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Create a Program to Create Employee Management System in Python Assignment Solution

July 05, 2024
Dr. Samantha Tan
Dr. Samantha
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Samantha Tan holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology from the National University of Singapore. With over 600 completed assignments, she is an expert in developing custom Python applications tailored to clients' specific needs. Dr. Tan's innovative approach and problem-solving skills make her a valuable asset in delivering high-quality solutions for projects like MyFitTimer.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Understand Java’s object-oriented principles thoroughly, especially inheritance and polymorphism. These concepts are key to structuring efficient and scalable code, which will improve your ability to tackle complex assignments with better design and organization.
In 2024, universities worldwide are updating programming curricula to include AI and machine learning, challenging students to adapt to rapidly evolving tech skills.



Write a Python assignment program to create employee management system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create employee management system in python 1
program to create employee management system in python 2
program to create employee management system in python 3
program to create employee management system in python 4
program to create employee management system in python 5
program to create employee management system in python 6
program to create employee management system in python 7
program to create employee management system in python 8

Source Code


class Employee: def __init__(self, id: int, name: str, workFromHome: bool): self.__id = id self.__name = name self.__workFromHome = workFromHome self.__leaveBalance = 0 def employeeId(self): return self.__id @property def name(self): return self.__name @property def workFromHome(self): return self.__workFromHome @workFromHome.setter def workFromHome(self, atHome: bool): self.__workFromHome = atHome def getLeaveEntitlement(self): return self.__leaveBalance def adjustLeave(self, adjustment: int): self.__leaveBalance += adjustment def __str__(self): WFH = "Yes" if not self.__workFromHome: WFH = "No" return "ID: {0}\tName: {1}\tLeave Balance: {2}\tWFH: {3}".format(self.__id, self.__name, self.__leaveBalance, WFH)


from Question2.Department import * class Company: def __init__(self, name: str, uniqueEntityNumber: str): self.__SAFE_MANAGEMENT_PERCENTAGE = 50.0 self.__name = name self.__uniqueEntityNumber = uniqueEntityNumber self.__departments = [] def getSafeManagementPercentage(self) -> float: return self.__SAFE_MANAGEMENT_PERCENTAGE def setSafeManagementPercentage(self, newPercentage: float): self.__SAFE_MANAGEMENT_PERCENTAGE = newPercentage def searchDepartment(self, name: str) -> Department: if len(self.__departments) > 0: for department in self.__departments: if department.name == name: return department return None def addDepartment(self, newDepartment: Department) -> bool: # Check if the department is in the departments list if len(self.__departments) > 0: found = False for department in self.__departments: if department.name == newDepartment.name: found = True break if not found: # department not present in departments list self.__departments.append(newDepartment) return True else: return False else: self.__departments.append(newDepartment) return True def __str__(self): ret = "Company: " + self.__name + "\tUEN: " + self.__uniqueEntityNumber + "\n" for department in self.__departments: ret += str(department) + department.safeManagementCheck(self.getSafeManagementPercentage()) + "\n" return ret


from Question2.Employee import * from Question2.Manager import * class Department: def __init__(self, name: str, manager: Employee, essentialServices: bool): self.__name = name self.__employees = [] self.__manager = manager self.__essentialServices = essentialServices @property def name(self) -> str: return self.__name @property def essentialServices(self) -> bool: return self.__essentialServices def searchEmployee(self, employeeId: int) -> Employee: if len(self.__employees) > 0: for employee in self.__employees: if employee.employeeId() == employeeId: return employee return None def addEmployee(self, newEmployee: Employee) -> bool: # First, check if the employee is already in the department if self.searchEmployee(newEmployee.employeeId()) == None: # Check if the newEmployee is not manager if not isinstance(newEmployee, Manager): self.__employees.append(newEmployee) return False # If we reach this line it is because the employee was not added return False def safeManagementCheck(self, percentage: float) -> str: # Calculate percentage of employees working from home n_wfh = 0 for employee in self.__employees: if employee.workFromHome: n_wfh += 1 percent = n_wfh / (len(self.__employees) + 1) *100.0 passed = "passed requirement" if percent < percentage: passed = "failed requirement" # However, if the department provided essential services, then it is exempted if self.essentialServices: passed = "exempted" return "No. of Employees working from home: {0:.0f} ({1:.1f}%) - {2}".format(n_wfh, percent, passed) def __str__(self): essential = "Yes" if not self.essentialServices: essential = "No" ret = "Department: " + self.name + "\tEssential Services: " + essential + "\n" ret += "Manager " + str(self.__manager) + "\n" # Now, append each employee for employee in self.__employees: ret += str(employee) + "\n" return ret


