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Python Program to Implement Database Management Assignment Solution

June 29, 2024
Sophie Bennett
Sophie Bennett
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Sophie Bennett is a seasoned Python Assignment Expert with a wealth of 14 years of experience. She holds a Master's degree from a leading institution, bringing a comprehensive skill set to every Python challenge.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Understand Racket’s functional concepts, use recursion wisely, and break problems into smaller functions. Test with small inputs, utilize DrRacket’s debugging tools, and write clear comments for easier debugging.
In 2025, the Mojo programming language, designed for AI development, has gained significant traction among programming students for its blend of Python's simplicity and C++'s performance.


Write a python assignment program to implement database management.

Requirements and Specifications

All universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses conduct examinations. UDM is no exception. UDM has an Examination Department which is responsible for scheduling exams, conducting exams, marking procedures and publishing results.
To facilitate and optimize the procedures related to examinations’ marks, you are asked, as a programmer to design and implement prototype for the Examination Department using Python.
IMPORTANT: Specifications of your program
  1. The python program must have a login page. The credentials of the users must be stored in a MS EXCEL file. You must create a list of users in an EXCEL FILE who can log in the system.
  2. Upon Login, your program must display a sample Welcome Screen as shown below:


    1. Display all lecturers
    2. Display all students
    3. Display list of lecturers with their respective modules.
    4. Search a student, using his/her name.
    5. Generate a dictionary of MARKS with RANDOM VALUES.
    6. Display each student with the his/her marks obtained in each module.
    7. Using the dictionary created in section 4, store all these details in a new spreadsheet in the EXCEL FILE. The new spreadsheet is called MARKS.
    8. Compute the average marks obtained by each student.
    9. Find the student who scored the highest set of marks, that is, to find the student who has the highest average mark.
    10. Your program should allow the user to add new modules, new students and new lecturers. This new information is all stored in their respective worksheet in the file File_coursework2022.
  4. As you can see, the Welcome screen displays a menu of options. Each option is a functionality that your program must do.
  5. The user selects a specific option by entering the corresponding number next to each option, and the program will process and display the information requested.

  6. A python file named File_coursework2022 is given to you. The file contains three (3) spreadsheets:
    1. data_modules contains details of modules in a course.
    2. data_students contains details of students.
    3. data_lecturers contains details of four (4) lecturers. Each lecturer will teach a series of module(s).
  7. Consider menu 5.
  8. This menu is related to marks of each student. Each student did 3 ICAs for each module. Each ICA carries 100 marks. This means that a module will carry 300 marks.

    1. Create a dictionary with its key as TUPLE and value as a LIST.

    The dictionary must have the following format:

    ( 'student code', 'module code' ) : [ 0, 0, 0 ]

    Now, since there are 10 students and 5 modules, this means that the dictionary for marks must have 50 entries.

    Each student will have 5 entries as each student will score marks for each module.

    The default marks scored by a student for a module is zero (0).

    Generate random values for each ICA of each module. The random values should be inserted at runtime.


    ( 's1', 'm1' ) : [ 72, 18, 26 ]

    This means that your program must generate 150 random values that is 3 random values per student. The random values should be between 0 and 100.

    Display the resulting dictionary for marks.

  9. The remaining sections depends on the dictionary created in menu 4.
  10. Your program will stop ONLY when the user wants to QUIT the program.
  11. After the program executes a specific option entered by the user, the program must display the menu again.
  12. A short video is annexed with this document for demonstration purposes.
  13. This coursework should be done individually.

Source Code

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import random

# Define the name of the file containing the login credentials

LOGIN_CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'LoginCredentials.xlsx'

# Define the name of the file containung students, lectures, etc

DATA_FILE = 'File_coursework2022.xlsx'

def menu():


This function will display the menu to user and will prompt for an option

The function will keep prompting user until s/he enters a valid option

:return: int




print("1) Display all lecturers")

print("2) Display all students")

print("3) Display list of lecturers with their respective modules")

print("4) Search a student, using his/her name")

print("5) Generate a dictionary of MARKS with RANDOM VALUES")

print("6) Display each student with the his/her marks obtained in each module")

print("7) Save marks to a file")

print("8) Compute average marks obtained by each student")

print("9) Find student who scored the highest set of marks")

print("10) Add module")

print("11) Add student")

print("12) Add lecturer")

print("13) Exit")

