grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] == SNAKE_BODY) li $v0, 0 # return false b move_snake_in_grid__epilogue move_snake_in_grid__next: li $t1, SNAKE_HEAD sb $t1, ($t0) # grid[new_head_row][new_head_col] = SNAKE_HEAD; li $v0, 1 # return true move_snake_in_grid__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $ra, ($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 4 jr $ra # return ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text move_snake_in_array: # Arguments: # - $a0: int new_head_row # - $a1: int new_head_col # Returns: void # # Frame: $ra, $s0, $s1, $s2 # Uses: $a0, $a1, $a2, $s0, $s1, $s2, $t0, $t1, $t2 # Clobbers: $a0, $a1, $a2, $t0, $t1, $t2 # # Locals: # - `int new_head_row` in $s0 # - `int new_head_col` in $s1 # - `int i` in $s2 # # Structure: # move_snake_in_array # -> move_snake_in_array__prologue # -> move_snake_in_array__body # -> move_snake_in_array__for # -> move_snake_in_array__endfor # -> move_snake_in_array__epilogue # Code: move_snake_in_array__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -16 sw $ra, 12($sp) sw $s0, 8($sp) sw $s1, 4($sp) sw $s2, ($sp) move_snake_in_array__body: move $s0, $a0 # save new_head_row move $s1, $a1 # save new_head_col la $t0, snake_tail lw $s2, ($t0) # i = snake_tail move_snake_in_array__for: # for (int i = snake_tail; i >= 1; i--) { slti $t0, $s2, 1 bne $t0, $zero, move_snake_in_array__endfor la $t1, snake_body_row add $t1, $t1, $s2 addi $t1, $t1, -1 # address of snake_body_row[i-1] lb $a0, ($t1) # load snake_body_row[i - 1] la $t2, snake_body_col add $t2, $t2, $s2 addi $t2, $t2, -1 # address of snake_body_col[i-1] lb $a1, ($t2) # load snake_body_col[i - 1] move $a2, $s2 # third argument is i jal set_snake_array # set_snake_array(snake_body_row[i - 1], snake_body_col[i - 1], i); addi $s2, $s2, -1 # i-- b move_snake_in_array__for # repeat for move_snake_in_array__endfor: move $a0, $s0 # recover new_head_row move $a1, $s1 # recover new_head_col li $a2, 0 jal set_snake_array # set_snake_array(new_head_row, new_head_col, 0); move_snake_in_array__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $s2, ($sp) lw $s1, 4($sp) lw $s0, 8($sp) lw $ra, 12($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 16 jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## #### #### #### STOP HERE ... YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE ASSIGNMENT! #### #### #### ######################################################################## ## ## The following is various utility functions provided for you. ## ## You don't need to modify any of the following. But you may find it ## useful to read through --- you'll be calling some of these functions ## from your code. ## .data last_direction: .word EAST rand_seed: .word 0 input_direction__invalid_direction: .asciiz "invalid direction: " input_direction__bonk: .asciiz "bonk! cannot turn around 180 degrees\n" .align 2 input_direction__buf: .space 2 ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text set_snake: # Args: # - $a0: int row # - $a1: int col # - $a2: int body_piece # Returns: void # # Frame: $ra, $s0, $s1 # Uses: $a0, $a1, $a2, $t0, $s0, $s1 # Clobbers: $t0 # # Locals: # - `int row` in $s0 # - `int col` in $s1 # # Structure: # set_snake # -> [prologue] # -> body # -> [epilogue] # Code: set_snake__prologue: # set up stack frame addiu $sp, $sp, -12 sw $ra, 8($sp) sw $s0, 4($sp) sw $s1, ($sp) set_snake__body: move $s0, $a0 # $s0 = row move $s1, $a1 # $s1 = col jal set_snake_grid # set_snake_grid(row, col, body_piece); move $a0, $s0 move $a1, $s1 lw $a2, snake_body_len jal set_snake_array # set_snake_array(row, col, snake_body_len); lw $t0, snake_body_len addiu $t0, $t0, 1 sw $t0, snake_body_len # snake_body_len++; set_snake__epilogue: # tear down stack frame lw $s1, ($sp) lw $s0, 4($sp) lw $ra, 8($sp) addiu $sp, $sp, 12 jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text set_snake_grid: # Args: # - $a0: int row # - $a1: int col # - $a2: int body_piece # Returns: void # # Frame: None # Uses: $a0, $a1, $a2, $t0 # Clobbers: $t0 # # Locals: None # # Structure: # set_snake # -> body # Code: li $t0, N_COLS mul $t0, $t0, $a0 # 15 * row add $t0, $t0, $a1 # (15 * row) + col sb $a2, grid($t0) # grid[row][col] = body_piece; jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text set_snake_array: # Args: # - $a0: int row # - $a1: int col # - $a2: int nth_body_piece # Returns: void # # Frame: None # Uses: $a0, $a1, $a2 # Clobbers: None # # Locals: None # # Structure: # set_snake_array # -> body # Code: sb $a0, snake_body_row($a2) # snake_body_row[nth_body_piece] = row; sb $a1, snake_body_col($a2) # snake_body_col[nth_body_piece] = col; jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text print_grid: # Args: void # Returns: void # # Frame: None # Uses: $v0, $a0, $t0, $t1, $t2 # Clobbers: $v0, $a0, $t0, $t1, $t2 # # Locals: # - `int i` in $t0 # - `int j` in $t1 # - `char symbol` in $t2 # # Structure: # print_grid # -> for_i_cond # -> for_j_cond # -> for_j_end # -> for_i_end # Code: li $v0, 11 # syscall 11: print_character li $a0, '\n' syscall # putchar('\n'); li $t0, 0 # int i = 0; print_grid__for_i_cond: bge $t0, N_ROWS, print_grid__for_i_end # while (i < N_ROWS) li $t1, 0 # int j = 0; print_grid__for_j_cond: bge $t1, N_COLS, print_grid__for_j_end # while (j < N_COLS) li $t2, N_COLS mul $t2, $t2, $t0 # 15 * i add $t2, $t2, $t1 # (15 * i) + j lb $t2, grid($t2) # grid[(15 * i) + j] lb $t2, symbols($t2) # char symbol = symbols[grid[(15 * i) + j]] li $v0, 11 # syscall 11: print_character move $a0, $t2 syscall # putchar(symbol); addiu $t1, $t1, 1 # j++; j print_grid__for_j_cond print_grid__for_j_end: li $v0, 11 # syscall 11: print_character li $a0, '\n' syscall # putchar('\n'); addiu $t0, $t0, 1 # i++; j print_grid__for_i_cond print_grid__for_i_end: jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text input_direction: # Args: void # Returns: # - $v0: int # # Frame: None # Uses: $v0, $a0, $a1, $t0, $t1 # Clobbers: $v0, $a0, $a1, $t0, $t1 # # Locals: # - `int direction` in $t0 # # Structure: # input_direction # -> input_direction__do # -> input_direction__switch # -> input_direction__switch_w # -> input_direction__switch_a # -> input_direction__switch_s # -> input_direction__switch_d # -> input_direction__switch_newline # -> input_direction__switch_null # -> input_direction__switch_eot # -> input_direction__switch_default # -> input_direction__switch_post # -> input_direction__bonk_branch # -> input_direction__while # Code: input_direction__do: li $v0, 8 # syscall 8: read_string la $a0, input_direction__buf li $a1, 2 syscall # direction = getchar() lb $t0, input_direction__buf input_direction__switch: beq $t0, 'w', input_direction__switch_w # case 'w': beq $t0, 'a', input_direction__switch_a # case 'a': beq $t0, 's', input_direction__switch_s # case 's': beq $t0, 'd', input_direction__switch_d # case 'd': beq $t0, '\n', input_direction__switch_newline # case '\n': beq $t0, 0, input_direction__switch_null # case '\0': beq $t0, 4, input_direction__switch_eot # case '\004': j input_direction__switch_default # default: input_direction__switch_w: li $t0, NORTH # direction = NORTH; j input_direction__switch_post # break; input_direction__switch_a: li $t0, WEST # direction = WEST; j input_direction__switch_post # break; input_direction__switch_s: li $t0, SOUTH # direction = SOUTH; j input_direction__switch_post # break; input_direction__switch_d: li $t0, EAST # direction = EAST; j input_direction__switch_post # break; input_direction__switch_newline: j input_direction__do # continue; input_direction__switch_null: input_direction__switch_eot: li $v0, 17 # syscall 17: exit2 li $a0, 0 syscall # exit(0); input_direction__switch_default: li $v0, 4 # syscall 4: print_string la $a0, input_direction__invalid_direction syscall # printf("invalid direction: "); li $v0, 11 # syscall 11: print_character move $a0, $t0 syscall # printf("%c", direction); li $v0, 11 # syscall 11: print_character li $a0, '\n' syscall # printf("\n"); j input_direction__do # continue; input_direction__switch_post: blt $t0, 0, input_direction__bonk_branch # if (0 <= direction ... bgt $t0, 3, input_direction__bonk_branch # ... && direction <= 3 ... lw $t1, last_direction # last_direction sub $t1, $t1, $t0 # last_direction - direction abs $t1, $t1 # abs(last_direction - direction) beq $t1, 2, input_direction__bonk_branch # ... && abs(last_direction - direction) != 2) sw $t0, last_direction # last_direction = direction; move $v0, $t0 jr $ra # return direction; input_direction__bonk_branch: li $v0, 4 # syscall 4: print_string la $a0, input_direction__bonk syscall # printf("bonk! cannot turn around 180 degrees\n"); input_direction__while: j input_direction__do # while (true); ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text get_d_row: # Args: # - $a0: int direction # Returns: # - $v0: int # # Frame: None # Uses: $v0, $a0 # Clobbers: $v0 # # Locals: None # # Structure: # get_d_row # -> get_d_row__south: # -> get_d_row__north: # -> get_d_row__else: # Code: beq $a0, SOUTH, get_d_row__south # if (direction == SOUTH) beq $a0, NORTH, get_d_row__north # else if (direction == NORTH) j get_d_row__else # else get_d_row__south: li $v0, 1 jr $ra # return 1; get_d_row__north: li $v0, -1 jr $ra # return -1; get_d_row__else: li $v0, 0 jr $ra # return 0; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text get_d_col: # Args: # - $a0: int direction # Returns: # - $v0: int # # Frame: None # Uses: $v0, $a0 # Clobbers: $v0 # # Locals: None # # Structure: # get_d_col # -> get_d_col__east: # -> get_d_col__west: # -> get_d_col__else: # Code: beq $a0, EAST, get_d_col__east # if (direction == EAST) beq $a0, WEST, get_d_col__west # else if (direction == WEST) j get_d_col__else # else get_d_col__east: li $v0, 1 jr $ra # return 1; get_d_col__west: li $v0, -1 jr $ra # return -1; get_d_col__else: li $v0, 0 jr $ra # return 0; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text seed_rng: # Args: # - $a0: unsigned int seed # Returns: void # # Frame: None # Uses: $a0 # Clobbers: None # # Locals: None # # Structure: # seed_rng # -> body # Code: sw $a0, rand_seed # rand_seed = seed; jr $ra # return; ######################################################################## # .TEXT .text rand_value: # Args: # - $a0: unsigned int n # Returns: # - $v0: unsigned int # # Frame: None # Uses: $v0, $a0, $t0, $t1 # Clobbers: $v0, $t0, $t1 # # Locals: # - `unsigned int rand_seed` cached in $t0 # # Structure: # rand_value # -> body # Code: lw $t0, rand_seed # rand_seed li $t1, 1103515245 mul $t0, $t0, $t1 # rand_seed * 1103515245 addiu $t0, $t0, 12345 # rand_seed * 1103515245 + 12345 li $t1, 0x7FFFFFFF and $t0, $t0, $t1 # (rand_seed * 1103515245 + 12345) & 0x7FFFFFFF sw $t0, rand_seed # rand_seed = (rand_seed * 1103515245 + 12345) & 0x7FFFFFFF; rem $v0, $t0, $a0 jr $ra # return rand_seed % n;

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