from datetime import datetime from Question3.Employee import * from Question3.LeaveApplicationException import * class Leave: __NEXT_ID = 20210000 def __init__(self, applicant: Employee, fromDate: datetime, toDate: datetime): self.__applicant = applicant Leave.__NEXT_ID += 1 # Check if toDate is before or same than fromDate if toDate < fromDate or toDate == fromDate: raise LeaveApplicationException() # Check if fromDate falls on saturday or sunday if fromDate.weekday() == 1 or fromDate.weekday() == 7: raise LeaveApplicationException() self.__fromDate = fromDate self.__toDate = toDate self.__leaveRequestId = Leave.__NEXT_ID self.__duration = (toDate-fromDate).days self.__status = "Approved" @property def leaveRequest(self) -> int: return self.__leaveRequestId @property def applicant(self) -> Employee: return self.__applicant @property def fromDate(self) -> datetime: return self.__fromDate @property def toDate(self) -> datetime: return self.__toDate @property def duration(self) -> int: return self.__duration @property def status(self) -> str: return self.__status @status.setter def status(self, newStatus: str): self.__status = newStatus def __str__(self): ret = "Leave Request ID: " + str(self.__leaveRequestId) + "\n" ret += str(self.applicant) + "\n" ret += "From: " + self.fromDate.strftime("%d %B %Y") + " to " + self.toDate.strftime("%d %B %Y") + "\n" ret += "Duration: " + str(self.duration) + " days\n" ret += "Status: " + self.status return ret


from tkinter import * import random # Declare the questions questionBank = [ ['Variable names cannot start with digit', True], ["x='1'+1 is a valid statement", False], ['= and == can be used interchangeably', False], ['logical operator and has a higher precedence than or', True], ['String type is immutable', True], ['x,y = y,x swaps the values of x and y', True], ['2=x is a valid statement', False], ['Variable names can be 50 letters long', True] ] questions = None QUESTION_INDEX = 0 n_correct = 0 def start(start_btn, question_label, submit_btn, rb1, rb2, text): global n_correct, questions, QUESTION_INDEX # Pick 4 random questions questions = random.sample(questionBank, 4) QUESTION_INDEX = 0 start_btn['state'] = DISABLED submit_btn['state'] = NORMAL question_label['text'] = questions[QUESTION_INDEX][0] rb1['text'] = "True" rb2['text'] = "False" text.delete(1.0, END) n_correct = 0 def submit(rb1, rb2, start_btn, submit_btn, next_btn, text, var): global QUESTION_INDEX, n_correct, questions # Check if an option is selected if var.get() == 1 or var.get() == 2: question = questions[QUESTION_INDEX] answer = question[1] if answer ==True and var.get() == 1: display(text, f"Question {QUESTION_INDEX + 1} correct!\n") n_correct += 1 elif answer == False and var.get() == 2: display(text, f"Question {QUESTION_INDEX + 1} correct!\n") n_correct += 1 else: display(text, f"Question {QUESTION_INDEX + 1} incorrect!\n") if QUESTION_INDEX < len(questions)-1: next_btn['state'] = NORMAL else: # All questions answered, display results display(text, f"Quiz complete. Total {n_correct} answers correct.\n") display(text, f"Click start to attemp quiz again.\n\n") start_btn['state'] = NORMAL submit_btn['state'] = DISABLED else: display(text, f"Please select answer for Question {QUESTION_INDEX + 1}\n") def next(next_btn, question_label, rb1, rb2): global QUESTION_INDEX, questions QUESTION_INDEX += 1 question_label['text'] = questions[QUESTION_INDEX][0] next_btn['state'] = DISABLED submit_btn['state'] = NORMAL def display(text, message): text['state'] = NORMAL text.insert(END, message) text['state'] = DISABLED if __name__ == '__main__': window = Tk() window.title("Python Quiz - done by XXX") window.geometry('400x400') # Add widgets start_btn = Button(window, text='Start') start_btn.pack(side='top') question_label = Label(window, text='Question will appear here') question_label.pack(side='top') var = IntVar() rb1 = Radiobutton(window, text='Option 1', variable=var, value=1) rb1.pack(side='top') rb2 = Radiobutton(window, text='Option 2', variable=var, value=2) rb2.pack(side='top') submit_btn = Button(window, text='Submit', state=DISABLED) submit_btn.pack(side='top') next_btn = Button(window, text='Next', state=DISABLED) next_btn.pack(side='top') # Text Area text = Text(window) #text['state'] = DISABLED text.pack(side='top') # Handlers start_btn['command'] = lambda: start(start_btn, question_label, submit_btn, rb1, rb2, text) submit_btn['command'] = lambda: submit(rb1, rb2, start_btn, submit_btn, next_btn, text, var) next_btn['command'] = lambda: next(next_btn, question_label, rb1, rb2) window.mainloop()

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