# Now ask for option

while True:


option = int(input("Enter option: "))

if option >= 1 and option <= 13:

return option


print("Please enter a valid menu option between 1 and 13.")


print("Please enter a valid menu option.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Variable to know if the user is logged in or not

logged_in = False

# Read login credentials

login_credentials = pd.read_excel(LOGIN_CREDENTIALS_FILE).to_numpy().tolist()

# Read Modules

modules = pd.read_excel(DATA_FILE, 'data_modules').to_numpy().tolist()

# Read Students

students = pd.read_excel(DATA_FILE, 'data_students').to_numpy().tolist()

# Read LEcturers

lecturers = pd.read_excel(DATA_FILE, 'data_lectures').to_numpy().tolist()

# Now, create the dictionary that will contains (student,module) as keys

student_grades = dict()

for student in students:

student_code = student[0]

for module in modules:

module_code = module[0]

key = (student_code, module_code)

# A the beginning, the grades are zero

student_grades[key] = [0, 0, 0]

#student_grades[key] = [random.randint(0,100) for i in range(3)]

# Create a dict that will store the averages of each student

averages = dict()

# Begin with program

running = True

while running:

if not logged_in: # Log in

username = input('Enter username: ')

password = input('Enter password: ')

# Check if username and password exists

for user in login_credentials:

if user[0] == username and user[1] == password:

logged_in = True


if not logged_in: # If the variable is still false, it means user entered an invalid username/password

print("Username and/or password are incorrect.")


# Display menu

option = menu()


if option == 1: # Display lecturers

print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("Lecturer ID", "Lecturer Name", "Module Code"))

print("{:<10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("-----------", "-------------", "-----------"))

for lecturer in lecturers:

print("{:<10} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format(lecturer[0], lecturer[1], lecturer[2]))

elif option == 2: # Display students

print("{:<5s} {:>15s}".format("Student Code", "Student Full Name"))

print("{:<5s} {:>15s}".format("-----------", "-----------------"))

for student in students:

print("{:<5} {:>15s}".format(student[0], student[1]))

elif option == 3: # Lecturer with module

print("{:<10s} {:>15s} {:>40s}".format("Lecturer ID", "Lecturer Name", "Module"))

print("{:<10s} {:>15s} {:>40s}".format("-----------", "-------------", "------"))

for lecturer in lecturers:

# Get module codes

modules_code = lecturer[2].split(",")

for module_code in modules_code:

# Get module name with this code

mod_name = ''

for module in modules:

if module[0] == module_code:

mod_name = module[1]


print("{:<10} {:>15s} {:>40s}".format(lecturer[0], lecturer[1], mod_name))

elif option == 4: # Search student using name

name = input('Enter student name: ')

found = False

for student in students:

if student[1] == name:

print("{:<5s} {:>15s}".format("Student Code", "Student Full Name"))

print("{:<5s} {:>15s}".format("-----------", "-----------------"))

print("{:<5s} {:>15s}".format(student[0], student[1]))

found = True


if not found: # Not student with that name found

print("There is no student with that name.")

elif option == 5: # generate random marks

for student in students:

student_code = student[0]

for module in modules:

module_code = module[0]

key = (student_code, module_code)

student_grades[key] = [random.randint(0,100) for i in range(3)]

print("Random marks generated.")

elif option == 6: # Display each student with marks

print("{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("Student Name", "Module Name", "Mark 1", "Mark 2", "Mark 3"))

print("{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("------------", "-----------", "------", "------", "------"))

for key in student_grades:

student_code, module_code = key

marks = student_grades[key]

# Get student name

student_name = ''

for student in students:

student_name = student[1]


# Get module name

module_name = ''

for module in modules:

if module[0] == module_code:

module_name = module[1]


print("{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d}".format(student_name, module_code, marks[0], marks[1], marks[2]))

elif option == 7: # Save to file

# Create a dataframe

data = list()

for key in student_grades:

student_code, module_code = key

marks = student_grades[key]

data.append([student_code, module_code, marks[0], marks[1], marks[2]])

df = pd.DataFrame(data = data, columns = ['Student Code', 'Module Code', 'Mark 1', 'Mark 2', 'Mark 3'])

df.to_excel('MARKS.xlsx', index=False)

print("Data saved to MARKS.xlsx")

elif option == 8: # Compute average marks


"{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("Student Name", "Module Name", "Mark 1", "Mark 2",

