Write a SQL assignment program to work with tables.
Requirements and Specifications

Source Code
Question 1
Part A: Functional Dependencies
Source Code
Question 1
Part A: Functional Dependencies
- Identified functional dependencies among attributes:
- student_advisor_id student_advisor_name
- student_id student_name, student_advisor_id
- department_id department_name
- course_id course_title, course_credit, department_id
- course_professor_id course_professor_name
- course_id, semester course_professor_id
- course_id, semester, course_professor_id student_id, course_grade
- course_id, semester, student_id semester_GPA
Additional assumptions:
- A student advisor can advise one or many students.
- For a student to be considered admitted into one or more departments, they would have been enrolled on courses coming from different departments. A course is under a department and a department has list of courses in it.
- Multiple same courses can open in the same semester which can have many different professors teaching it. However, for each course opened on the semester, only one professor handles it.
- A student can retake the same course but for a different semester which will yield them a different grade.
Part B: Primary key
Identified primary key: student_advisor_id, student_id, department_id, course_id, course_professor_id, semester
Part C: Normalization
Underlined attributes are primary keys while italicized attributes are foreign keys.
First Normal Form
Break columns that contain multiple values to make them atomic:
- student_advisor_name splits into advisor_first_name and advisor_last_name
- student_name splits into student_first_name and student_last_name
- course_professor_names split into professor_first_name and professor_last_name
- semester splits into semester_year and semester_number
Remove repeating groups thus we need to re-organize the columns to their respective tables:
- ADVISOR (student_advisor_id, advisor_first_name, advisor_last_name)
- STUDENT (student_id, student_first_name, student_last_name)
- DEPARTMENT (department_id, department_name)
- COURSE (course_id, course_title, course_credit, department_id)
- PROFESSOR (course_professor_id, professor_first_name, professor_last_name)
- COURSE_OFFERING (course_id, semester_year, semester_number, course_professor_id, student_id, course_grade, semester_GPA)
Second Normal Form
Non key attributes should be fully functional dependent on the primary key:
- SEMESTER_STUDENT (semester_year, semester_number, student_id, semester_GPA)
- COURSE_OFFERING (course_id, semester_year, semester_number, course_professor_id, student_id, course_grade)
Third Normal Form
Remove transitive functional dependency:
- COURSE_OFFERING (course_id, semester_year, semester_number, course_professor_id)
- COURSE_STUDENT (course_id, semester_year, semester_number, course_professor_id, student_id, course_grade)
Part D: ER Model
Question 2
Part A: ER Model
Part B: Constraints
With regards to cardinality:
- A team must have 1 leader and should be a student.
- Not all students can be a leader in a team.
- A team must have at least 1 student member.
- A student member can only be in a single team or none at all.
- A team can only work on project.
- A project must have at least 1 team working on it but can be more.
- A project should either be an internal or external but not both.
With regards to participation:
- Student has a partial participation to a team because they are not required to have a team right away.
- A team has full participation to a project. Without a team to work on a project it gets dissolved.
- An internal and external project has full participation to a project. They will only exists if a project exists.
- With regards to the full disjoint:
- A project must be an internal project or an external project (must be complete) but cannot be both (cannot overlap).
Part C: Create Table Statements
create table PROJECT (
pid integer not null,
topic varchar(100) not null,
project_type char(1) not null,
primary key(pid),
check (project_type = 'I' or project_type = 'E')
create table INTERNAL_PROJECT (
pid integer not null,
primary key(pid),
foreign key(pid) references PROJECT (pid)
create table EXTERNAL_PROJECT (
pid integer not null,
client_name varchar(30) not null,
budget decimal(10, 2) not null,
primary key(pid),
foreign key(pid) references PROJECT (pid)
create table STUDENT (
sid integer not null,
tid integer,
name varchar(30) not null,
dept varchar(30) not null
create table TEAM (
tid integer not null,
pid integer not null,
team_lead integer not null,
ate varchar(30) not null,
primary key(tid),
foreign key(pid) references PROJECT (pid),
foreign key(team_lead) references STUDENT (sid)
alter table STUDENT
add foreign key (tid) references TEAM (tid);
Part D: Queries
Part i: All students that have not been assigned to a team.
select *
where tid is null;
Part ii: Number of teams working in each project ranked in descending order
select TEAM.tid, count(STUDENT.sid) as num_students
from TEAM left join STUDENT on TEAM.tid = STUDENT.tid
group by TEAM.tid
order by count(STUDENT.sid) desc;
select FILTERED_TEAM.tid,, STUDENT.sid, FILTERED_TEAM.num_students
(select TEAM.tid, TEAM.team_lead, count(STUDENT.sid) as num_students
from TEAM left join STUDENT on TEAM.tid = STUDENT.tid
group by TEAM.tid
having count(STUDENT.sid) < 3) as FILTERED_TEAM
where FILTERED_TEAM.team_lead = STUDENT.sid
order by FILTERED_TEAM.num_students asc;
Part E: Additional Constraints
There are a few ways to solve these additional constraints in terms of limiting the number of rows for a particular table. One of which is the use of triggers but it is not a portable solution because every SQL application have different ways and syntax on how to implement them.
A more portable and logical solution is to create a column that keeps track the count. This count however needs to be updated from time to time. If a related data is removed, the count decreases and if a related data is added, then the count increases.
Part i: Each team can have no more than 4 members
We add a new column to the TEAM table that keeps track the number of members in the team:
alter table TEAM
add num_members integer;
alter table TEAM
add check (num_members >= 0 and num_members < 4);
So before we insert a new member to the team, we first update the num_members by increasing it. If it goes beyond 4, the constraint will throw an error thus it means we’re not allowed to add a new member to the team anymore.
Part ii: No more than 3 teams can work on a project
We add a new column to the PROJECT table that keeps track the number of teams working on it:
alter table PROJECT
add num_teams integer;
alter table PROJECT
add check (num_teams >= 1 and num_teams < 3);
So before we assign a project to a team, we first update the num_teams by increasing it. If it goes beyond 3, the constraint will throw an error thus it means we’re not allowed to add a new team for the project anymore.
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