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Creating a Robust Seating Arrangement Solution in C

July 04, 2024
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams
🇨🇦 Canada
Sarah is a skilled C programmer with a bachelor's degree in computer science and over 600 completed orders. Specializing in data structure implementation, she delivers meticulously crafted solutions that leverage arrays, linked lists, trees, and hash tables for effective mapping operations.
Tip of the day
Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
In 2025, the Mojo programming language, designed for AI development, has gained significant traction among programming students for its blend of Python's simplicity and C++'s performance.
Key Topics
  • Cracking Complex Seating Problems in C
  • Block 1: Header Files and Constants
  • Block 2: isValidArrangement Function
  • Block 3: generateOrdering Function
  • Block 4: printOrdering Function
  • Block 5: countOrderings Function
  • Block 6: main Function
  • Conclusion

In this code analysis, we delve into a C program designed to construct a valid seating arrangement for a group of individuals while respecting specified constraints. Through meticulous design, the program systematically generates seating orders, considering various permutations of individuals and adhering to constraints. It evaluates both seating constraints and popcorn-related restrictions to ensure the validity of each arrangement. The code offers the flexibility to either print the valid seating arrangement or count the total number of valid arrangements. By providing a comprehensive understanding of the code blocks and their functionalities, this analysis illuminates the process of building a robust seating arrangement solution in the C programming language.

Cracking Complex Seating Problems in C

This analysis delves into a C program that aims to help with your C assignment by addressing a complex seating arrangement challenge. This code intricately constructs valid seating orders while considering specific constraints, making it an invaluable tool for solving similar programming problems. The code employs a recursive algorithm to systematically generate seating orders, and it meticulously evaluates both seating constraints and popcorn-related restrictions. Whether you need to print a valid seating arrangement or simply count the number of valid arrangements, this analysis provides a detailed breakdown of the code's functionality and structure. It serves as an essential resource for students and programmers seeking to tackle seating arrangement problems in C.

Block 1: Header Files and Constants

# include < stdio.h> # include < string.h> #define MAX_N 10 int n, p; char names[MAX_N][20]; int popcorn[MAX_N]; int constraints[MAX_N][MAX_N]; int order[MAX_N]; int chosen[MAX_N] = {0}; int found = 0;

  • This block includes necessary header files and defines constants and global variables.
  • MAX_N is defined as 10, which represents the maximum number of people. Global arrays and variables for storing data and tracking the solution are declared here.

Block 2: isValidArrangement Function

int isValidArrangement(int order[]) { // Check seating constraints for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int person1 = order[i]; int person2 = order[i + 1]; if (constraints[person1][person2] || constraints[person2][person1]) return 0; } // Check popcorn constraints for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ int person = order[i]; if(popcorn[person] == 1){ continue; } int leftPersonHasPopcorn = (i == 0)? 0: popcorn[order[i - 1]]; int rightPersonHasPopcorn = (i == n - 1)? 0: popcorn[order[i + 1]]; if(leftPersonHasPopcorn == 0 && rightPersonHasPopcorn == 0){ return 0; } } return 1; }

  • isValidArrangement is a function that checks whether a given seating arrangement is valid based on constraints.
  • It checks both seating constraints (specified by the constraints array) and popcorn constraints (specified by the popcorn array).

Block 3: generateOrdering Function

void generateOrdering(int pos) { if (pos == n) { if (isValidArrangement(order)) { found = 1; return; } return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!chosen[i]) { chosen[i] = 1; order[pos] = i; generateOrdering(pos + 1); if (found) return; chosen[i] = 0; } } }

  • generateOrdering is a recursive function that generates seating arrangements by trying different permutations of people.
  • It recursively explores all possible seating orders and checks if each one is valid using isValidArrangement.
  • If a valid arrangement is found, found is set to 1, and the function returns.

Block 4: printOrdering Function

void printOrdering() { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%s\n", names[order[i]]); } }

  • printOrdering function prints the valid seating arrangement found by generateOrdering.

Block 5: countOrderings Function

void countOrderings(int order[], int chosen[], int pos, int *count) { if (pos == n) { if (isValidArrangement(order)) (*count)++; return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!chosen[i]) { chosen[i] = 1; order[pos] = i; countOrderings(order, chosen, pos + 1, count); chosen[i] = 0; } } }

  • countOrderings is a function to count the number of valid seating arrangements without printing them

Block 6: main Function

int main() { scanf("%d %d", &n, &p); // Read names and popcorn information for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%s %d", names[i], &popcorn[i]); } // Initialize constraints matrix memset(constraints, 0, sizeof(constraints)); // Read and set seating constraints for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { char name1[20], name2[20]; scanf("%s %s", name1, name2); int index1, index2; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (strcmp(names[j], name1) == 0) index1 = j; if (strcmp(names[j], name2) == 0) index2 = j; } constraints[index1][index2] = constraints[index2][index1] = 1; } generateOrdering(0); printOrdering(); return 0;

  • The main function reads input data, initializes constraints, and then calls generateordering to find a valid seating arrangement.
  • Finally, it prints the valid seating arrangement.


In conclusion, this meticulously crafted C code offers a robust solution to the intricate challenge of arranging individuals in a seating arrangement while adhering to defined constraints. By ingeniously employing recursion and constraint validation, it efficiently navigates through a multitude of permutations, ultimately producing a valid seating arrangement. Furthermore, the program's versatility shines through with the option to either display the arrangement or solely tally the count of valid permutations, offering flexibility in its application. To fully appreciate the program's inner workings, comprehending the intricacies of its code blocks and their functions is paramount. This code not only showcases the power of algorithmic problem-solving but also exemplifies the elegance that can be achieved through meticulous programming.

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