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How to Write a Programming Language Interpreter in Prolog

June 14, 2024
Lucia Williams
Lucia Williams
🇨🇦 Canada
Meet Lucia Williams, a seasoned Prolog virtuoso weaving logical brilliance. Passionate about problem-solving, she transforms complexity into elegant solutions.
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Key Topics
  • Building Your Prolog Interpreter
  • Prerequisites:
  • Step 1: Defining Arithmetic Operations:
  • Step 2: Handling Constants:
  • Step 3: Testing the Interpreter:
  • Conclusion:

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your very own programming language interpreter in Prolog. Whether you're a beginner or already familiar with Prolog, this project will provide you with valuable insights into the inner workings of language interpretation. Prolog's ability to handle complex logic and recursive evaluations makes it a versatile language for constructing interpreters that can handle more sophisticated language features in the future.

Building Your Prolog Interpreter

We provide a comprehensive guide on how to build a programming language interpreter in Prolog. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of language design or need help with Prolog assignment, our step-by-step in this guide will walk you through the process. Let's master Prolog together and excel in handling assignments with ease!


Before we dive into building the interpreter, ensure you have a basic understanding of Prolog's syntax and working principles. If you are new to Prolog, don't worry! We'll walk you through the necessary concepts to get started.

Step 1: Defining Arithmetic Operations:

The first step is to define the basic arithmetic operations that our interpreter will support. We'll focus on handling addition and subtraction of integers, and you'll see how Prolog's logic-based approach simplifies the implementation.

```prolog % Addition rule eval(add(X, Y), Result) :- eval(X, Xval), eval(Y, Yval), Result is Xval + Yval. % Subtraction rule eval(sub(X, Y), Result) :- eval(X, Xval), eval(Y, Yval), Result is Xval - Yval. ```


  • We are defining two rules eval/2 for addition and subtraction.
  • Each rule takes two arguments: an expression (either add(X, Y) or sub(X, Y)) and the Result.
  • In both rules, we evaluate the expressions X and Y recursively using the eval/2 predicate. This is how we handle nested expressions.

Step 2: Handling Constants:

Next, let's tackle constants, which form the base case for the recursive evaluation in our interpreter.

```prolog % Constants (base case) eval(Value, Value) :- number(Value). ```


  • This rule serves as the base case for the recursion. When we encounter a constant (a single integer value), we unify it with the Result.

Step 3: Testing the Interpreter:

With the rules in place, it's time to put our interpreter to the test! Let's try out some sample expressions and see how the interpreter evaluates them.

```prolog ?- eval(add(3, 4), Result). Result = 7. ?- eval(sub(10, 5), Result). Result = 5. ?- eval(add(2, sub(7, 3)), Result). Result = 6. ```


  • We can now use the eval/2 predicate to evaluate expressions. For instance, eval(add(3, 4), Result) evaluates to 7, eval(sub(10, 5), Result) evaluates to 5, and eval(add(2, sub(7, 3)), Result) evaluates to 6.


You've now successfully built a simple programming language interpreter in Prolog! This accomplishment marks the beginning of an exciting journey into language design and interpretation. As you explore the world of programming languages further, you'll uncover endless possibilities to enhance your interpreter's capabilities and even create full-fledged languages with loops, conditionals, functions, and more. Embrace the joy of learning, keep refining your skills, and embark on new programming adventures with confidence! Happy coding.

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