"Mark 3", "Average"))


"{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s}".format("------------", "-----------", "------", "------",

"------", "-------"))

for key in student_grades:

student_code, module_code = key

marks = student_grades[key]

# Get student name

student_name = ''

for student in students:

if student[0] == student_code:

student_name = student[1]


# Get module name

module_name = ''

for module in modules:

if module[0] == module_code:

module_name = module[1]


avg = sum(marks)/3

averages[student_name] = avg

print("{:<15s} {:>15s} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10d} {:>10.2f}".format(student_name, module_code, marks[0], marks[1], marks[2], avg))

elif option == 9: # Find student who scores highest set

if len(averages) > 0:

# get index of max average

index = np.argmax(list(averages.values()))

avg = list(averages.values())[index]

student_name = list(averages.keys())[index]

# Display

print("The student with the highest average is {0} with an average of {1:.2f}".format(student_name, avg))


print("You must compute the student averages first (option 8).")

elif option == 10: # Add module

module_code = input('Enter module code: ')

module_name = input('Enter module name: ')

modules.append([module_code, module_name])

print(f"Module {module_name} ({module_code}) added.")

# Save this new info into File_coursework2022.xlsx

with pd.ExcelWriter('File_coursework2022.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', mode='a', if_sheet_exists="replace") as writer:

# Now, write sheets

data_modules = pd.DataFrame(data=modules, columns = ['Module Code', 'Module Name'])

data_modules.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'data_modules', index = False)

data_students = pd.DataFrame(data=students, columns=['Student Code', 'Student Full Name'])

data_students.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'data_students', index=False)

data_lectures = pd.DataFrame(data=lecturers, columns=['Lecturer ID', 'Lecturer Name', 'Module_code'])

data_lectures.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'data_lectures', index=False)


elif option == 11: # Add student

student_code = input('Enter student code: ')

student_name = input('Enter student name: ')

# Add student

students.append([student_code, student_name])

# Now, add grades for this student in the marks dictionary

for module in modules:

module_code = module[0]

key = (student_code, module_code)

student_grades[key] = [0, 0, 0]

print(f"Student {student_name} ({student_code}) added.")

# Save this new info into File_coursework2022.xlsx

with pd.ExcelWriter('File_coursework2022.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', mode='a',

if_sheet_exists="replace") as writer:

# Now, write sheets

data_modules = pd.DataFrame(data=modules, columns=['Module Code', 'Module Name'])

data_modules.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_modules', index=False)

data_students = pd.DataFrame(data=students, columns=['Student Code', 'Student Full Name'])

data_students.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_students', index=False)

data_lectures = pd.DataFrame(data=lecturers,

olumns=['Lecturer ID', 'Lecturer Name', 'Module_code'])

data_lectures.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_lectures', index=False)


elif option == 12: # Add Lecturer

lecturer_id = input('Enter lecturer id: ')

lecturer_name = input('Enter lecturer name: ')

lecturer_modules = input('Enter module codes sepparated by comma (e.g: m1, m2): ')

# Add lecturer

lecturers.append([lecturer_id, lecturer_name, lecturer_modules])

print(f'Lecturer {lecturer_name} ({lecturer_id}) for modules {lecturer_modules} added.')

# Save this new info into File_coursework2022.xlsx

with pd.ExcelWriter('File_coursework2022.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', mode='a',

if_sheet_exists="replace") as writer:

# Now, write sheets

data_modules = pd.DataFrame(data=modules, columns=['Module Code', 'Module Name'])

data_modules.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_modules', index=False)

data_students = pd.DataFrame(data=students, columns=['Student Code', 'Student Full Name'])

data_students.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_students', index=False)

data_lectures = pd.DataFrame(data=lecturers,

columns=['Lecturer ID', 'Lecturer Name', 'Module_code'])

data_lectures.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='data_lectures', index=False)


elif option == 13: # Exit

print("Good bye!")

running = False


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