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Java Classes for Scheduling and Management

June 21, 2024
Dr. Zara Silvermist
Dr. Zara
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Zara Silvermist holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas, where she specialized in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With over five years of industry experience, she has completed over 500 Java Homework assignments with precision and expertise.
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Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
In 2025, the Mojo programming language, designed for AI development, has gained significant traction among programming students for its blend of Python's simplicity and C++'s performance.
Key Topics
  • Java Scheduling and Management Classes in Detail
    • Block 1: Appointment Class
    • Block 2: Constructor for Appointment Class
    • Block 3: Setter Methods for Appointment Class
    • Block 4: Getter Methods for Appointment Class
    • Block 5: Task Class
    • Block 6: Contact Class
    • Conclusion

The Java code defines three classes—Appointment, Task, and Contact—each encapsulating entities related to scheduling and management. These classes enforce data integrity through input validation, employing exceptions for erroneous inputs. The Appointment class represents appointments with an ID, date, and description, while the Task and Contact classes manage tasks and contacts, respectively. Common design patterns, such as immutability and getter/setter methods, are employed for consistency. This modular and constraint-driven approach facilitates code reuse, maintenance, and scalability in building and extending scheduling applications.

Java Scheduling and Management Classes in Detail

The provided Java code comprises three classes—Appointment, Task, and Contact—dedicated to scheduling and management tasks. These classes enforce robust data validation and encapsulation, ensuring the integrity of input parameters. Employing a consistent design pattern with getter/setter methods and exception handling, the code promotes modularity and code reuse. The structure facilitates easy expansion for diverse scheduling applications. If you need assistance with your Java assignment, understanding and leveraging these principles within the codebase can enhance your proficiency in Java programming and aid in the completion of your assignment with clarity and precision.

Block 1: Appointment Class

import java.util.Date; public class Appointment { private final String appointmentId; private Date appointmentDate; private String description;


  • This class represents an appointment with an appointmentId, appointmentDate, and a description.
  • appointmentId is a final field, meaning it cannot be changed after initialization.
  • appointmentDate is a Date object representing the date and time of the appointment.
  • description is a string providing additional information about the appointment.

Block 2: Constructor for Appointment Class

public Appointment(String appointmentId, Date appointmentDate, String description) { if (appointmentId == null || appointmentId.length() > 10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Appointment Id shall not be null and cannot be longer than 10 characters."); } this.appointmentId = appointmentId; this.setAppointmentDate(appointmentDate); this.setDescription(description); }


  • The constructor initializes the Appointment object with the provided values.
  • It checks constraints on appointmentId length and throws an exception if the condition is violated.
  • The setAppointmentDate and setDescription methods are used to set appointmentDate and description after validation.

Block 3: Setter Methods for Appointment Class

public void setAppointmentDate(Date appointmentDate) { if (appointmentDate == null || appointmentDate.before(new Date())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Appointment date shall not be null and cannot be in the past."); } this.appointmentDate = appointmentDate; } public void setDescription(String description) { if (description == null || description.length() > 50) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Description shall not be null or cannot be longer than 50 characters."); } this.description = description; }


  • These setter methods enforce constraints on appointmentDate and description similar to the constructor.
  • They throw exceptions if the input values violate the specified conditions.

Block 4: Getter Methods for Appointment Class

public String getAppointmentId() { return appointmentId; } public Date getAppointmentDate() { return appointmentDate; } public String getDescription() { return description; } }


  • These getter methods provide access to the private fields of the Appointment class.

Block 5: Task Class

public class Task { private final String taskId; private String name; private String description; public Task(String taskId, String name, String description) { // Check the validity of the taskId parameter if (taskId == null || taskId.length() > 10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Task Id shall not be null and cannot be longer than 10 characters."); } this.taskId = taskId; // Call setter methods for name and description this.setName(name); this.setDescription(description); } // Getters and setters for taskId, name, and description }


  • The Task class represents a task with three attributes: taskId, name, and description.
  • The constructor checks if the provided taskId is valid (not null and not longer than 10 characters) and initializes the taskId attribute.
  • The constructor also sets the name and description using setter methods, which have additional validation logic.
  • Getter methods are provided for accessing the attributes.

Block 6: Contact Class

public class Contact { private final String contactId; private String firstName; private String lastName; private Long phone; private String address; public Contact(String contactId, String firstName, String lastName, Long phone, String address) { // Check the validity of the contactId parameter if (contactId == null || contactId.length() > 10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Contact Id shall not be null and cannot be longer than 10 characters."); } this.contactId = contactId; // Call setter methods for firstName, lastName, phone, and address this.setFirstName(firstName); this.setLastName(lastName); this.setPhone(phone); this.setAddress(address); } // Getters and setters for contactId, firstName, lastName, phone, and address }


  • The Contact class represents a contact with five attributes: contactId, firstName, lastName, phone, and address.
  • The constructor checks if the provided contactId is valid (not null and not longer than 10 characters) and initializes the contactId attribute.
  • The constructor also sets the firstName, lastName, phone, and address using setter methods, which have additional validation logic.
  • Getter methods are provided for accessing the attributes.


In summary, the provided Java code demonstrates a structured approach to managing appointments, tasks, and contacts within a software system. By employing strict validation checks, such as ensuring the length of IDs, names, and descriptions, the code ensures data integrity and prevents inconsistencies. These classes serve as a foundation for building more complex systems that require careful management of scheduling and contact information. Moreover, the implementation underscores the importance of encapsulation and data validation in object-oriented programming, aiding in the creation of robust and reliable software solutions for various organizational and scheduling needs.

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