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How to Solve Object-Oriented Programming Assignments in C++: An Event Planning System

June 25, 2024
Matthew Pate
Matthew Pate
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Matthew Patel is a seasoned C++ assignment help expert with over 12 years of experience. He holds a Master's degree from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

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Key Topics
  • 1. Understand the Problem
  • 2. Define the Classes and Their Responsibilities
    • Time Class
    • Date Class
    • Event Class
  • 3. Implement the Classes
    • Time Class Implementation
    • Date Class Implementation
    • Event Class Implementation
  • 4. Test the Classes
  • 5. Debug and Refine
  • Conclusion

Object-oriented programming (OOP) assignments in C++ can initially seem daunting due to their complexity and the need to design multiple interconnected classes. However, by breaking down the task into manageable steps and following best practices, you can efficiently tackle such programming assignments. This guide provides a structured approach to solve your C++ assignments, using an event planning system as an example. We'll explore how to create classes for time, date, and events, ensuring they interact seamlessly. Starting with the basic construction of each class, you'll learn how to implement constructors, getters, setters, and essential member functions. By understanding the relationship between these classes and how to implement operator overloading, you can enhance the functionality and user-friendliness of your program. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify OOP assignments, equipping you with the skills and confidence to handle similar tasks in the future. By following these steps, you'll not only complete your assignments effectively but also gain a deeper understanding of object-oriented design principles in C++.

1. Understand the Problem

Step-by-Step-OOP-in-C++ (2)

Before diving into coding, thoroughly understand the problem statement. Identify the main components of the system you need to create. For the event planning system, the main components are:

  • Time: Represents a specific time in a 24-hour format. Consider how time will be input, stored, and manipulated, including handling edge cases such as invalid times and overflow.
  • Date: Represents a calendar date. Think about how dates will interact with each other, how to handle invalid dates, and how to perform date arithmetic.
  • Event: Describes an event with a specific date and time. Plan how events will be created, updated, and compared, ensuring you account for potential conflicts and the need for clear, user-friendly representations of events.

Understanding these components in detail will help you design your classes more effectively and ensure they work together seamlessly. Take the time to map out the relationships and interactions between these components before you start coding. This initial planning phase is crucial for developing a clear and efficient solution.

2. Define the Classes and Their Responsibilities

Based on the problem statement, outline the classes and their responsibilities. This helps in understanding the scope and functionality of each class and ensures that each component of your system is well-defined and manageable. Clear class definitions also facilitate easier debugging and testing as you progress.

Time Class

Data Members: int sec, int min, int hour


  • Constructors: Include both default and parameterized constructors to initialize objects in different scenarios.
  • Getters and Setters: Provide access and modification methods for each data member while ensuring data integrity.
  • toString: Converts time to a string format, making it easy to display and debug.
  • Private Helper Functions: timeToSeconds converts a time object to total seconds for easy arithmetic, and secondsToTime converts total seconds back to a time object.
  • Overloaded Operators: Implement +, -, <, >, and == operators to allow intuitive time comparisons and arithmetic.

Date Class

Data Members: int day, int month, int year


  • Constructors: Include both default and parameterized constructors for flexibility in object creation.
  • Getters and Setters: Manage access to each data member while maintaining valid date values.
  • toString: Converts date to a string format, aiding in display and logging.
  • Private Helper Functions: dateToDays converts a date to the number of days since a reference date for arithmetic operations, and daysToDate reverses this conversion.
  • Overloaded Operators: Implement +, -, <, >, and == operators for date arithmetic and comparisons, facilitating complex date manipulations.

Event Class

Data Members: std::string description, std::string location, Time time, Date date


  • Constructor: A parameterized constructor to initialize the event with all necessary details, ensuring that each event has a complete set of attributes.
  • hasPassed: Checks if the event has passed based on the current date and time. This function compares the event's date and time with the current date and time, providing essential functionality for event management.

