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Implement Frequency Reuse in Python Assignment Solution

June 24, 2024
Dr. Andrew Taylor
Dr. Andrew
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Andrew Taylor, a renowned figure in the realm of Computer Science, earned his PhD from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. With 7 years of experience, he has tackled over 500 Python assignments, leveraging his extensive knowledge and skills to deliver outstanding results.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Write a python assignment program to implement frequency reuse.

Requirements and Specifications

This is a program that clearly uses the function advantage of multiple reuse of code.

Implement a frequency reuse program with math functions.

Source Code

#!/usr/bin/python from math import * # import everything from Tkinter module from tkinter import * # Base class for Hexagon shape class Hexagon(object): def __init__(self, parent, x, y, length, color, tags): self.parent = parent self.x = x self.y = y self.length = length self.color = color self.size = None self.tags = tags self.draw_hex() # draw one hexagon def draw_hex(self): start_x = self.x start_y = self.y angle = 60 coords = [] for i in range(6): end_x = start_x + self.length * cos(radians(angle * i)) end_y = start_y + self.length * sin(radians(angle * i)) coords.append([start_x, start_y]) start_x = end_x start_y = end_y self.parent.create_polygon(coords[0][0], coords[0][1], coords[1][0], coords[1][1], coords[2][0], coords[2][1], coords[3][0], coords[3][1], coords[4][0], coords[4][1], coords[5][0], coords[5][1], fill=self.color, outline="black", tags=self.tags) # class holds frequency reuse logic and related methods class FrequencyReuse(Tk): CANVAS_WIDTH = 800 CANVAS_HEIGHT = 650 TOP_LEFT = (20, 20) BOTTOM_LEFT = (790, 560) TOP_RIGHT = (780, 20) BOTTOM_RIGHT = (780, 560) def __init__(self, cluster_size, columns=16, rows=10, edge_len=30): Tk.__init__(self) self.textbox = None self.curr_angle = 330 self.first_click = True self.reset = False self.edge_len = edge_len self.cluster_size = cluster_size self.reuse_list = [] self.all_selected = False self.curr_count = 0 self.hexagons = [] self.co_cell_endp = [] self.reuse_xy = [] self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=self.CANVAS_WIDTH, height=self.CANVAS_HEIGHT, bg="#4dd0e1") self.canvas.bind("", self.call_back) self.canvas.focus_set() self.canvas.bind('', self.resets) self.canvas.pack() self.title("Frequency reuse and co-channel selection") self.create_grid(16, 10) self.create_textbox() self.cluster_reuse_calc() # show lines joining all co-channel cells def show_lines(self): # center(x,y) of first hexagon approx_center = self.co_cell_endp[0] self.line_ids = [] for k in range(1, len(self.co_cell_endp)): end_xx = (self.co_cell_endp[k])[0] end_yy = (self.co_cell_endp[k])[1] # move i^th steps l_id = self.canvas.create_line(approx_center[0], approx_center[1], end_xx, end_yy) if j == 0: self.line_ids.append(l_id) dist = 0 elif i >= j and j != 0: self.line_ids.append(l_id) dist = j # rotate counter-clockwise and move j^th step l_id = self.canvas.create_line( end_xx, end_yy, end_xx + self.center_dist * dist * cos(radians(self.curr_angle - 60)), end_yy + self.center_dist * dist * sin(radians(self.curr_angle - 60))) self.line_ids.append(l_id) self.curr_angle -= 60 def create_textbox(self): txt = Text(self.canvas, width=80, height=1, font=("Helvatica", 12), padx=10, pady=10) txt.tag_configure("center", justify="center") txt.insert("1.0", "Select a Hexagon") txt.tag_add("center", "1.0", "end") self.canvas.create_window((0, 600), anchor='w', window=txt) txt.config(state=DISABLED) self.textbox = txt def resets(self, event): if event.char == 'R': self.reset_grid() # clear hexagonal grid for new i/p def