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Create a Program to Create API Queries in Python Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Dr. David Adam
Dr. David
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. David Adams, a distinguished Computer Science scholar, holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, Australia. With over 5 years of experience in the field, he has completed over 300 Python assignments, showcasing his deep understanding and expertise in the subject matter.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Racket assignment into smaller functions and test each one individually. This approach simplifies debugging and ensures your code works as expected before combining it into a larger program.
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Write a python assignment program to create API queries.

Requirements and Specifications

Problem 1:


https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/hydro/es_proxy.php?esurl=_sql?sql=SELECT * from ghrc limit 1

https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/hydro/es_proxy.php?esurl=_sql?sql=SELECT * from ghrc_inv

Create a Python application to query the API and populate the data.

Extract these variables for all datasets:










Project_home_page [url]






Find the overall dataset count

Find the files count for each dataset

Find the total no. of files available

Show the datasets between a date range

Select a variable and show the associated dataset

For eg: Choose any format and show which dataset has those formats

Show the download links for a selected dataset

Users should be able to select no. of links to display

Show the statistics for all dataset

Export all the variables in a JSON file

Source Code

import json import requests from datetime import datetime def displayMenu(): print("1) Find the overall dataset count") print("2) Find the files count for each dataset") print("3) Find the total no. of files available") print("4) Show the datasets between a date range") print("5) Select a variable and show the associated dataset") print("6) Show the download links for a selected dataset") print("7) Show statistics for all datasets") print("8) Export to JSON") print("9) Exit") def getOption(message, lb, ub): while True: try: option = int(input(message)) if option in range(lb, ub+1): return option else: print(f"Enter a number between {lb} and {ub}") except ValueError: print("Enter a valid option.") link = "https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/hydro/es_proxy.php?esurl=_sql?sql=SELECT%20*%20from%20ghrc_inv" text = requests.get(link).json() # Variable to count the number of datasets datasets = list() # Store the datasets here datasets_clean = list() # this will store the same datasets but with dates as strings and not datetimes. variables = ['ds_short_name', 'platform', 'authors', 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'format', 'coll_name', 'proj_name', 'dataset_name', 'project_home_page', 'format', 'granule_name', 'data_access', 'checksum', 'file_size'] for data in text['hits']['hits']: dt = dict() dt_clean = dict() for var in variables: if var in data['_source']: if var not in ['start_date', 'stop_date']: dt[var] = data['_source'][var] dt_clean[var] = dt[var] else: dt[var] = datetime.strptime(data['_source'][var], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") dt_clean[var] = data['_source'][var] datasets.append(dt) datasets_clean.append(dt_clean) # Begin with program while True: # Display menu displayMenu() option = getOption("Enter an option:", 1, 9) if option == 1: # Display count print(f"There are {len(datasets)} datasets") elif option == 2: print("The file count for each dataset is: ") for data in datasets: print("{}: {}".format(data['dataset_name'], data['file_size'])) elif option == 3: all_files = 0 for data in datasets: all_files += data['file_size'] print(f"There are {all_files} files between all datasets.") elif option == 4: start_date = input("Enter start date in the format year-month-day (i.e: 2015-10-21): ") end_date = input("Enter start date in the format year-month-day (i.e: 2015-10-21): ") start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') stop_date = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') for data in datasets: if data['start_date'] >=start_date and data['stop_date'] <= stop_date: print("Dataset Name:", data['dataset_name']) elif option == 5: var = input("Enter variable: ") value = input("Enter value: ") for data in datasets: if var in data and data[var] == value: print("Dataset Name:", data['dataset_name']) elif option == 6: name = input("Enter the name of the dataset: ") for data in datasets: if data['dataset_name'] == name: print("The download links are: ") print(data['data_access']) elif option == 7: # Compute mean of file size file_size_mean = 0.0 for data in datasets: file_size_mean += data['file_size'] file_size_mean = file_size_mean / len(datasets) print(f"There are {len(datasets)} datasets") print("The average file size is: {:.2f}".format(file_size_mean)) elif option == 8: with open('output.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for data in datasets_clean: json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) print("Data saved to file output.json") elif option == 9: print("Good Bye!") break print()

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