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Queuing System Simulation in C

July 09, 2024
Dr. Brian Thompson
Dr. Brian
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Brian Thompson is a seasoned professional with a PhD in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. With 7 years of experience, he has completed over 700 C programming assignments with precision and accuracy. Dr. Thompson's specialization in software engineering and cybersecurity ensures that his solutions are not only efficient but also robust and secure.
Tip of the day
Focus on Rust’s strict ownership rules and borrow checker to avoid common errors. Use tools like clippy for linting and cargo for dependency management to ensure clean and efficient code.
The rise of languages such as Rust and Go is notable for their performance and safety features, making them increasingly popular in systems programming.
Key Topics
  • Exploring Queuing Dynamics: A C Simulation Showcase
    • Block 1: Struct Definitions
    • Block 2: Customer and Node Creation Functions
    • Block 3: Queue Functions
    • Block 4: Main Function
    • Block 5: Queue Initialization
    • Block 6: Input Reading and Customer Initialization
    • Block 7: Booth and Queue Allocation
    • Block 8: Processing Customers in Booths
    • Block 9: Memory Deallocation
  • Conclusion

This C code orchestrates a simulation of a queuing system, managing customers with varying arrival times, ticket numbers, and names. The implementation includes structures for customers, nodes, and queues, with functions for creating, enqueueing, dequeuing, and freeing these elements. The main function initializes queues, reads customer and booth information, and allocates memory accordingly. It then arranges customers into queues, processes them at multiple booths, and prints their checkout times. The simulation concludes with the deallocation of allocated memory. This comprehensive program offers insights into the dynamic management of queues and customer processing in a real-world context.

Exploring Queuing Dynamics: A C Simulation Showcase

This C code presents a sophisticated simulation of a queuing system, demonstrating adept handling of customer attributes and efficient queue management. The program showcases proficiency in data structures, algorithms, and modular design, providing valuable insights for those seeking assistance with C assignment related to queuing systems. With a focus on clarity and effectiveness, the code elegantly manipulates queues, processes customers at multiple booths, and prints checkout times. Titled "Mastering Queuing Systems," this comprehensive C simulation serves as a rich educational resource for understanding complex scenarios in real-world applications.

Block 1: Struct Definitions

typedef struct customer_s { ... } customer_t; typedef struct node_s { ... } node_t; typedef struct queue_s { ... } queue_t;

These structures define the basic components of the simulation - customer_t represents customer details, node_t represents a node in a linked list, and queue_t represents a queue implemented as a linked list.

Block 2: Customer and Node Creation Functions

customer_t *create_customer(char *name, int n_tickets, int n_line, int t_arrival) { ... } node_t *create_node(customer_t *customer) { ... }

Block 3: Queue Functions

queue_t *create_queue() { ... } void enqueue(queue_t *queue, customer_t *customer) { ... } customer_t *dequeue(queue_t *queue) { ... } int size(queue_t *queue) { ... } customer_t* peek(queue_t *queue) { ... } int empty(queue_t *queue) { ... } void free_queue(queue_t *queue) { ... }

These functions define the operations for managing the queue. Creating a new queue, adding a customer to the end of the queue, removing a customer from the front, checking the size, peeking at the front customer, checking if the queue is empty, and freeing the queue.

Block 4: Main Function

int main() { int n_customers, n_booths, index, position, n_queue, idx_queue, q_size; int n_tickets, min_val, min_q; char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; unsigned t_arrival; customer_t *customer; customer_t **customers; queue_t *queues[NUM_QUEUES]; int avail_q_size[NUM_QUEUES]; int k_non_empty; int current_time; int **booths; int *booth_size; int n_booth, n_booth_queues;

The main function of the program where the simulation takes place.

Block 5: Queue Initialization

for (index = 0; index < NUM_QUEUES; index++) queues[index] = create_queue();

This block initializes an array of queues for the simulation.

Block 6: Input Reading and Customer Initialization

scanf("%d %d", &n_customers, &n_booths); customers = (customer_t **) malloc(n_customers * sizeof(customer_t *)); for (index = 0; index < n_customers; index++) { ... }

Reads the number of customers and booths, allocates memory for an array of customers, and initializes customer details.

Block 7: Booth and Queue Allocation

booths = (int **) malloc(n_booths * sizeof(int *)); booth_size = (int *) malloc(n_booths * sizeof(int)); for (index = 0; index < NUM_QUEUES; index++) { ... }

Allocates memory for arrays related to booths and assigns queues to booths based on certain criteria.

Block 8: Processing Customers in Booths

for (n_booth = 0; n_booth < n_booths; n_booth++) { ... }

Processes customers in each booth, calculating checkout times and printing the results.

Block 9: Memory Deallocation

for (index = 0; index < n_booths; index++) free(booths[index]); free(booths); free(booth_size); for (index = 0; index < NUM_QUEUES; index++) free_queue(queues[index]); for (index = 0; index < n_customers; index++) free(customers[index]); free(customers);

Frees the memory allocated for arrays and structures at the end of the simulation.


In conclusion, this C code exemplifies a well-crafted solution for simulating queuing systems, reflecting adeptness in programming and algorithmic implementation. Its organized structure and adherence to best practices make it a valuable reference for understanding how to manage dynamic scenarios efficiently. The comprehensive nature of the simulation, from customer initialization to booth processing and memory deallocation, underscores the developer's proficiency in C programming. Whether you are a student seeking insights into queuing systems or someone requiring assistance with a C assignment in this domain, this code serves as an insightful and practical resource, offering both a functional implementation and a demonstration of coding expertise.

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