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Create a Program to Implement Recursion in Java Assignment Solution

July 15, 2024
Dr. Ophelia Whitethorn
Dr. Ophelia
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Ophelia Whitethorn is a distinguished alumna of the University of York, where she earned her PhD in Computer Science with a focus on cybersecurity and network protocols. With six years of experience in the field, Ophelia has successfully completed over 600 Java Homework assignments.
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Write a java assignment program to implement recursion.

program to implement recursion in java

Source Code


interface Announcements { String departure() ; String arrival(); String doNotDisturbTheDriver(); }


public class Bicycle extends Vehicle implements Comparable { private double weight; private static double ACCURACY_WEIGHT = 0.5; public Bicycle() { super(1, 1); weight = 0; } public Bicycle(Person driver) { super(1,1); personsOnBoard[0][0] = driver; weight = 0; } public Bicycle(Person driver, double weight) { super(1,1); personsOnBoard[0][0] = driver; if(weight < 0) weight = 0; this.weight = weight; } public double getWeight() {return weight;} public void setWeight(double w) { if(w < 0) w = 0; weight = w; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof Bicycle)) return false; Bicycle other = (Bicycle)o; double diff = Math.abs(getWeight() - other.getWeight()); return diff <= ACCURACY_WEIGHT; } @Override public void setDriver(Person p) throws InvalidDriverException { if(p.getAge() >= 3) personsOnBoard[0][0] = p; else throw new InvalidDriverException(); } @Override public int compareTo(Bicycle o) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(getWeight() + ACCURACY_WEIGHT < o.getWeight()) return -1; else if(getWeight() > o.getWeight() + ACCURACY_WEIGHT) return 1; return 0; } @Override public boolean loadPassenger(Person p) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public int loadPassengers(Person[] peeps) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "Bicycle [ rider= " + getDriver().getName() + " | weight= " + weight + " ]"; } }


public class Bus extends Car { public Bus(int[] numSeatsPerRow) { super(2, 2*numSeatsPerRow.length-1, numSeatsPerRow); } public Bus(Person driver, int[] numSeatsPerRow) { super(2, 2*numSeatsPerRow.length-1, driver, numSeatsPerRow); } public boolean canOpenDoor(Person p) { if(getDriver().equals(p)) // person is the driver return true; if(p.getAge() <= 5 || p.getHeight() <= 40) // not above 5 years or not above 40 inches return false; // get the index of the last populated row int rowIdx = -1; for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { if(getNumberOfPeopleInRow(i) == 0) { rowIdx = i - 1; break; } } if(rowIdx < 0) // no persons in row return false; // check if the person is not in the last populated row int[] pos = getLocationOfPersonInVehicle(p); if(pos[0] == rowIdx) return true; return false; } public boolean canOpenWindow(Person p) { return super.canOpenWindow(p) && p.getAge() > 5; } @Override public String toString() { return "Bus is an extension of " + super.toString(); } @Override public boolean loadPassenger(Person p) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // assign passenger to the first available seat if(getNumberOfAvailableSeats() < 1) return false; for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]; j++) { if(getPersonInSeat(i, j) == null) // no person in this seat { setPassenger(p, i, j); return true; } } } return false; } @Override public int loadPassengers(Person[] peeps) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int loaded = 0; for(Person p: peeps) { if(loadPassenger(p)) loaded++; } return loaded; } public String departure() {return super.departure() + "The Bus\n";}; public String arrival() {return super.arrival() + "Of The Bus\n";}; public String doNotDisturbTheDriver() {return super.doNotDisturbTheDriver() + "On The Bus\n";}; }


