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Create a Program to Create a Console Application in Java Assignment Solution

July 06, 2024
Alice Grey
Alice Grey
🇦🇺 Australia
Alice Grey is a seasoned Java Coding Specialist with 13 years of practice. He has a Master's degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
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Break robotics assignments into hardware, software, and logic. Test separately, use simulations like Gazebo, and debug systematically. Document code and ensure sensor accuracy.
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Write a java assignment program to create a console application.

Requirements and Specifications

This Midterm Project aims to review and expand upon the topics from the first half of the class. We shall apply the following topics from the textbook.

  • Create, Compile, and Run a Java Program
  • Program Errors (Syntax, Logic, Run-time)
  • Procedural Decomposition, Pseudo Code and IPO Chart
  • Identifiers, Variables, Constants, Assignment Statements, and Expressions
  • Primitive Types: byte, short, int, long, float, or double and Casting Data Types
  • Operators+,-,*,/, Increment++, Decrement --, Assignment Operator +=,-=,*=,/=
  • Scanner
  • MATH Function, Char, String, Formatted Output
  • Loops
  • Methods
  • Arrays

This project implements a quiz in Java to be taken by students about the core, domains, and major. All the topics learned to date should be applied.


  • Create the following for each of the topics from the textbook
  • Java code implementing your solution
  • The document is a complete response to the topics below

Instructions "Midterm Project"

Create a Console Application called "W7-8YourNameMidterm."

  • This midterm project should create a 10 questions game about the domain, core, and majors course.
  • Write your Pseudo Code Comments to complete the following steps
  • A method should ask the user for their name and return it to the main() method for later use.
  • A method should ask the user for their major and return it to the main() method for later use.
  • A method should ask the user for their college-level (Freshman, ..., Senior) and return it to the main() method for later use.
  • Create the code for a 10 questions game (questions are your choice, but they must meet the requirements).
  • Each question must be store in an array using the appropriate datatype
  • Each answer to the question must be stored in a variable with the appropriate datatype variable
  • A "for" loop should iterate through the array of questions used for the user prompt.
  • A switch statement should be utilized to separate each question and response check.
  • Each case has a comparision between the correct response stored in the variable and the response supplied by the user will determine the count for correct and incorrect answer
  • Question requirements (the actual question is your choice, but it is useful for review to use questions from your other courses)
  • 1st question using the boolean type (true or false)
  • 2nd question using the char type (multiple choice a,b,c,d)
  • 3rd question using the string type (fill in the blank)
  • 4th question using the integer type
  • 5th question using the float type
  • 6th question using the trigonometric function and the appropriate data type(s)
  • 7th question using the exponent function and the appropriate data type(s)
  • 8th question using the rounding method and the appropriate data type(s)
  • 9th question using the min, max, or abs method and the appropriate data type(s)
  • 10th question using your choice of question and data type
  • A method should be used to print the following a formated and readable way:
  • Students name
  • Students major
  • Student college grade level
  • The number of questions correct
  • The number of questions incorrect
  • Create the code in Java to complete the tasks
  • Create the driver in main() execute the sequence
  • Comment each line describing its function as you understand it
  • Create the IPO chart above main()
  • Create the IPO chart above each method()
  • Document any issues you had and how you corrected them
  • Document the execution of your application in a word document
  • Test and document the code where all questions can be answered correctly
  • Test and document the code where all questions can be answered correctly
  • Test and document the code where some questions can be answered correctly