Defining these classes with clear responsibilities and functions sets a solid foundation for your project. It allows you to focus on one aspect of the problem at a time, ensuring that each class is robust and functions correctly before integrating them into the complete system.

3. Implement the Classes

Start by implementing each class in its respective header (.h) and source (.cpp) files. This modular approach keeps your code organized and easier to debug. By clearly separating interface definitions from implementations, you enhance readability and maintainability, making it simpler to manage and update each component independently.

Time Class Implementation


#ifndef TIME_H #define TIME_H #include <string> class Time { private: int hour; int minute; int second; int timeToSeconds() const; const Time secondsToTime(int s) const; public: Time(); Time(int h, int m, int s); std::string toString() const; int getHour() const; void setHour(int h); int getMinute() const; void setMinute(int m); int getSecond() const; void setSecond(int s); const Time operator+(const Time &other) const; const Time operator-(const Time &other) const; bool operator<(const Time &other) const; bool operator>(const Time &other) const; bool operator==(const Time &other) const; }; #endif


#include "Time.h" #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> Time::Time() : hour(0), minute(0), second(0) {} Time::Time(int h, int m, int s) : hour(h), minute(m), second(s) { if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) hour = 0; if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) minute = 0; if (second < 0 || second > 59) second = 0; } std::string Time::toString() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << hour << ":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << minute << ":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << second; return oss.str(); } int Time::getHour() const { return hour; } void Time::setHour(int h) { hour = (h >= 0 && h <= 23) ? h : 0; } int Time::getMinute() const { return minute; } void Time::setMinute(int m) { minute = (m >= 0 && m <= 59) ? m : 0; } int Time::getSecond() const { return second; } void Time::setSecond(int s) { second = (s >= 0 && s <= 59) ? s : 0; } int Time::timeToSeconds() const { return second + minute * 60 + hour * 3600; } const Time Time::secondsToTime(int s) const { int resultS = s % 60; s /= 60; int resultM = s % 60; s /= 60; int resultH = s % 24; return Time(resultH, resultM, resultS); } const Time Time::operator+(const Time &other) const { return secondsToTime(timeToSeconds() + other.timeToSeconds()); } const Time Time::operator-(const Time &other) const { return secondsToTime(timeToSeconds() - other.timeToSeconds()); } bool Time::operator<(const Time &other) const { return timeToSeconds() < other.timeToSeconds(); } bool Time::operator>(const Time &other) const { return timeToSeconds() > other.timeToSeconds(); } bool Time::operator==(const Time &other) const { return hour == other.hour && minute == other.minute && second == other.second; }

Date Class Implementation


#ifndef DATE_H #define DATE_H #include <string> class Date { private: int day; int month; int year; int dateToDays() const; const Date daysToDate(int ndays) const; public: Date(); Date(int d, int m, int y); std::string toString() const; int getDay() const; void setDay(int d); int getMonth() const; void setMonth(int m); int getYear() const; void setYear(int y); const Date operator+(int ndays) const; const Date operator-(int ndays) const; bool operator<(const Date &other) const; bool operator>(const Date &other) const; bool operator==(const Date &other) const; }; #endif


#include "Date.h" #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> Date::Date() : day(1), month(1), year(0) {} Date::Date(int d, int m, int y) : day(d), month(m), year(y) { if (day < 1 || day > 31) day = 1; if (month < 1 || month > 12) month = 1; } std::string Date::toString() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << day << "/" << month << "/" << year; return oss.str(); } int Date::getDay() const { return day; } void Date::setDay(int d) { day = (d >= 1 && d <= 31) ? d : 1; } int Date::getMonth() const { return month; } void Date::setMonth(int m) { month = (m >= 1 && m <= 12) ? m : 1; } int Date::getYear() const { return year; } void Date::setYear(int y) { year = y; } int Date::dateToDays() const { return day + month * 31 + year * 372; } const Date Date::daysToDate(int ndays) const { int y = ndays / 372; ndays %= 372; int m = ndays / 31; int d = ndays % 31; return Date(d, m, y); } const Date Date::operator+(int ndays) const { return daysToDate(dateToDays() + ndays); } const Date Date::operator-(int ndays) const { return daysToDate(dateToDays() - ndays); } bool Date::operator<(const Date &other) const { return dateToDays() < other.dateToDays(); } bool Date::operator>(const Date &other) const { return dateToDays() > other.dateToDays(); } bool Date::operator==(const Date &other) const { return day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year; }

