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Templated Linked List Homework Help

Do you need help with templated linked lists homework? Contact us at your convenience. Our team of talented Java programming homework helpers work round the clock to make sure that your homework is ready when it is due. They use their wealth of linked list knowledge and coding expertise to curate error-free and compiling codes. In addition, our templated linked list homework help comes with several benefits including fair rates and amazing discounts, free unlimited reworks, lightning-fast deliveries and many more.

A Linked List That Utilizes Templates

In this homework, you are expected to write a Linked List that utilizes templates. It is almost similar to Java’s generics. This data structure should store any type of data. In addition, the nature of a Linked List will give you some experience dealing with non-contiguous memory organization. This will also give you more experience using pointers and memory management. Pointers, memory allocation, and understanding how data is stored in memory will serve you well in a variety of situations, not just for homework like this.

Linked List Concept

The basic concept behind a Linked List is simple:
1. It’s a container that stores its elements in a non-contiguous fashion
2. Each element knows about the location of the element which comes after it (and possibly before, more on that later)
So instead of a contiguous array, where element 4 comes after element 3, which comes after element 2, etc… you might have something like this:
Linked List Concept
Each element in the Linked List (typically referred to as a “node”) stores some data, plus some sort of reference (a pointer, in C++) to whatever node should come next. The First node knows only about itself, and the Second node. The Second node knows only about itself, and the Third, etc. In this example the Fourth node has a null pointer as its “next” node, indicating that we’ve reached the end of the data.
A real-world example can be helpful as well:
Think about a line of people, with one person at the front of the line. That person might know about the person who is next in line, but no further than that (beyond him or herself, the person at the front doesn’t need to know or care). The second person in line might know about the third person in line, but no further. Continuing on this way, the last person in line knows that there is no one else that follows, so that must be the end.
Linked List Concept 1
So… What are the advantages of storing data like this? When inserting or removing elements into an array, the entire array has to be reallocated. With a Linked List, only a small number of elements are affected. Only elements surrounding the changed element need to be updated, and all other elements can remain unaffected. This makes the Linked List much more efficient when it comes to adding or removing elements.
Now, imagine one person wants to step out of line. If this were an array, all of the data would have to be reconstructed elsewhere. In a Linked List, only three nodes are affected: 1) The person leaving, 2) the person in front of that person, and 3) the person behind that person.
Imagine you are the person at the front of the line. You don’t really need to know or care what happens 10 people behind you, as that has no impact on you whatsoever.
If the 5th person in line leaves, the only parts of the line that should be impacted are the 4th, 5th, and 6th spaces.
1. Person 4 has a new “next” Person: whomever was behind the person behind them (Person 6).
2. Person 5 has to be removed from the list.
3. Person 6… actually does nothing. In this example, a Person only cares about whomever comes after them. Since Person 5 was before Person 6, Person 6 is unaffected. (A Linked List could be implemented with two-way information between nodes—more on that later).
The same thought-process can be applied if someone stepped into line (maybe a friend was holding their place):

In this case, Person 2 would change their “next” person from Person 3, to the new Person being added. New Guy would have his “next” pointer set to whomever Person 2 was previously keeping track of, Person 3. Because of the ordering process, Person 3 would remain unchanged, as would anyone else in the list (aside from being a bit irritated at the New Guy for cutting in line).
So that’s the concept behind a Linked List. A series of “nodes” which are connected via pointer to one another, and inserting/deleting nodes is a faster process than deleting and reconstructing the entire collection of data. Now, how to go about creating that?
Node The fundamental building block of a Linked List. A node contains the data
  actually being stored in the list, as well as 1 or more pointers to other nodes.
  This is typically implemented as a nested class (see below).
Singly-linked A Linked List would be singly-linked if each node only has a single pointer to
  another node, typically a “next” pointer. This only allows for uni-directional
  traversal of the data—from beginning to end.
Doubly-linked Each node contains 2 pointers: a “next” pointer and a “previous” pointer. This
  allows for bi-directional traversal of the data—either from front-to-back or back-
Head A pointer to the first node in the list, akin to index 0 of an array.
Tail A pointer to the last node in the list. May or may not be used, depending on the
  implementation of the list.

