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Java Arithmetic Operators Homework Help

Writing Java programs that crunch numbers is a daunting task for most students but not to our Java homework tutors. There is no better place to get Java arithmeticoperators homework help that here at Programming Homework Help. We have hired programming professionals who work round the clock to deliver flawless codes within the mutually agreed deadline. We recommend that you sign up for our Java arithmetic operators homework help if you are overwhelmed and cannot meet your deadline.
Java Arithmetic Operators Assignment Help

A Program That Computes Total Cost of Group of People Attending a Theme Park

Write a generic program to compute the total cost of a group of people attending a theme park. Save the filename as lastname_mid1.java
Age range Theme park ticket per person
under 5 year $45.00
under 11 year $75.00
under 17 year $120.00
Adults $150.00
Total theme park cost Group discount
0-$1000 No discount
$1001-$2000 5%
$2001-$3000 8%
$3001 and up 10%
Age range Price of one meal
Under 11 $10
11 or above $20
User Input:
Enter the number of under 5 year old = 2
Enter the number of under 11 year old = 3
Enter the number of under 17 year old = 4
Enter the number of adults = 8
Expected Output:
Total group cost before discount = 2(45) + 3(75) + 4(120) + 8(150) = $1,995.00
Total group cost after discount = 0.95(1995) = $1,895.25
Total cost of Meal = (2 + 3)(10) + (4 + 8)(20) = $290.00
Total cost = 1895.25 + 290 = $2185.25
Java Code Solution
public class mid1 {
private static double getDiscount(double cost) {
if(cost <= 1000) {
return 0;
    } else if (cost <= 2000) {
return 0.05;
    } else if (cost <= 3000) {
return 0.08;
return 0.1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the number of under 5 year old = ");
int lessThan5 = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number of under 11 year old = ");
int lessThan11 = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number of under 17 year old = ");
int lessThan17 = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number of adults = ");
int adults = scanner.nextInt();
doublegroupCost = lessThan5*45 + lessThan11*75 + lessThan17*120 + adults*150;
doublegroupCostAfterDiscount = groupCost * (1 - getDiscount(groupCost));
doublemealCost = ((lessThan5 + lessThan11) * 10) + ((lessThan17 + adults) * 20);
doubletotalCost = groupCostAfterDiscount + mealCost;
System.out.println("\nTotal group cost before discount = $" + groupCost);
System.out.println("Total group cost after discount = $" + groupCostAfterDiscount);
System.out.println("Total cost of Meal = $" + mealCost);
System.out.println("Total cost = $" + totalCost);
A Java Program That Computes The Total Production Units
A manufacturing plant produces two types of units, A and B as follows. The cost of producing each unit A is $0.90 and each unit B is $0.80.
Hour 0 starts at midnight and hour 1 is at 1 am.
Write a generic program to compute the total of producing both types of units after any given number of hours such as 10, 100 or 200. Save the filename as lastname_mid2.java
Linked List with Small Modification 5
Enter the number of hours = 10
Linked List with Small Modification 6
Java Code Solution
public class mid2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
doublecostA = 0.9;
doublecostB = 0.8;
System.out.print("Enter the number of hours: ");
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int hours = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Hour\tUnitsA\tUnitsB\tTotal Cost");
intproductionA = 0;
intproductionB = 0;
inttotalCost = 0;
for (inti = 1; i< hours + 1; i++) {
int hour = (i-1)%24;
if(hour == 5){
productionB = 40;
      } else if(hour >= 6 && hour < 9) {
productionA = 50;
productionB = 40;
      } else if(hour >= 9 && hour < 18) {
productionA = 80;
productionB = 100;
      } else if(hour >= 18 && hour < 21) {
productionA = 50;
productionB = 40;
      } else if(hour == 21) {
productionA = 50;
totalCost += productionA*costA + productionB*costB;
System.out.println(hour + "\t\t" + productionA + "\t\t" + productionB + "\t\t" + totalCost);
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