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Write a Simplified Version of Pac-Man using Console Output in C++

July 12, 2024
Harry F. Grimmett
Harry F.
🇨🇦 Canada
Harry F. Grimmett, with a master’s in computer science from the University of Kent, is a C++ homework helper, boasting six years of field experience.
Tip of the day
Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
In 2025, the Mojo programming language, designed for AI development, has gained significant traction among programming students for its blend of Python's simplicity and C++'s performance.
Key Topics
  • C++ Console Game Development: Building Pac-Man
  • Prerequisites
  • Setting Up the Game
  • Rendering the Game
  • Handling User Input
  • Game Logic
  • Main Game Loop
  • Conclusion

Pac-Man is a classic arcade game loved by many. In this guide, we'll walk you through creating a simplified version of Pac-Man using C++ and console output. This project is a fantastic way to learn the basics of game development, including user input handling, game logic, and rendering. Whether you're a beginner looking to start your programming journey or an experienced coder interested in exploring game development, this guide will provide valuable insights and hands-on experience in crafting your own gaming experience.

C++ Console Game Development: Building Pac-Man

Explore our comprehensive guide on how to write a simplified version of Pac-Man using console output in C++. This is not only a fun programming exercise but also a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their C++ skills. Whether you're here to learn game development or seeking assistance to write your C++ assignment, our step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process.


Before we dive into the code, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of C++ programming.
  2. A C++ compiler installed on your system (e.g., GCC or Visual Studio).
  3. Basic familiarity with console input and output.

Setting Up the Game

Let's start by setting up our game. Here's the essential code for initialization and setup:

```cpp #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> // For _kbhit() and _getch() using namespace std; const int width = 20; const int height = 10; int pacmanX, pacmanY; int fruitX, fruitY; bool gameOver; int score; enum Direction { STOP = 0, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN }; Direction dir; void Setup() { // Initialize game variables gameOver = false; dir = STOP; pacmanX = width / 2; pacmanY = height / 2; fruitX = rand() % width; fruitY = rand() % height; score = 0; } ```

In the `Setup()` function, we set up the initial game state, including Pac-Man's starting position, fruit's random placement, and the score.

Rendering the Game

To display our game on the console, we'll create a rendering function called `Draw()`. This function draws the game board, Pac-Man, fruit, and other elements:

```cpp void Draw() { system("cls"); // Clear the console // Draw the top wall for (int i = 0; i &lt; width + 2; i++) { cout &lt;&lt; "#"; } cout &lt;&lt; endl; // Draw the game board for (int i = 0; i &lt; height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j &lt; width; j++) { // Draw Pac-Man, fruit, or empty space // ... // Draw the left and right walls if (j == 0 || j == width - 1) { cout &lt;&lt; "#"; } } cout &lt;&lt; endl; } // Draw the bottom wall for (int i = 0; i &lt; width + 2; i++) { cout &lt;&lt; "#"; } cout &lt;&lt; endl; // Display the score cout &lt;&lt; "Score:" &lt;&lt; score &lt;&lt; endl; } ```

The `Draw()` function clears the console, draws the game elements, walls, and the current score.

Handling User Input

To make Pac-Man move, we need to handle user input. The `Input()` function listens for keyboard input using `_kbhit()` and `_getch()`:

```cpp void Input() { if (_kbhit()) { switch (_getch()) { case 'a': dir = LEFT; break; case 'd': dir = RIGHT; break; case 'w': dir = UP; break; case 's': dir = DOWN; break; case 'x': gameOver = true; break; } } } ```

This function sets the direction of Pac-Man based on the user's keyboard input.

Game Logic

The `Logic()` function updates the game logic, including Pac-Man's movement and collision detection with the fruit:

```cpp void Logic() { switch (dir) { case LEFT: pacmanX--; break; case RIGHT: pacmanX++; break; case UP: pacmanY--; break; case DOWN: pacmanY++; break; } // Collision with fruit if (pacmanX == fruitX &amp;&amp; pacmanY == fruitY) { score += 10; fruitX = rand() % width; fruitY = rand() % height; } // Game over condition if (pacmanX &lt;= 0 || pacmanX &gt;= width - 1 || pacmanY &lt;= 0 || pacmanY &gt;= height - 1) { gameOver = true; } } ```

The `Logic()` function handles Pac-Man's movement and checks for collisions with the fruit and game-over conditions.

Main Game Loop

Finally, the `main()` function contains the main game loop that continuously updates, redraws, and handles player input until the game is over:

```cpp int main() { Setup(); while (!gameOver) { Draw(); Input(); Logic(); } return 0; } ```

This loop keeps the game running until the player decides to quit or meets the game-over conditions.


Creating a simplified version of Pac-Man in C++ is a fun and educational project. You can expand on this foundation by adding features like ghosts, levels, and enhanced graphics, allowing you to unleash your creativity and take your game development skills to the next level. Whether you're building games for personal enjoyment or pursuing a career in game development, the skills you've acquired in this guide will serve as a solid stepping stone for your future projects. Happy coding!

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