Nested Classes

The purpose of writing a class is to group data and functionality. The purpose of a nested class is the same—the only difference is where we declare a nested class. We declare a nested class like this:
  class MyClass   // To create nested classes…
  {   // Use the Scope Resolution Operator
  public:   MyClass::NestedClasssomeVariable;
  // Nested class        
  structNestedClass   // With a class template…
  {   TemplateClass foo;
  intx, y, z;   TemplateClass::Nested bar;
  };   /* NOTE 1: You can make nested classes
  private:   private if you wish, to prevent access to
  // Data for "MyClass"   them outside of the encapsulating class. */
  NestedClass*somePtr;   /* Why is NestedClass a struct in this
  float values[10];   case? No reason in particular. Remember a
  // Etc…   structis just a class with public access
  };   by default. */
      /* NOTE 2: Nested classes and templates can
      make for some ugly code. Be sure to read
      the section at the end about typename */
Additional reading: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/nested_types
The nature of the Linked List is that each piece of information knows about the information which follows (or precedes) it. It would make sense, then, to create some nested class to group all of that information together.
Linked List Concept 2
Benefits and Drawbacks
All data structures in programming (C++ or otherwise) have advantages and disadvantages. There is no “one size fits all” data structure. Some are faster (in some cases), some have smaller memory footprints, and some are more flexible in their functionality, which can make life easier for the programmer.

Linked List versus Array – Who Wins?

Array Linked List
Fast access of individual elements as well as Changing the Linked List is fast – nodes can be
iteration over the entire array inserted/removed very quickly
Random access – You can quickly “jump” to the Less affected by memory fragmentation, nodes
appropriate memory location of an element can fit anywhere in memory
Changing the array is slow – Have to rebuild the No random access, slow iteration and access to
entire array when adding/removing elements individual elements
Memory fragmentation can be an issue for Extra memory overhead for nodes/pointers
arrays—need a single, contiguous block large  
enough for all of the data  

Code Structure

As shown above, the Linked List class itself stores very little data: Pointers to the first and last nodes, and a count. In some implementations, you might only have a pointer to the first node, and that’s it. In addition to those data members, your Linked List class must conform to the following interface:
Linked List Concept 3
Linked List Concept 4
Function Reference
PrintForward Iterator through all of the nodes and print out their values, one a time.
PrintReverse Exactly the same as PrintForward, except completely the opposite.
PrintForwardRecursive This function takes in a pointer to a Node—a starting node. From that node,
  recursively visit each node that follows, in forward order, and print their values.
  This function MUST be implemented using recursion, or tests using it will be
  worth no points. Check your textbook for a reference on recursion.
PrintReverseRecursive Same deal as PrintForwardRecursive, but in reverse.
NodeCount How many things are stored in this list?
FindAll Find all nodes which match the passed in parameter value, and store a pointer to
  that node in the passed in vector. Use of a parameter like this (passing a
  something in by reference, and storing data for later use) is called an output
Find Find the first node with a data value matching the passed in parameter,
  returning a pointer to that node. Returns nullptr if no matching node found.
GetNode Given an index, return a pointer to the node at that index. Throws an exception
  of type out_of_range if the index is out of range. Const and non-const versions.
Head Returns the head pointer. Const and non-const versions.
Tail Returns the tail pointer. Const and non-const versions.
  Insertion Operations
AddHead Create a new Node at the front of the list to store the passed in parameter.
AddTail Create a new Node at the end of the list to store the passed in parameter.
AddNodesHead Given an array of values, insert a node for each of those at the beginning of the
  list, maintaining the original order.
AddNodesTail Ditto, except adding to the end of the list.
InsertAfter Given a pointer to a node, create a new node to store the passed in value, after
  the indicated node.
InsertBefore Ditto, except insert the new node before the indicated node.
InsertAt Inserts a new Node to store the first parameter, at the index-th location. So if
  you specified 3 as the index, the new Node should have 3 Nodes before it.
  Throws an out_of_range exception if given an invalid index.
  Removal Operations
RemoveHead Deletes the first Node in the list. Returns whether or not the Node was removed.
RemoveTail Deletes the last Node, returning whether or not the operation was successful.
Remove Remove ALL Nodes containing values matching that of the passed-in parameter.
  Returns how many instances were removed.
RemoveAt Deletes the index-th Node from the list, returning whether or not the operation
  was successful.
Clear Deletes all Nodes. Don’t forget the node count—how many nodes do you have
  after you deleted all of them?
operator[] Overloaded subscript operator. Takes an index, and returns data from the index-
  the node. Throws an out_of_range exception for an invalid index. Const and non-const
  const versions.
operator= Homework operator. After listA = listB, listA == listB is true. Can you utilize any
  of your existing functions to make write this one? (Hint: Yes you can.)
operator== Overloaded equality operator. Given listA and listB, is listA equal to listB? What
  would make one Linked List equal to another? If each of its nodes were equal to
  the corresponding node of the other. (Similar to comparing two arrays, just with
  non-contiguous data).
  Construction / Destruction
LinkedList() Default constructor. How many nodes in an empty list? (Answer: 0) What is head
  pointing to? What is tail pointing to? (Answer: nullptr) Initialize your variables!
Copy Constructor Sets “this” to a copy of the passed in LinkedList. For example, if the other list has
  10 nodes, with values of 1-10? “this” should have a copy of that same data.
~LinkedList() The usual. Clean up your mess. (Delete all the nodes created by the list.)

