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Designing Graphical User Interfaces using Swing and JavaFX

How to implement a Swing application in JavaFx for effective GUI development

GUI design using Swing and JavaFX

A GUI or a graphical user interface is a visual way of users interacting with computers. GUIs are an alternative to the command line and are considered to be more user-friendly. The expansion seems rather complex. But do not let yourself be scared of this definition. What is shrouded in the above definition is that a graphics user interface involves the creation of mobile apps and video games? It's about making something presentable and easy to use.

That is what we are going to focus on in this article. Though the topic is very wide, we do try to restrict ourselves to two of the main libraries used in Java. That is Swing and JavaFX. In case you have any challenges with this topic, don't hesitate to contact our online java assignment help experts specializing in GUI design using Swing and JavaFX. They are your immediate help in case you have a problem.


Swing is a lightweight java graphical user interface enriched with some wonderful widgets that enables you to create applications with much ease. It's built on top of the Java abstract widget toolkit. With the control feature 'seeing,' you can integrate, have GUI components such as buttons, and do not have to create them from scratch.

Some of the desirable features you will like about seeing are:-

Lightweight. Naturally, Swing is independent of the operating system API, and most of its codes are rendered using pure JAVA.

Numerous controls. Swing as a wide set of controls ranging from the color picker, table controls, and slider.

Customizable. The seeing controls are highly customizable.

AWT vs. Swing

What differences exist between AWT and Swing? Some of them are listed below.

1. Swings components are always platform-independent, while AWT components are platform-dependent.

2. As noted earlier, Swing components are lightweight, whereas AWT components are heavyweight.

3. In terms of the number of components provided by the two GUI libraries, Swing has more components. Besides, it's the standard GUI library for Java.

4. Swing follows the model view controller architecture while AWT does not.


This is another graphical interface user library in Java that offers a lot of functionalities as compared to swing. In fact, it is said that JavaFX was meant to be a replacement for Swing. This means that it incorporates the features of Swing plus other new features that are superior. JavaFX provides its own

Components and like Swing it's not dependent on the operating system. It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

What can you do with JavaFX?

With JavaFX, you can create a myriad of desktop applications as well as rich internet applications. Some of the things you can do with it are to create 2D shapes, 3D shapes, animations, transformations, charts, and layouts. All the applications that you make are compatible with all devices.

Parts of JavaFX.

It's made up of the following four parts.

 Prism. This is a graphics engine that is used for 2D and 3D graphics.

Media engine. It provides the tools needed for media applications and web applications.

Web engine. A web browser engine that supports CSS, Javascript, SVG, and DOM.

Glass windowing toolkit. Connects the Library to the native operating system.

Features JavaFX. 

1. CSS-like styling. The style of the application can be significantly improved if the JavaFX code is embedded with CSS.

2. UI controls. It comes with built-in UI controls that are dependent on the operating system.

3. it's a java library. This means that it has many classes that are written in Java.

4. Has a rich set of APIs which help in the creation of applications.

Comparison between JavaFX and Swing.

1. JavaFX looks like a modern version of Swing which allows for modern features in its applications such as scrolling, shipping, and Zooming.

2. Swing does not support event having while JavaFX supports event having and the use of thoughtful ideas throughout its categories.

3. Events in JavaFX are highly consistent as compared to Swing.

Evidently, there is a lot more to learn about the GUI in Java. Sometimes, the homework that is given in class would require you to go that extra mile to answer the question. Why would you subject yourself to all that trouble when we offer high-quality GUI design using Swing and JavaFX homework help at an affordable fee?

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