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Create a Program to Implement List and Tuples in Python Assignment Solution

July 01, 2024
Professor Daniel Mitchell
Professor Daniel
🇨🇦 Canada
l Professor Daniel Mitchell is an esteemed faculty member with a Master's degree in Software Engineering from a prestigious university in Canada. He has successfully completed over 700 assignments focusing on Python file operations. Professor Mitchell's expertise lies in file system design, secure file handling practices, and integrating file operations with database systems. His insights into binary file processing and path management make him a valuable resource for students seeking comprehensive Python file handling solutions.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Focus on understanding the core algorithms, such as neural networks or decision trees, and use libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch to simplify coding. Break down problems into smaller parts, test iteratively, and document your code for clarity.
Mojo: A programming language in the Python family, optimized for artificial intelligence applications, combining Python's usability with system-level performance.


Write a python assignment program to implement list and tuples.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement list and tuples in python
program to implement list and tuples in python 1

Source Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Oct 25 19:15:40 2022 @author: Owner """ import csv from operator import itemgetter NAME = 0 ELEMENT = 1 WEAPON = 2 RARITY = 3 REGION = 4 MENU = "\nWelcome to Genshin Impact Character Directory\n\ Choose one of below options:\n\ 1. Get all available regions\n\ 2. Filter characters by a certain criteria\n\ 3. Filter characters by element, weapon, and rarity\n\ 4. Quit the program\n\ Enter option: " INVALID_INPUT = "\nInvalid input" CRITERIA_INPUT = "\nChoose the following criteria\n\ 1. Element\n\ 2. Weapon\n\ 3. Rarity\n\ 4. Region\n\ Enter criteria number: " VALUE_INPUT = "\nEnter value: " ELEMENT_INPUT = "\nEnter element: " WEAPON_INPUT = "\nEnter weapon: " RARITY_INPUT = "\nEnter rarity: " HEADER_FORMAT = "\n{:20s}{:10s}{:10s}{:<10s}{:25s}" ROW_FORMAT = "{:20s}{:10s}{:10s}{:<10d}{:25s}" def open_file(): ''' Prompts the user to input a file name to open Returns: file pointer ''' input_file = input("Enter file name: ") while True: try: open_file = open(input_file) return open_file except FileNotFoundError: print("\nError opening file. Please try again.") input_file = input("Enter file name: ") def read_file(fp): ''' Reads the csv file Value: file Returns: list of tuples ''' files = csv.reader(fp) skip_header = next(files,None) attributes_list = [] for line in files: name = str(line[0]) rarity = int(line[1]) element = str(line[2]) weapon = str(line[3]) region = str(line[4]).strip() region = region if region else None attributes_tuple = (name , element , weapon , rarity , region) attributes_list.append(attributes_tuple) return attributes_list def get_characters_by_criterion (list_of_tuples, criteria, value): ''' Retrieve the characters that match a certain criteria list_of_tuples: -- criteria: the index of a criteria in a character value: type value ''' criterion_list = [] #part1 for character in list_of_tuples: if character[criteria] is None: #part2 continue #skips the following lines of code elif criteria == RARITY: #part3 if character[criteria] == value and type(character[criteria]) is int and type(value) is int: criterion_list.append(character) else: #part4 if (value.lower() == character[criteria].lower()) and type(character[criteria]) is str and type(value) is str: criterion_list.append(character) return criterion_list def get_characters_by_criteria(master_list, element, weapon, rarity): ''' Returns a list of tuples filtered with parameters master_list: list of tuples element: argument for get_characters_by_criterion weapon: argument for get_characters_by_criterion rarity: argument for get_characters_by_criterion ''' criteria_one = get_characters_by_criterion(master_list , ELEMENT , element) criteria_two = get_characters_by_criterion(criteria_one , WEAPON , weapon) criteria_three = get_characters_by_criterion(criteria_two , RARITY, rarity) return criteria_three def get_region_list (master_list): ''' Retrieve available regions into a list Value: tuples Returns: sorted list ''' reg_list = [] for line in master_list: reg = line[4] if reg != None: if reg in reg_list: continue else: reg_list.append(reg) reg_list_sorted = sorted(reg_list) return reg_list_sorted def sort_characters (list_of_tuples): ''' Creates a new sorted list Value: tuples Returns: sorted tuples ''' return sorted(list_of_tuples, key=itemgetter(3) , reverse = True) def display_characters (list_of_tuples): ''' Displays the characters with information Value: tuples Returns: -- ''' if list_of_tuples == []: print("\nNothing to print.") else: print(HEADER_FORMAT.format("Character", "Element", "Weapon", "Rarity", "Region")) for line in list_of_tuples: region = line[4] if region == None: print(ROW_FORMAT.format( line[0] , line[1] , line[2] , line[3] , 'N/A' )) else: print(ROW_FORMAT.format( line[0] , line[1] , line[2] , line[3] , region )) def get_option(): ''' Prompt for input Value: -- Returns: input selected ''' while True: menu_input = input(MENU) try: menu_input_int = int(menu_input) if 1 <= menu_input_int <= 4: return menu_input_int else: print("\nNothing to print.") except ValueError: print("\nNothing to print.") def main(): data = read_file(open_file()) menu_input = get_option() while menu_input != 4: if menu_input == 1: print("\nRegions:") regions = get_region_list(data) print(", ".join(regions) ) if menu_input == 2: input_criteria = input(CRITERIA_INPUT) input_value = "" try: input_criteria_int = int(input_criteria) if not (1 <= input_criteria_int <= 4): print(INVALID_INPUT) input_criteria = input(CRITERIA_INPUT) except ValueError: print(INVALID_INPUT) input_criteria = input(CRITERIA_INPUT) input_value = input(VALUE_INPUT) if input_criteria_int == RARITY: try: input_value = int(input_value) except: print(INVALID_INPUT) menu_input = get_option() continue character_criterion = get_characters_by_criterion(data, input_criteria_int, input_value) character_sort = sort_characters(character_criterion) display_characters(character_sort) if menu_input == 3: element = (input(ELEMENT_INPUT)).upper() weapon = (input(WEAPON_INPUT)).upper() rarity = input(RARITY_INPUT) while True: try: rarity = int(rarity) break except ValueError: print(INVALID_INPUT) rarity = input(RARITY_INPUT) character_criteria = get_characters_by_criteria(data, element, weapon, rarity) character_sort = sort_characters(character_criteria) #iii. display_characters(character_sort) menu_input = get_option() # DO NOT CHANGE THESE TWO LINES #These two lines allow this program to be imported into other code # such as our function_test code allowing other functions to be run # and tested without 'main' running. However, when this program is # run alone, 'main' will execute. if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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