Event Class Implementation


#ifndef EVENT_H #define EVENT_H #include <string> #include "Time.h" #include "Date.h" class Event { private: std::string description; std::string location; Time time; Date date; public: Event(const std::string &desc, const std::string &loc, const Time &t, const Date &d); bool hasPassed(const Date &currentDate, const Time &currentTime) const; }; #endif


#include "Event.h" Event::Event(const std::string &desc, const std::string &loc, const Time &t, const Date &d) : description(desc), location(loc), time(t), date(d) {} bool Event::hasPassed(const Date &currentDate, const Time &currentTime) const { if (date < currentDate) { return true; } else if (date == currentDate) { return time < currentTime; } return false; }

By implementing the classes step-by-step in their respective header and source files, you ensure modularity and separation of concerns. Each class focuses on its specific role, making the codebase more maintainable and scalable. This approach also allows you to easily test each class individually, ensuring they perform as expected before integrating them into the larger system.

4. Test the Classes

Create a main.cpp file to test the functionality of your classes. Ensure all member functions and operators behave as expected. Testing is crucial to verify that your code works as intended and to catch any bugs early. By running a series of tests on each class, you can validate their correctness and robustness.


#include <iostream> #include "Time.h" #include "Date.h" #include "Event.h" using namespace std; int main() { // Test Time class Time time1(23, 59, 59); Time time2(1, 30, 30); Time time3 = time1 + time2; cout << "Time1: " << time1.toString() << endl; cout << "Time2: " << time2.toString() << endl; cout << "Time3 (Time1 + Time2): " << time3.toString() << endl; // Test Date class Date date1(15, 3, 2021); Date date2 = date1 + 10; cout << "Date1: " << date1.toString() << endl; cout << "Date2 (Date1 + 10 days): " << date2.toString() << endl; // Test Event class Event event("Party", "Carl's House", time1, date1); Date currentDate(15, 3, 2021); Time currentTime(23, 59, 59); cout << "Event has passed: " << event.hasPassed(currentDate, currentTime) << endl; return 0; }

In this file, you create instances of the Time, Date, and Event classes and perform operations on them. For example, adding two Time objects, advancing a Date by a number of days, and checking if an Event has passed. Displaying the results helps you verify that the classes are functioning correctly.

5. Debug and Refine

Run your tests and debug any issues that arise. Ensure each class meets the requirements and performs correctly in all scenarios. Debugging involves examining the output of your test cases, identifying where the actual output deviates from the expected output, and correcting the code. Refine your code by optimizing performance and enhancing readability. Testing and refining are iterative processes; as you identify and fix bugs, you may uncover new issues or areas for improvement. Through this process, you ensure that your final code is robust, efficient, and maintainable.


By following this structured approach, you can systematically tackle OOP assignments in C++ and develop robust, maintainable code. Understanding the importance of breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps is key to successfully handling such assignments. Implementing classes like Time, Date, and Event helps you grasp the core concepts of OOP, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. By practicing these techniques, you not only complete your assignments more efficiently but also build a strong foundation in C++ programming. Emphasizing best practices, such as thorough testing and debugging, ensures your code is reliable and meets the requirements. This methodical approach not only aids in current assignments but also prepares you for more advanced programming challenges in the future. Keep practicing and refining your skills, and you'll find that OOP assignments become less intimidating and more rewarding. Happy coding!

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