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Create a Program to Implement Data Preparation in Python Assignment Solution

July 10, 2024
Dr. Nicholas Scott
Dr. Nicholas
🇯🇵 Japan
Dr. Nicholas Scott, a distinguished Computer Science expert, holds a PhD from Tokyo University, Japan. With an impressive 8 years of experience, he has completed over 600 Python assignments, showcasing his unparalleled expertise and dedication to the field.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Focus on Rust’s strict ownership rules and borrow checker to avoid common errors. Use tools like clippy for linting and cargo for dependency management to ensure clean and efficient code.
The rise of languages such as Rust and Go is notable for their performance and safety features, making them increasingly popular in systems programming.



Write a program to implement data preparation in python language.

Requirements and Specifications

program-to-implement-data-preparation-in-python 1

Source Code

#**4.** import pandas as pd # reading and converting the data ito pandas Dataframe data = pd.read_csv("spahn.csv") # applaying pandas method .describe() data.describe().T import pandas as pd # reading and converting the data ito pandas Dataframe data = pd.read_csv("spahn.csv") # applaying pandas method .describe() data[['ERA+']].describe() data[['SO']].boxplot() data[['ERA']].boxplot() data[['ERA+']].boxplot() #**5.** data = pd.read_csv('d5000.csv') data.head() data.describe() data.plot.scatter(x = 'HR', y = 'SO') #**6.** data = pd.read_csv('hofbatting.csv') data.head() data.describe().T import numpy as np data = pd.read_csv('hofbatting.csv') mid_career_keys = ['19 th Century', 'Dead Ball', 'Lively Ball', 'Integration', 'Expansion', 'Free Agency', 'Long Ball'] mid_career_values = [] for row in data[['From', 'To']].values: From, To = row[0], row[1] #up to the 1900 Season if To <= 1900: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[0]) #1901 through 1919 elif From > 1900 and To <= 1919: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[1]) #1920 through 1941 elif From > 1920 and To <= 1941: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[2]) #1942 through 1960 elif From > 1942 and To <= 1960: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[3]) #1961 through 1976 elif From > 1961 and To <= 1976: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[4]) #1977 through 1993 elif From > 1977 and To <= 1993: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[5]) #after 1993 elif From > 1993: mid_career_values.append(mid_career_keys[6]) else: mid_career_values.append('not-labled') data['mid-career'] = mid_career_values data.head() data.groupby('mid-career')['mid-career'].value_counts() data.groupby('mid-career').sum() hist = data['mid-career'].hist() data.plot.scatter(x = 'OBP', y = 'SLG') OPS_values = [] for row in data[['OBP', 'SLG']].values: OPS_values.append(row[0] + row[1]) data['OPS'] = OPS_values data.columns data[['OBP', 'SLG', 'OPS']].head() data['OPS'] = (data['OPS'] - data['OPS'].mean())/data['OPS'].std(ddof=0) data['OPS'].head() data.plot.scatter(x = 'OPS', y = 'mid-career') HR_AB_values = [] for row in data[['HR', 'AB']].values: HR_AB_values.append(row[0] + row[1]) data['HR/AB'] = HR_AB_values data['HR/AB'] df=data.groupby('mid-career')['HR/AB'] df.describe() data.boxplot()

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