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Create a Program to Implement Files Tuples in Python Assignment Solution

July 05, 2024
Professor Liam Taylor
Professor Liam
🇦🇺 Australia
Professor Liam Taylor holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from a prominent university in Australia and has completed over 600 assignments related to Python file handling. His expertise includes designing file handling libraries, implementing data serialization techniques, and optimizing file access patterns. Professor Taylor specializes in multimedia file processing, metadata extraction, and developing cross-platform file handling solutions using Python.
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  • Requirements and Specifications
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Break your Java assignment into smaller tasks, focus on understanding core concepts like OOP, and write clean, modular code. Use comments for clarity, and test each function thoroughly.
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Write a python homework to implement files tuples in python language.

Requirements and Specifications

SI 506: Problem Set 05

This week's Problem Set

This week's problem set focuses on files, functions, nested loops, and tuples.


On September 26, 2021, Germany held a national election. Germany's most recent previous national election occured in 2017. The 2021 election was important for many reasons. Angela Merkel, who has been the chancellor of Germany since 2005, elected not to run, leaving big shoes to fill. This election also served as a referendum on extreme and populist parties in Germany, which did very well in Germany's 2017 election. Germany is the largest country in the European Union and has huge sway on the continent. This election will impact politics worldwide. How did things shake up this year? Let's load some data and find out!

Problem 01 (15 points)

Write a function called `read_csv` that defines one parameter:

* `filepath` (`str`): represents the path and name of a csv file


This function should load a csv file and return its contents in a list of lists, where each list is one row from the csv file.

Use `read_csv` to load `election_data_2021.csv` and `election_data_2017.csv` into variables called `raw_election_data_2021` and `raw_election_data_2017`, respectively. Do not conduct any data cleaning in the `read_csv` function.

Problem 02 (15 points)

Define a function called `clean` with one parameter:

* `data` (list): A list of lists, each representing a party's election results


This function will be used to create a deep copy of the data that was loaded in Problem 1 and return a clean version of the raw data. This function should accomplish three things:

  1. convert numbers to integers,
  2. remove trailing whitespace from all strings, and
  3. make the values under party affiliation lowercase.

bulb: Data cleaning is a crucial step when working with any real-world data. It makes working with data easier and helps us avoid mistakes!

Use `clean` to clean `raw_election_data_2021` and `raw_election_data_2017`. Store the cleaned version of these datasets in variables called `clean_election_data_2021` and `clean_election_data_2017`, respectively. The clean data should look something like this:


['Party Name', 76, 'center left']


Be sure to use the cleaned data and not the raw data for future problems!

Problem 03 (15 points)

Write a function called `get_seat_differences` that defines two parameters:

* `current_election` (`list`): List of lists that represents election data

* `previous_election` (`list`): List of lists that represents election data


Using nested loops, calculate the difference between the number of seats that a party won in the current election and the number of seats that a party won in the previous election. Store that difference in a list of tuples, where each tuple has the party name at index 0 and the difference in seats between the two elections at index 1 (example: `("Party Name", -15)`)

Use `get_seat_differences` to get the seat differences between the 2021 and 2017 elections for every party. Store the resulting list of tuples in a variable called `party_seat_differences`.

Problem 04 (20 points)

Write a function called `get_leaders` that defines two parameters:

* `election_data` (`list`): List of lists representing election data

* `party_leaders` (`list`): List of tuples, where each tuple contains (`party_name`, `party_leader(s)`)


Create a deep copy of `election_data`. Create a new column in the copy of `election_data` called `Party Leader(s)` and fill each party row with the appropriate party leader(s). Remember to return the edited deep copy of `election_data`. When looping over `party_leaders`, you must name your loop variable `party_tuple`. For this problem, you are required to employ nested loops and to unpack the tuple in order to access the values therein.

Use this function to add the data in `party_leaders_2021` to `clean_election_data_2021`. Store the resulting list of lists in a variable called `election_data_2021_with_leaders`.

In Germany, chancellors are not elected directly. Rather, a chancellor has to both form a majority coalition with other parties and be the leader of the party with the most votes. If the leader of the party with the most votes cannot form a coalition, the leader of the party with the next highest vote total gets to try to form a majority coaltion.

Problem 05 (20 points)

Write a function called `get_seats_percent` that defines one parameter:

* `election_data` (`list`): List of lists representing election data


This function takes a list of lists and then calculates the percentage of seats that different affiliations won. The percentages should be as follows:

percent of seats that parties on the left won (contain "left" in affiliation)

percent of seats that parties on the right won (contain "right" in affiliation)

percent of seats that parties in the center won (does not contain "far" in affiliation)

percent of seats that extreme parties won (contain "far" in affiliation)

Calculate the percentage of seats won using this formula:

(seats / total_seats) * 100

Then, using the `round` function, round the resulting four percentage values to two decimal points.

Hint: You may consider accumulating the number of seats for each affiliation category in one loop and performing the percent calculations outside of the loop.

Return the resulting percentage values in a tuple with the percentage values stored in this order: left, right, extreme, center.

Using `get_seats_percent`, calculate the percentage of seats that center and extreme parties and right and left parties won in 2021. Store the returned value in a variable called `affiliation_percents`.

For this problem, you may used either `clean_election_data_2021` or `election_data_2021_with_leaders` to calculate the percentage values. Just be sure to index values according to the dataset you plan to use!