reset_grid(self, button_reset=False): self.first_click = True self.curr_angle = 330 self.curr_count = 0 self.co_cell_endp = [] self.reuse_list = [] for i in self.hexagons: self.canvas.itemconfigure(i.tags, fill=i.color) try: self.line_ids except AttributeError: pass else: for i in self.line_ids: self.canvas.after(0, self.canvas.delete, i) self.line_ids = [] if button_reset: self.write_text("Select a Hexagon") # create a grid of Hexagons def create_grid(self, cols, rows): size = self.edge_len for c in range(cols): if c % 2 == 0: offset = 0 else: offset = size * sqrt(3) / 2 for r in range(rows): x = c * (self.edge_len * 1.5) + 50 y = (r * (self.edge_len * sqrt(3))) + offset + 15 hx = Hexagon(self.canvas, x, y, self.edge_len, "#fafafa", "{},{}".format(r, c)) self.hexagons.append(hx) # calculate reuse distance, center distance and radius of the hexagon def cluster_reuse_calc(self): self.hex_radius = sqrt(3) / 2 * self.edge_len self.center_dist = sqrt(3) * self.hex_radius self.reuse_dist = self.hex_radius * sqrt(3 * self.cluster_size) def write_text(self, text): self.textbox.config(state=NORMAL) self.textbox.delete('1.0', END) self.textbox.insert('1.0', text, "center") self.textbox.config(state=DISABLED) #check if the co-channels are within visible canvas def is_within_bound(self, coords): if self.TOP_LEFT[0] < coords[0] < self.BOTTOM_RIGHT[0] \ and self.TOP_RIGHT[1] < coords[1] < self.BOTTOM_RIGHT[1]: return True return False #gets called when user selects a hexagon #This function applies frequency reuse logic in order to #figure out the positions of the co-channels def call_back(self, evt): selected_hex_id = self.canvas.find_closest(evt.x, evt.y)[0] hexagon = self.hexagons[int(selected_hex_id - 1)] s_x, s_y = hexagon.x, hexagon.y approx_center = (s_x + 15, s_y + 25) if self.first_click: self.first_click = False self.write_text( """Now, select another hexagon such that it should be a co-cell of the original hexagon.""" ) self.co_cell_endp.append(approx_center) self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="green") for _ in range(6): end_xx = approx_center[0] + self.center_dist * i * cos( radians(self.curr_angle)) end_yy = approx_center[1] + self.center_dist * i * sin( radians(self.curr_angle)) reuse_x = end_xx + (self.center_dist * j) * cos( radians(self.curr_angle - 60)) reuse_y = end_yy + (self.center_dist * j) * sin( radians(self.curr_angle - 60)) if not self.is_within_bound((reuse_x, reuse_y)): self.write_text( """co-cells are exceeding canvas boundary. Select cell in the center""" ) self.reset_grid() break if j == 0: self.reuse_list.append( self.canvas.find_closest(end_xx, end_yy)[0]) elif i >= j and j != 0: self.reuse_list.append( self.canvas.find_closest(reuse_x, reuse_y)[0]) self.co_cell_endp.append((end_xx, end_yy)) self.curr_angle -= 60 else: curr = self.canvas.find_closest(s_x, s_y)[0] if curr in self.reuse_list: self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="green") self.write_text("Correct! Cell {} is a co-cell.".format( hexagon.tags)) if self.curr_count == len(self.reuse_list) - 1: self.write_text("Great! Press Shift-R to restart") self.show_lines() self.curr_count += 1 else: self.write_text("Incorrect! Cell {} is not a co-cell.".format( hexagon.tags)) self.canvas.itemconfigure(hexagon.tags, fill="red") if __name__ == '__main__': print( """Enter i & j values. common (i,j) values are: (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1), (3,0), (2,2)""" ) i = int(input("Enter i: ")) j = int(input("Enter j: ")) if i == 0 and j == 0: raise ValueError("i & j both cannot be zero") elif j > i: raise ValueError("value of j cannot be greater than i") else: N = (i**2 + i * j + j**2) print("N is {}".format(N)) freqreuse = FrequencyReuse(cluster_size=N) freqreuse.mainloop()

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