Template Types and the "typename" Keyword

The compilation process for templates requires specialization—that is, your compiler essentially copies-and-pastes a version of your template, replacing all the instances of with the type you specified when creating an instance of the class. When dealing with templates within templates, nested template classes, etc… the compiler sometimes needs a bit of assistance when figuring out a type.

In order to know how to specialize, it has to know everything about the template class. If that template has some other template, it needs to know everything… before it knows everything… and therein lies the problem.

The typename keyword is a way of telling your compiler “Hey, what immediately follows typename is a data type. Treat it as such when you compiler everything else.” For example:







T someThing;


Nested SomeFunction();


When defining the function “SomeFunction” you might write this:


Nested Foo::SomeFunction()// Error, what is a “Nested”?

You could clean that up by specifying that a Nested object is part of the Foo class:


Foo::Nested Foo::SomeFunction()// Error, Foo is atemplateclass, label it as such

Okay… how about this?


Foo::Nested Foo::SomeFunction()//This SHOULD work, but…stilldoesn’t. Why?

When the Foo class is being defined, it is referencing a type, Nested. This type is part of the Foo class, but the compiler doesn’t know it’s part of the class until it’s done defining the class… But, since Foo is in the process of being defined… how can something simultaneously be defined not-yet-defined? Answer: It can’t.

Solution: using the typename keyword, tell the compiler that Nested IS IN FACT A TYPE, and so the compiler doesn’t have to wait to fully define Foo before finding out what it is.

// typename: Yes, compiler, Foo::Nested is a type. Honest. You’ll realize it later. template

typenameFoo::Nested Foo::SomeFunction()

Ugly? You bet! Part of the joy of working with templates? It sure is! Every programming language has quirks like this that you just have to learn over time.

Code Solution





using namespace std;


class Node{


   T type;

   Node* next;

   Node* before;

   void print();





 Node* first;

 Node* last;

 int length;



 voidappendright(T& item);

 voidappendleft(T& item);



 voidPrintForwardRecursively(Node* N);

 voidPrintReverseRecursively(Node* N);


 voidFindAll(vector* >&outData,const T value);

 Node* Find(const T& value);

 Node* GetNode(int index);

 Node* Head();

 Node* Tail();

 voidAddHead(T& value);

 voidAddTail(T& value);

 voidAddNodesHead(T* value,int count);

 voidInsertAfter(Node* N,T value);

 voidInsertBefore(Node* N,T value);

 voidInsertAt(T& value, int index);

 voidAddNodesTail(T* value,int count);



 void Remove(T& value);

 voidRemoveAt(int index);

 void Clear();

 T operator[](constint index);

 bool operator==(LinkedList& L);

 LinkedList& operator=(LinkedList& L);



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