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Chemical Element or Compound Analysis using C Assignment Solution

June 20, 2024
David Thompson
David Thompson
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
David, with a PhD in Computer Engineering, brings extensive experience to the table with over 900 completed orders. He excels in complex algorithm design and performance optimization, crafting efficient solutions that meet the most demanding requirements of Mapping module assignments.
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Chemicals Symbol and Atomic Weight

Begin this lab by defining a structure type that is capable of holding information about a chemical element or compound. For the sake of simplicity, we can call it element_t. (For element type.) This type will have a string with a length of 10 characters for the element or compound’s chemical symbol (i.e. Na for Sodium), an integer for the atomic number, and a double for the atomic weight. You will define this type above the main.

Now in the main declare three variables of your new type. Write a C assignment program that fill two variables by asking the user for the information:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Na

Enter the atomic number: 11

Enter the atomic weight: 22.9897

Do the same for the second element.

Then output your two elements so they look something like this.

Sym: Na

No. 11

Wt. 22.9897

After you have written and tested this little main add to it a function that takes as parameters two element_t variables and which returns the sum of those two. The value returned will also be of type element_t. Remember that you can assign the return value of the function to your third element_t variable in main. The function will have a local variable of element_t type, which you will “construct” in the function by adding the various components of the two elements you have received. (Note you can use strcat, if you #include at the top, to put the names of the elements together.)This local variable will then be returned to the main – just the like the functions we learned about early in the semester.

So the user interaction might look like this:

Enter the first element:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Na

Enter the atomic number: 11

Enter the atomic weight: 22.9897

Enter the second element:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Cl

Enter the atomic number: 17

Enter the atomic weight: 35.453

The resulting compound is:

Sym: NaCl

No. 28

Wt. 58.4427

(*User input is shown in bold.)

Once you have this working create a sample run that shows two runs of your program, the first for Sodium Chloride as shown above, and the second for Cadmium Telluride (CdTe).


#include < stdio.h> #include < string.h> /* Hold an element info */ typedef struct element_s { char symbol[20]; int number; double weight; } element_t; /* Display element */ void print(element_t element) { printf("Sym: %s\n", element.symbol); printf("No. %d\n", element.number); printf("Wt. %.4f\n", element.weight); } /* Read an element */ element_t read_element() { element_t element; printf("Enter the Chemical Symbol: "); scanf("%s", element.symbol); printf("Enter the atomic number: "); scanf("%d", &element.number); printf("Enter the atomic weight: "); scanf("%lf", &element.weight); return element; } /* Entry point of the program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { element_t el1, el2, el3; /* Read 2 elements */ printf("Enter first element:"); el1 = read_element(); printf("Enter second element: "); el2 = read_element(); /* Add them up */ strcpy(el3.symbol, el1.symbol); strcat(el3.symbol, el2.symbol); el3.number = el1.number + el2.number; el3.weight = el1.weight + el2.weight; printf("The resulting compound is:\n"); print(el3); return 0; }

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