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Implement Functions To Encode, Decode Message PPM Image In C Assignment Solution

June 29, 2024
Dr. Deborah R. Craft
Dr. Deborah
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Deborah R. Craft, who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has an impressive 7 years of experience in the field. She has successfully completed over 700 C# assignments, showcasing her expertise and dedication. Dr. Craft is known for her analytical approach and ability to simplify complex programming concepts, providing invaluable assistance with C# assignments.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
Tip of the day
Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
In 2025, the Mojo programming language, designed for AI development, has gained significant traction among programming students for its blend of Python's simplicity and C++'s performance.



Write a C assignment program to implement functions to encode, decode message ppm image.

Requirements and Specifications

For this assignments you will have at a minimal eight files:

  1. driver.c – This is where main lives.
  2. ppm.h – I will provide this file. It will contain the prototypes of the functions I implement. These functions deal specifically with a ppm file. It will also provide the definition of two structs.
    • One for the header
    • One for the pixels
  3. ppm.c – This file is where I implemented the functions listed in the ppm.h file.
  4. EncodeDecode.h – I will provide this file. It will contain additional prototypes of functions I needed to encode and decode a message in an image.
  5. EncodeDecode.c – This file is where I implement the functions listed in EncodeDecode.h
  6. utils.h – this provides the prototypes for two functions needed to check the number of command line arguments passed to the program. It also contains a function that check if the file pointers opened successfully.
  7. utils.c – this file is where I implement the functions for utils.h
  8. makefile
  9. Each of your header files (.h) must have header guards. Points will be deducted if you do not provide header guards I also removed all of the #include statements, you will need to provide these.

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Source Code


//************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "EncodeDecode.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { checkArgs(argc, 2); FILE* in = fopen(argv[1], "r"); checkFile(in); FILE* out = fopen(argv[2], "w"); checkFile(out); /*This is my test message. It can be something different*/ char* msg = "I hope this works!"; encodeMsg(in, out, msg); FILE* dec = fopen(argv[2], "r"); checkFile(dec); decodeMsg(dec); fclose(in); fclose(out); fclose(dec); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }


/************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #ifndef ENCODEDECODE_H #define ENCODEDECODE_H #include #include #include "ppm.h" void removeDigit(pixel_t** , header_t ); void encodeMsg(FILE* in, FILE* out, char* msg); void charToBinary(char , int *); unsigned char binToCharacter(int*); void queue(int, int*, int*); void dec2bin(int*, int); void decodeMsg(FILE*); #endif /* ENCODEDECODE_H */ Ppm.c /************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #include #include #include #include "ppm.h" /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer to an input ppm file * Return: output - header_t that contains the ppm header * This function reads the PPM header information from the given file. */ header_t readHeader(FILE* f) { header_t header; // read the magic numbers fread(header.magicNum, 2, 1, f); // clear whitespace and comments ckws_comments(f); // read the width fscanf(f, "%d", &header.width); // clear whitespace and comments ckws_comments(f); // read the height fscanf(f, "%d", &header.height); // clear whitespace and comments ckws_comments(f); // read the max value fscanf(f, "%d", &header.maxVal); // read the last whitespace fgetc(f); return header; } /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer to an input ppm file * header - header_t that contains the ppm header * Return: output - pixel_t double pointer that contains the ppm * pixel information. * This function reads the PPM pixel information from the given file. * It allocates a 2D array to read the pixel data and returns it. */ pixel_t** readPixel(FILE* f, header_t header) { pixel_t** pixels; int i; int j; int bytes; char buffer[2]; // number of bytes per sample (r,g,b), 1 if < 256, 2 otherwise bytes = (header.maxVal < 256) ? 1 : 2; // allocate space for all row pointers pixels = (pixel_t**) malloc(header.height * sizeof(pixel_t*)); // go through all pixels rows for (i = 0; i < header.height; i++) { // allocate space for all pixels in the row pixels[i] = (pixel_t*) malloc(header.width * sizeof(pixel_t)); // go through all pixels in row for (j = 0; j < header.width; j++) { // read the red part fread(buffer, bytes, 1, f); // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (header.maxVal < 256) pixels[i][j].r = buffer[0]; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else pixels[i][j].r = (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; // read the green part fread(buffer, bytes, 1, f); // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (header.maxVal < 256) pixels[i][j].g = buffer[0]; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else pixels[i][j].g = (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; // read the blue part fread(buffer, bytes, 1, f); // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (header.maxVal < 256) pixels[i][j].b = buffer[0]; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else pixels[i][j].b = (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; } } return pixels; } /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer to an output ppm file * header - header_t that contains the ppm header * Return: output - none * This function writes the PPM header information into the given file. */ void writeHeader(FILE* f, header_t header) { // write the magic numbers fprintf(f, "%c%c\n", header.magicNum[0], header.magicNum[1]); // write the width x height fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", header.width, header.height); // write the max value and newline fprintf(f, "%d\n", header.maxVal); } /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer to an output ppm file * pixels - pixel_t double pointer that contains the ppm * pixel information. * header - header_t that contains the ppm header * Return: output - none * This function writes the PPM pixel information into the given file. */ void writePixels(FILE* f, pixel_t** pixels, header_t header) { int i; int j; int bytes; char buffer[2]; // number of bytes per sample (r,g,b), 1 if < 256, 2 otherwise bytes = (header.maxVal < 256) ? 1 : 2; // go through all pixels rows for (i = 0; i < header.height; i++) { // go through all pixels in row for (j = 0; j < header.width; j++) { // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (bytes == 1) buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].r; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else { buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].r >> 8; buffer[1] = pixels[i][j].r; } // write the red part fwrite(buffer, bytes, 1, f); // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (bytes == 1) buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].g; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else { buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].g >> 8; buffer[1] = pixels[i][j].g; } // write the green part fwrite(buffer, bytes, 1, f); // if maxvalue fits in 1 byte if (bytes == 1) buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].b; // if maxvalue fits in 2 bytes, first byte is msb else { buffer[0] = pixels[i][j].b >> 8; buffer[1] = pixels[i][j].b; } // write the blue part fwrite(buffer, bytes, 1, f); } } } /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer pointing to a ppm input file * Return: output - none * This function removes all the whitespace and comments found from * the current position. */ void ckws_comments (FILE *f) { int c; while (1) { // ignore all whitespace while (isspace(c = fgetc(f))); // if a comment if (c == '#') // read until newline while ((c = fgetc(f)) != '\n'); // if not a comment else { // undo the last read ungetc(c, f); // exit the loop to return break; } } } /* Parameters: pixels - pixel_t double pointer that contains the ppm * pixel information. * header - header_t that contains the ppm header * Return: output - none * This function frees all the allocated memory used by the pixel 2D array */ void freeMemory(pixel_t** pixels, header_t header) { int i; // go through all pixels rows for (i = 0; i < header.height; i++) // free space for all pixels free(pixels[i]); // free space for all rows free(pixels); }


/************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #ifndef PPM_H #define PPM_H #include typedef struct { unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; }pixel_t; typedef struct { char magicNum[3]; int width; int height; int maxVal; }header_t; header_t readHeader(FILE*); pixel_t** readPixel(FILE*, header_t); void writeHeader(FILE*, header_t); void writePixels(FILE*, pixel_t**, header_t); void ckws_comments (FILE *); void freeMemory(pixel_t**, header_t); #endif /* PPM_H */


/************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #include #include #include "utils.h" /* Parameters: argc - number of command line arguments * n - required number of command line arguments * Return: output - none * This function verifies that the number of command line arguments * is at least the required n. If not, it exits with error. */ void checkArgs(int argc, int n) { // if not enough arguments, exit with error if (argc < n) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough command line arguments\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Parameters: f - FILE pointer pointing to a file that has been opened * Return: output - none * This function verifies that the file has been opened coorrectly. * If not, it exits with error. */ void checkFile(FILE* f) { // if file was not opened, exit with error if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to open file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Utils.h /************************* *Your names *CPSC 2310 F21 Section 00? *Your emails *************************/ #ifndef UTILS_H #define UTILS_H #include void checkArgs(int, int); void checkFile(FILE*); #endif /* UTILS_H */

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