Problem 06 (15 points)

Write a function called `write_csv` that defines two parameters:

* `filepath` (`string`): represents the path and name of a csv file

* `data` (`list`): List of lists representing election data

Write `data` to a csv file in `filepath`, where each list is a row in the csv file.

Finally, call `write_csv` to write `election_data_2021_with_leaders` to a new file called `revised_election_data_2021.csv`.

Source Code

# SI 506 Problem Set 05 import csv import copy print("Problem 01\n\n") # Problem 01: Implement read_csv and load the election data. # TODO Implement def read_csv(filepath: str): # Create list that will be returned ret = list() # Open file with a try-catch block try: file = open(filepath, 'r') # Read all lines lines = file.readlines() # Loop through lines for line in lines: # Split line by comma row = line.split(",") # Add row to list ret.append(row) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Could not open file at: {filepath}") return ret # Read data raw_election_data_2017 = read_csv("election_data_2017.csv") raw_election_data_2021 = read_csv("election_data_2021.csv") print("\n\nProblem 02\n\n") # Problem 02: Implement clean and clean the election data. # TODO Implement def clean(data: list): # First, create a copy of the data data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data) # Iterate through rows for i, row in enumerate(data_copy): row_clean = list() # Iterate through the elements in the row and convert numbers to integers for j, x in enumerate(row): x = x.strip() if x.isnumeric(): x = int(x) else: # it is not a number, then remove trailing spaces and do all other cleaning stuff if j == 0 and i > 0: # it is under party affiliation (first column). We check for i > 0 so we do not change the column names x = x.lower() row_clean.append(x) data_copy[i] = row_clean return data_copy # Clean datasets clean_election_data_2017 = clean(raw_election_data_2017) clean_election_data_2021 = clean(raw_election_data_2021) print("\n\nProblem 03\n\n") # Problem 03: Implement get_party_seat_differences and get the party seat differences for the 2021 election. # TODO Implement def get_seat_differences(current_election: list, previous_election: list): # Create the list that will store the tuples ret = list() # Loop through the data for the current election for i, current_row in enumerate(current_election): # loop through the data for the previous election curr_party_name = current_row[0] curr_party_seats = current_row[1] for j, previous_row in enumerate(previous_election): prev_party_name = previous_row[0] prev_party_seats = previous_row[1] if i > 0 and j > 0 and prev_party_name == curr_party_name: # Calculate difference diff = curr_party_seats - prev_party_seats # Create tuple tup = (curr_party_name, diff) # Append ret.append(tup) return ret party_seat_differences = get_seat_differences(clean_election_data_2021, clean_election_data_2017) print("\n\nProblem 04\n\n") # Problem 04: Implement get_leaders and get the leaders for the 2021 election data. party_leaders_2021 = [ ('AfD', 'Joerg Meuthen and Tino Chrupalla'), ('FDP', 'Christian Lindner'), ('CDU/CSU', 'Armin Laschet'), ('SPD', 'Olaf Scholz'), ('Greens', 'Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck'), ('Left', 'Janine Wissler and Susanne Hennig-Wellsow') ] # TODO Implement def get_leaders(election_data: list, party_leaders: list): # First, create deep copy of election data election_data_copy = copy.deepcopy(election_data) # Add new column name election_data_copy[0].append("Party Leader(s)") # Now, iterate through rows for i, row in enumerate(election_data_copy): if i > 0: # not in row that contains column names party_name = row[0] # Iterate through party leaders for party_tuple in party_leaders: # Unpack tuple (leader_party, leader_name) = party_tuple if party_name == leader_party.lower(): row.append(leader_name) # Return return election_data_copy election_data_2021_with_leaders = get_leaders(clean_election_data_2021, party_leaders_2021) print("\n\nProblem 05\n\n") # Problem 05: Implement get_affiliation_percents and get affiliation percents for the 2021 election data. # TODO Implement def get_seats_percent(election_data: list): # First of all, calculate the total number of seats in the election total_seats = 0 # Also, in this loop, accumulate the total number of seats for each affiliation. For this, we can use a dictionary seats_per_affiliation = dict() for i, row in enumerate(election_data): if i > 0: total_seats += row[1] affiliation = row[2] if "left" in affiliation: & seats_per_affiliation["left"] = seats_per_affiliation.get("left", 0) + row[1] if "right" in affiliation: seats_per_affiliation["right"] = seats_per_affiliation.get("right", 0) + row[1] if "center" in affiliation: seats_per_affiliation["center"] = seats_per_affiliation.get("center", 0) + row[1] if "far" in affiliation: seats_per_affiliation["extreme"] = seats_per_affiliation.get("extreme", 0) + row[1] # Now, calculate percentages and save them into a tuple. Then, store each tuple in a list ret = list() for affiliation in seats_per_affiliation: percent = round(seats_per_affiliation[affiliation]/total_seats *100.0, 2) tup = (affiliation, percent) ret.append(tup) # Finally, return list return ret affiliation_percents = get_seats_percent(election_data_2021_with_leaders) print("\n\nProblem 06\n\n") # Problem 06: Implement write_csv and write election_data_2021_with_leaders to a file called revised_election_data_2021.csv. # TODO Implement def write_csv(filepath: str, data: list): with open(filepath, 'w+') as file: # Write each row separated by commas for row in data: # Convert everything in the row to string row_str = [str(x) for x in row] line = ",".join(row_str) file.write(line+"\n") write_csv("revised_election_data_2021.csv", election_data_2021_with_leaders)

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