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Program To Implement Linked Lists and Its Application Using Java Programming Language Assignment Solution

July 08, 2024
Dr. Ethan Taylor
Dr. Ethan
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Ethan Taylor holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Oxford. With over 850 assignments completed, he brings extensive expertise in data structures, algorithms, and programming languages. Ethan specializes in array manipulation, dynamic memory allocation, and algorithm optimization, providing students with comprehensive guidance and practical solutions for their Array class interface homework.
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Write a java assignment program to implement linked lists and its application.

Implement linked lists using Java programming language
Implement linked lists using Java programming language 1
Implement linked lists using Java programming language 2
Implement linked lists using Java programming language 3

Source Code

import java.util.Random; /** * COMP 2140 SECTION A01 * INSTRUCTOR Cuneyt Akcora * Assignment 2 * * @author your name, your student number * @version date of completion * * PURPOSE: To implement Link list merge, fix and conversion methods. */ public class Assignment2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Send input parameters to your method. In run/edit configurations, use program arguments and enter "1500 1300" int list1Size = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);//1500; int list2Size = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);//1300; Random r1 = new Random(); LinkedList list1 = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < list1Size; i++) { int randomInt = r1.nextInt(list1Size); list1.insertValue(randomInt); } LinkedList list2 = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < list2Size; i++) { int randomInt = r1.nextInt(list2Size); list2.insertValue(randomInt); } list1.quickSort(); list2.quickSort(); System.out.println("\nCOMP 2140 Assignment 2 linked list questions"); System.out.println("\nCurrently both List1 and List2 are circular."); System.out.println("\nWe insert nodes or values to the circular version only."); System.out.println("\nOtherwise we would need to rewrite the insert function."); list1.add(list2); int size = list1Size + list2Size; System.out.println("List1 is expanded: " + (list1.getSize() == size)); System.out.println("List1 is in order: " + list1.isSorted()); System.out.println("List2 is in order: " + list2.isSorted()); System.out.println("Type of List1 is Circular:" + list1.isCircular()); list1.convertCircularToOrdinary(); System.out.println("Type of List1 is Ordinary:" + list1.isOrdinary()); list1.deleteOddNodes(); System.out.println("Odd nodes are deleted:" + list1.getSize() + " nodes remain"); list1.convertOrdinaryToCircular(); System.out.println("Type of List1 is Circular:" + list1.isCircular()); list1.convertCircularToOrdinary();//again, in order to add dummies. list1.addDummies(); System.out.println("List1 has dummies:" + list1.hasDummies()); list1.reset();//back to a circular list int[] arr = new int[size]; //testInsertion below is overloaded. It has multiple // versions each with a different signature. //In your IDE, if you click on the function name while holding the CTRL key //the cursor will move to the function declaration long secondsList = testInsertion(size, list1); long secondsArray = testInsertion(size, arr); System.out.println("Insertions take " + secondsArray + " (array) " + (secondsList) + "(list) nsecs"); list1.reset(); long t1 = System.nanoTime(); int runs = 1000000; for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { insertValue(list1, i); } t1 = System.nanoTime() - t1; System.out.println("Linked list new values take " + (t1) + " nsecs"); arr = new int[size]; //insertvalue is overloaded. t1 = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { arr = insertValue(arr, i, i); } t1 = System.nanoTime() - t1; System.out.println("Array new values take " + (t1) + " nsecs"); //corrupt the linked list at one position int index = r1.nextInt(list1.getSize() / 2);// corrupted point is in the first half of the list1 list1.convertCircularToOrdinary();//ordinary linked list, with no duplicates (even the values are in sorted order). System.out.println("Type of List1 is Ordinary:" + list1.isOrdinary()); System.out.println("List is originally corrupt: " + list1.findCorruption()); int valueAtCorruption = list1.corrupt(index); boolean foundValue = list1.findCorruption(); System.out.println("Corruption at index " + index + " (value:" + valueAtCorruption + ") was found: " + (foundValue)); System.out.println("Program ends."); } // end main /* Insert new integers into the list (you can insert 1 every time) 'size' times, and return the time it takes to complete these insertions. */ private static long testInsertion(int size, LinkedList list1) { long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { list1.insertValue(1); } return System.nanoTime() - start; } /* Insert new integers into the array (you can insert 1 every time) 'size' times, and return the time it takes to complete these insertions. */ private static long testInsertion(int size, int[] arr) { long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { arr[i] = 1; } return System.nanoTime() - start; } /* insertValue: insert the given value into the array. If the array size is exceeded, you must create a new array (1.5 size of the current array, if arr size is 100, create a new arr for 150 values) and copy the old array into the new array. Afterwards, insert the new item value to the new array */ private static int[] insertValue(int[] arr, int i, int index) { //write your code here //everytime you create a new array, printout a log with arr.size and newarray.size if (arr.length == index) { int[] newArr = new int[arr.length * 3 / 2]; System.arraycopy(arr, 0, newArr, 0, arr.length); arr = newArr; } arr[index] = i; return arr; } /* insertValue: insert the given value into the link list. We could use the list.insert() but the goal of this exercise is to show the dynamic nature of lists. */ private static void insertValue(LinkedList list1, int i) { list1.insertValue(i); } } // end class Assignment2 /* 1. New array was created 15 times. 2. 182637 elements left unused. 3. Arrays are useful, when we need to perform huge amount of access queries to different elements of collection. */

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