Source Code


import java.util.Scanner; public class App { // Here, we define some constant values used to know the type of Question (simple selection, multiple selection, fill, etc) static final int MULTIPLE_OPTION = 1; static final int FILL = 2; static final int SINGLE_OPTION = 3; static final int TRUE_FALSE = 4; // Here, we define some constant values used to know the type of answer that a questions needs static final int INT = 1; static final int CHAR = 2; static final int STRING = 3; static final int FLOAT = 4; static final int DOUBLE = 5; static final int BOOL = 6; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Create scanner object Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // get user name String user_name = getUserName(sc); // get major String user_major = getUserMajor(sc); // get college level String user_college_level = getUserCollegeLevel(sc); // Create list of questions Question questions[] = new Question[10]; // Now, create questions // Question 1: True or False Question question = new Question("The sky is blue", TRUE_FALSE, BOOL); question.setAnswer(true); questions[0] = question; // Question 2: Char Type question = new Question("Which geometric figure has no sides?", MULTIPLE_OPTION, INT); question.addOption("Square"); question.addOption("Circle"); question.addOption("Triangle"); question.addOption("Cylinder"); question.setAnswer(2); questions[1] = question; // Question 3: Fill question = new Question("The geometric figure called ______ has only three sides.", FILL, STRING); question.setAnswer("triangle"); questions[2] = question; // Question 4: Integer question = new Question("The sum of 50+100 is equal to ", SINGLE_OPTION, INT); question.setAnswer(150); questions[3] = question; // Question 5: Float question = new Question("The value of 10/100 is ", SINGLE_OPTION, FLOAT); question.setAnswer(0.1f); questions[4] = question; // Question 6: Trigonometric Function question = new Question("What is the sine of 90º? ", SINGLE_OPTION, DOUBLE); question.setAnswer(Math.sin(Math.PI/2)); questions[5] = question; // Question 7: Exponent function question = new Question("What is the value of 2 to the power of 5? ", SINGLE_OPTION, DOUBLE); question.setAnswer(Math.pow(2,5)); questions[6] = question; // Question 8: Using round question = new Question("What is the value of 57/38 (rounded to cero decimals)?", SINGLE_OPTION, INT); question.setAnswer(Math.round(57.0f/38.0f)); questions[7] = question; // Question 9: using min, max or abs question = new Question("What is the min value between -5 and -8?", SINGLE_OPTION, DOUBLE); question.setAnswer(Math.min(-5,-8)); questions[8] = question; // Question 10: My choice question = new Question("What is the result of the following operation?: |(-2)*5|", MULTIPLE_OPTION, INT); question.addOption("-10"); question.addOption("10"); question.setAnswer(2); questions[9] = question; // Now, start exam int n_correct = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Question q = questions[i]; System.out.println(q.toString()); //m get answer String answer = sc.nextLine(); if(q.evaluate(answer)) n_correct++; System.out.println(""); } System.out.println("Results for: " + user_name + ", " + user_major +", " + user_college_level); System.out.println("Correct: " + n_correct); System.out.println(String.format("Incorrect: %d", 10 - n_correct)); System.out.println(String.format("Score: %.2f%%", (double)n_correct/(double)10.0 *100.0)); } public static String getUserName(Scanner sc) { /* This function uses a Scanner to ask to user for name and returns it as a String This function receives a Scanner object and returns a String */ System.out.println("Please enter your name: "); return sc.nextLine(); } public static String getUserMajor(Scanner sc) { /* This function uses a Scanner to ask to user for major and returns it as a String This function receives a Scanner object and returns a String */ System.out.println("Please enter your major: "); return sc.nextLine(); } public static String getUserCollegeLevel(Scanner sc) { /* This function uses a Scanner to ask to user for college level and returns it as a String This function receives a Scanner object and returns a String */ System.out.println("Please enter your college level: "); return sc.nextLine(); } }


public class Question { private String text; private String options[]; private int n_options; private String answer_text; private int answer_int; private float answer_float; private char answer_char; private boolean answer_bool; private double answer_double; private int question_type; private int answer_type; // Here, we define some constant values used to know the type of Question (simple selection, multiple selection, fill, etc) static final int MULTIPLE_OPTION = 1; static final int FILL = 2; static final int SINGLE_OPTION = 3; static final int TRUE_FALSE = 4; // Here, we define some constant values used to know the type of answer that a questions needs static final int INT = 1; static final int CHAR = 2; static final int STRING = 3; static final int FLOAT = 4; static final int DOUBLE = 5; static final int BOOL = 6; // Constructor public Question(String text, int typ, int answer_typ) { this.text = text; this.question_type = typ; this.options = new String[100]; this.n_options = 0; this.answer_type = answer_typ; } // method to add options public void addOption(String option) { this.options[this.n_options] = option; this.n_options++; } // methods to check that the given option is correct public boolean checkAnswer(String answer) {return answer.toLowerCase().compareTo(answer_text) == 0;} public boolean checkAnswer(int answer) {return answer == answer_int;} public boolean checkAnswer(float answer) {return answer == answer_float;} public boolean checkAnswer(boolean answer) {return answer == answer_bool;} public boolean checkAnswer(char answer) {return answer == answer_char;} public boolean checkAnswer(double answer) {return answer == answer_double;} public boolean evaluate(String answer) { if(getAnswerType() == STRING) { return answer.toLowerCase().compareTo(getAnswerText().toLowerCase()) == 0; } else if(getAnswerType() == BOOL) { boolean answer_b = false; if(answer.toLowerCase().compareTo("true") == 0) answer_b = true; return getAnswerBool() == answer_b; } else if(getAnswerType() == INT) { int answer_i = Integer.valueOf(answer); return answer_i == getAnswerInt(); } else if(getAnswerType() == DOUBLE) { double answer_d = Double.valueOf(answer); return answer_d == getAnswerDouble(); } else if(getAnswerType() == FLOAT) { float answer_f = Float.valueOf(answer); return answer_f == getAnswerFloat(); } return false; } // getters public int getQuestionType() {return question_type;} public int getAnswerType() {return answer_type;} public String getQuestionText() {return text;} public String[] getOptions() {return options;} public String getAnswerText() {return answer_text;} public int getAnswerInt() {return answer_int;} public float getAnswerFloat() {return answer_float;} public char getAnswerChar() {return answer_char;} public boolean getAnswerBool() {return answer_bool;} public double getAnswerDouble() {return answer_double;} // setters public void setAnswer(boolean answer) {answer_bool = answer;} public void setAnswer(String answer) {answer_text = answer;} public void setAnswer(int answer) {answer_int = answer;} public void setAnswer(float answer) {answer_float = answer;}; public void setAnswer(char answer) {answer_char = answer;}; public void setAnswer(double answer) {answer_double = answer;}; @Override public String toString() { String ret = text; ret += "\n"; if(getQuestionType() == MULTIPLE_OPTION) { int i = 1; for(int j = 0; j < n_options;j++) { String option = this.options[j]; ret += i + ". " + option + "\n"; i++; } } else if(getQuestionType() == TRUE_FALSE) ret += "Enter True or False: "; return ret; } }

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