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How to Create a GUI Version of Marupeke Puzzle Game in Java

June 12, 2024
Ellie Icely
Ellie Icely
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
PhD in Computer Science from the University of Hertfordshire, with 8 years of experience in Java assignments. Expert in delivering high-quality, efficient solutions for complex programming problems. Passionate about teaching and mentoring students.
Key Topics
  • Crafting a Java Marupeke Puzzle Game
  • Setting Up the Project:
  • Building the Game:
  • Conclusion:
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In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of building your own GUI version of the Marupeke puzzle game in Java, providing a hands-on learning experience. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore Java programming or an experienced programmer seeking an enjoyable project, this guide is designed to help you create an engaging game that's both educational and entertaining. Dive into the world of Java game development and challenge yourself to bring this classic memory puzzle to life on your screen.

Crafting a Java Marupeke Puzzle Game

Explore our comprehensive guide on how to create a GUI version of the Marupeke puzzle game in Java. We're here to assist with your Java assignmenthttps://www.programminghomeworkhelp.com/java-assignment/ step-by-step instructions to develop this engaging educational game. Whether you're a novice or an experienced programmer, our resource empowers you to master Java game development while having fun with the Marupeke puzzle.


Before we dive into the world of Marupeke game development, here's what you'll need to get started:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Make sure you have the Java Development Kit installed on your computer. If you don't have it yet, you can download and install it from the official Oracle website.
  • Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE): While not strictly necessary, using a Java IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans can greatly streamline your development process and make coding more efficient.
  • Basic Java Knowledge: Familiarity with Java programming concepts will be helpful as you follow along with this guide. If you're new to Java, consider taking some introductory Java courses to get up to speed.

Setting Up the Project:

  • Create a New Java Project: Open your Java IDE, create a new Java project, and give it a name, such as "MarupekeGame."
  • Create a New Java Class: Within your project, create a new Java class named MarupekeGame. This class will serve as the main entry point for our Marupeke game.

Building the Game:

Now, let's dive into the code for our Marupeke game. Below is a simplified example to get you started. Feel free to extend and customize it further as per your preferences.

```java importjavax.swing.*; importjava.awt.*; importjava.awt.event.ActionEvent; importjava.awt.event.ActionListener; importjava.util.ArrayList; importjava.util.Collections; importjava.util.List; public class MarupekeGame extends JFrame { private static final int GRID_SIZE = 4; privateJButton[][] buttons; private char[][] board; privateJButtonfirstSelectedButton; privateint moves; publicMarupekeGame() { setTitle("Marupeke Game"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setLayout(new GridLayout(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE)); buttons = new JButton[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE]; board = new char[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE]; firstSelectedButton = null; moves = 0; initializeBoard(); initializeButtons(); pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); } private void initializeBoard() { List symbols = new ArrayList<>(); for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'H'; c++) { symbols.add(c); } // Duplicate symbols to create pairs symbols.addAll(symbols); Collections.shuffle(symbols); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++) { board[i][j] = symbols.get(index++); } } } private void initializeButtons() { for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++) { buttons[i][j] = new JButton(""); buttons[i][j].setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24)); add(buttons[i][j]); intfinalI = i; intfinalJ = j; buttons[i][j].addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleButtonClick(finalI, finalJ); } }); } } } private void handleButtonClick(int i, int j) { JButton button = buttons[i][j]; if (button == firstSelectedButton || button.getText().length() > 0) { // Ignore if the same button is clicked or if it's already matched return; } button.setText(Character.toString(board[i][j])); if (firstSelectedButton == null) { firstSelectedButton = button; } else { moves++; if (board[i][j] == board[firstSelectedButton.getX()][firstSelectedButton.getY()]) { // Match found button.setEnabled(false); firstSelectedButton.setEnabled(false); } else { // No match, hide both buttons Timer timer = new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button.setText(""); firstSelectedButton.setText(""); } }); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } firstSelectedButton = null; } if (allButtonsDisabled()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Congratulations! You won in " + moves + " moves."); System.exit(0); } } privatebooleanallButtonsDisabled() { for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++) { if (buttons[i][j].isEnabled()) { return false; } } } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { newMarupekeGame(); }); } } ```


  • We begin by setting up the project and creating the MarupekeGame class.
  • The initializeBoard method populates the game board with symbols and shuffles them to create pairs.
  • The initializeButtons method creates the GUI buttons for the grid and assigns actions to them.
  • The handleButtonClick method manages the logic for revealing symbols, checking for matches, and updating the game state.
  • The allButtonsDisabled method checks if all buttons have been disabled, indicating that the game is over.


You've now learned how to create a GUI version of the Marupeke puzzle game in Java, and this guide serves as your springboard into the exciting world of game development. With the foundation you've built, consider expanding your project by incorporating advanced features such as timers, scoring systems, and increasingly challenging puzzles to take your game to the next level. The possibilities are endless, and your creativity is the only limit. Happy coding!

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