public class Car extends Vehicle implements Comparable, Announcements { private int numDoors; private int numWindows; public String departure() {return "All Aboard\n";}; public String arrival() {return "Everyone Out\n";}; public String doNotDisturbTheDriver() {return "No Backseat Driving\n";}; // getters public int getNumDoors() {return numDoors;} public int getNumWindows() {return numWindows;} public Car(int numDoors, int numWindows) { super(2, 2); this.numDoors = numDoors; this.numWindows = numWindows; } public Car(int numDoors, int numWindows, int numSeatsPerRow) { super(2, numSeatsPerRow); this.numDoors = numDoors; this.numWindows = numWindows; } public Car(int numDoors, int numWindows, int[] numSeatsPerRow) { super(numSeatsPerRow); this.numDoors = numDoors; this.numWindows = numWindows; } public Car(int numDoors, int numWindows, Person driver, int[] numSeatsPerRow) { super(driver, numSeatsPerRow); this.numDoors = numDoors; this.numWindows = numWindows; } boolean canOpenDoor(Person p) { if(p.getAge() <= 5) return false; int[] pos = getLocationOfPersonInVehicle(p); int row = pos[0]; int col = pos[1]; // chheck if person is in the outer seats if(col == 0 ||col == numSeatsPerRow[row]-1 || col == numSeatsPerRow[row]) { // now, check num of windows if(numDoors < 2*numberOfRows) { if(row <= (numDoors/2 - 1)) return true; else return false; } else { return true; } } else return false; } boolean canOpenWindow(Person p) { if(p.getAge() <= 2) return false; int[] pos = getLocationOfPersonInVehicle(p); int row = pos[0]; int col = pos[1]; // chheck if person is in the outer seats if(col == 0 ||col == numSeatsPerRow[row]-1 || col == numSeatsPerRow[row]) { // now, check num of windows if(numWindows < 2*numberOfRows) { if(row <= (numWindows/2 - 1)) return true; else return false; } else { return true; } } else return false; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { // check that object is an instance of car if(!(other instanceof Car)) return false; Car o = (Car)other; // check that both cars have same seat configuration if(getNumDoors() != o.getNumDoors()) return false; if(getNumWindows() != o.getNumWindows()) return false; if(getNumberOfMaxSeatsPerRow() != o.getNumberOfMaxSeatsPerRow()) return false; if(getNumberOfRows() != o.getNumberOfRows()) return false; // check same seats configuration for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { if(getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i] != o.getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]) return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { String seats_per_row = "["; for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { seats_per_row += getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]; if(i < getNumberOfRows()-1) seats_per_row += ","; } seats_per_row += "]"; String people_onboard = "["; int n_persons = 0; for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { Person[]persons = getPeopleInRow(i); if(persons != null) { for(int j = 0; j < getPeopleInRow(i).length; j++) { Person thisperson = getPeopleInRow(i)[j]; if(thisperson != null) { if(n_persons == 0) people_onboard += thisperson.getName(); else people_onboard += "," + thisperson.getName(); n_persons++; } } } } people_onboard += "]"; return String.format("Car: number of doors = %02d | number of windows = %02d | number of rows = %02d | seats per row = %s | names of people on board = %s\n", getNumDoors(), getNumWindows(), getNumberOfRows(), seats_per_row, people_onboard); } @Override public int compareTo(Car o) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int n1 = 0; // hold number of seats of calling object int n2 = 0; // hold number of seats of passed object for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) n1 += getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]; for(int i = 0; i < o.getNumberOfRows(); i++) n2 += o.getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]; if(n1 < n2) return -1; else if(n1 > n2) return 1; return 0; } @Override public boolean loadPassenger(Person p) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // assign passenger to the first available seat if(getNumberOfAvailableSeats() < 1) return false; for(int i = 0; i < getNumberOfRows(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < getNumberOfSeatsPerRow()[i]; j++) { if(getPersonInSeat(i, j) == null) // no person in this seat { if(i == 0) // first row { if(p.getAge() >= 5 && p.getHeight() >= 36) { setPassenger(p, i, j); return true; } } else { setPassenger(p, i, j); return true; } } } } return false; } @Override public int loadPassengers(Person[] peeps) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int loaded = 0; for(Person p: peeps) { if(loadPassenger(p)) loaded++; } return loaded; } }

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