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Writing a Parser in Haskell for a Simple Programming Language

July 16, 2024
John Williams
John Williams
🇸🇬 Singapore
John Williams is a seasoned programmer with a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from MIT. Specializing in algorithm design and optimization, John has successfully completed more than 900 Text-based adventure game assignments. His ability to solve intricate coding challenges and optimize game performance makes him an invaluable asset to our team.
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Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
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Key Topics
  • Building a Parser in Haskell: Your Essential Guide
  • Prerequisites
  • The Simple Programming Language
  • Setting Up the Parser
  • Importing Necessary Libraries
  • Defining the Expression Data Type
  • Creating a Lexer
  • Parsing Integer Literals
  • Parsing Expressions
  • Parsing a Full Program
  • Running the Parser
  • Conclusion

In this guide, we will explore how to create a parser in Haskell for a straightforward programming language. This exercise provides invaluable insights into language design, compiler construction, and functional programming. By delving into the intricacies of parsing, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how programming languages are constructed from the ground up, laying the foundation for designing your own languages or building compilers. Additionally, this guide offers a practical application of functional programming principles, showcasing how Haskell's expressive features can be harnessed for real-world tasks.

Building a Parser in Haskell: Your Essential Guide

Explore how to write your Haskell assignment with our step-by-step guide on creating a parser in Haskell for a simple programming language. Gain insights into language design, compiler construction, and functional programming concepts to excel in your assignments. Whether you're a student or a programming enthusiast, this guide will equip you with the skills needed to tackle complex parsing tasks and build your own programming languages.


Before we begin, make sure you have Haskell installed on your system. You can download Haskell from the official website: Haskell Downloads.

The Simple Programming Language

Our programming language supports the following features:

  • Integer literals
  • Addition (`+`) and subtraction (`-`) operators

Setting Up the Parser

Setting up the parser involves importing the essential libraries required for parsing in Haskell. These libraries provide functions and tools to help us define how our programming language's syntax will be recognized and processed.

Importing Necessary Libraries

We start by importing the necessary libraries for parsing using Haskell's Parsec library:

```haskell import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.String (Parser) import Text.Parsec.Expr import Text.Parsec.Token import Text.Parsec.Language (haskellStyle) ```

In this step, we import the Parsec libraries and related modules. These libraries offer a wide range of functions and data types that streamline the process of creating parsers in Haskell. By including these libraries, we gain access to powerful parsing tools.

Defining the Expression Data Type

Next, we define a data type `Expr` to represent the abstract syntax tree (AST) of our language. It includes constructors for addition, subtraction,

And integer literals:

```haskell data Expr = Add Expr Expr | Sub Expr Expr | Num Int deriving Show ```

Defining the Expr data type is a pivotal step in building our parser. This data type serves as the foundation of our abstract syntax tree (AST) and allows us to represent expressions in our programming language as a structured data hierarchy. Constructors like Add and Sub help us model the syntax of arithmetic operations.

Creating a Lexer

We create a lexer for our language using `haskellStyle` to handle whitespace and operators:

```haskell lexer :: TokenParser () lexer = makeTokenParser haskellStyle ```

To create a lexer, we utilize the haskellStyle module. This module defines how our source code will be tokenized, handling whitespace, operators, and other lexical elements. The lexer's role is to break down the source code into meaningful tokens that our parser can understand.

Parsing Integer Literals

We define a helper function `integer` to parse integer literals using the lexer:

```haskell integer :: Parser Int integer = lexeme lexer (many1 digit >>= return . read) ```

In this step, we define a function called integer that specializes in parsing integer literals. It takes advantage of the lexer to identify and convert sequences of digits into actual integer values. Parsing integer literals is an essential building block for handling numeric expressions in our language.

Parsing Expressions

The `exprParser` function is the core of our parser. It defines how expressions are parsed,

Including operator precedence and associativity:

```haskell exprParser :: Parser Expr exprParser = buildExpressionParser operators term where operators = [ [Infix (reservedOp lexer "+" >> return Add) AssocLeft] , [Infix (reservedOp lexer "-" >> return Sub) AssocLeft] ] term = parens lexer exprParser <|> fmap Num integer

Parsing expressions is at the core of our parser. The exprParser function defines the rules for recognizing and structuring expressions in our language. It specifies the precedence and associativity of operators like + and -, allowing us to handle complex expressions correctly.

Parsing a Full Program

We create a top-level parser `parseProgram` that parses a full program. In our case,

A program is just an expression:

```haskell parseProgram :: String -> Either ParseError Expr parseProgram = parse exprParser "" ```

In this step, we create the parseProgram function, which acts as the entry point for our parser. It takes a string as input, representing a full program or expression, and parses it using the rules defined in exprParser. The result is either a successfully parsed abstract syntax tree (AST) or an error message if the input is invalid.

Running the Parser

In the `main` function, we prompt the user to enter an arithmetic expression, parse it,

And display the result or an error message:

```haskell main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Enter an arithmetic expression:" input <- getLine case parseProgram input of Left err -> putStrLn ("Error: " ++ show err) Right expr -> putStrLn ("Parsed expression: " ++ show expr) ```

Finally, we set up a main function that interacts with the user. It prompts the user to input an arithmetic expression, parses the input, and displays the parsed expression or an error message if the input is not valid. This step ties everything together, allowing us to see our parser in action and validate its functionality.


You've learned how to write a basic parser in Haskell for a simple programming language. Parsing is a critical skill in programming language design and compiler construction, and Haskell's expressive features make it a powerful tool for this task. As you continue your journey in language design and compiler development, you can build upon this foundation to create more complex languages, integrate error handling, and explore advanced parsing techniques such as abstract syntax tree transformations. Embracing the power of Haskell, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the exciting challenges that lie ahead in the world of programming languages.

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