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Program to Implement Huffman Encoding in C Assignment Solutions

July 02, 2024
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams
🇨🇦 Canada
Sarah is a skilled C programmer with a bachelor's degree in computer science and over 600 completed orders. Specializing in data structure implementation, she delivers meticulously crafted solutions that leverage arrays, linked lists, trees, and hash tables for effective mapping operations.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Focus on understanding the core algorithms, such as neural networks or decision trees, and use libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch to simplify coding. Break down problems into smaller parts, test iteratively, and document your code for clarity.
Mojo: A programming language in the Python family, optimized for artificial intelligence applications, combining Python's usability with system-level performance.


To complete your C assignment, you are required to write a program that implements Huffman encoding in the C language. Huffman encoding is a widely used technique for data compression, which assigns variable-length codes to characters based on their frequency of occurrence in the input. The program should take input from the user, analyze the frequency of each character, build a Huffman tree, and generate the corresponding Huffman codes. These codes can then be used to compress the input data efficiently.

Requirements and Specifications

program implement huffman encoding in C language
program implement huffman encoding in C language 1Source Code
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define SYMBOLS 128 typedef struct treeNode {  char c;  int freq;  struct treeNode* left;  struct treeNode* right; } treeNode; typedef struct heap {  treeNode* array[SYMBOLS];  int size; } heap; heap* createHeap() {  heap* h = (heap*)malloc(sizeof(heap));  h->size = 0;  return h; } treeNode* createNode(char c, int freq, treeNode* l, treeNode* r) {  treeNode* node = (treeNode*)malloc(sizeof(treeNode));  node->c = c;  node->freq = freq;  node->left = l;  node->right = r;  return node; } void downSift(heap* h, int i) {  int child1 = 2*i + 1;  int child2 = 2*i + 2;  if (child1 >= h->size) {   return;  }  int nextChild = child1;  if (child2 < h->size && h->array[child2]->freq < h->array[child1]->freq) {   nextChild = child2;  }  if (h->array[i]->freq > h->array[nextChild]->freq) {   treeNode* sw = h->array[i];   h->array[i] = h->array[nextChild];   h->array[nextChild] = sw;   downSift(h, nextChild);  } } void upSift(heap* h, int i) {  if (i == 0) {   return;  }  int parent = (i-1)/2;  if (h->array[parent]->freq > h->array[i]->freq) {   treeNode* sw = h->array[i];   h->array[i] = h->array[parent];   h->array[parent] = sw;   upSift(h, parent);  } } treeNode* removeMin(heap* h) {  if (h->size == 0) {   return NULL;  }  treeNode* res = h->array[0];  h->array[0] = h->array[h->size-1];  h->size--;  downSift(h, 0);  return res; } void add(heap* h, treeNode* node) {  h->array[h->size] = node;  h->size++;  upSift(h, h->size-1); } void freeTree(treeNode* n) {  if (n == NULL) {   return;  }  freeTree(n->left);  freeTree(n->right);  free(n); } void buildCodes(treeNode* node, char* curr, int len, char codes[SYMBOLS][SYMBOLS]) {  if (node->c >= 0) {   curr[len] = 0;   strcpy(codes[node->c], curr);  }  else {   curr[len] = '0';   buildCodes(node->left, curr, len + 1, codes);   curr[len] = '1';   buildCodes(node->right, curr, len + 1, codes);  } } int fillFreqs(char* filename, int freqs[SYMBOLS]) {  int i;  FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r");  int total = 0;  char line[256];  while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {     for(i = 0; i   freqs[line[i]]++;    total++;   }   }  fclose(f);  return total; } int main(int argc, char** argv) {  treeNode* treeRoot;  char codes[SYMBOLS][SYMBOLS];  int freqs[SYMBOLS];  int i, total;  char temp[SYMBOLS];  heap* h;  for (i = 0; i  codes[i][0] = 0;   freqs[i] = 0;  }  total = fillFreqs(argv[1], freqs);  h = createHeap();  for (i = 0; i  if (freqs[i] > 0) {    treeNode* n = createNode(i, freqs[i], NULL, NULL);    add(h, n);   }  }  while(h->size > 1) {   treeNode* l = removeMin(h);   treeNode* r = removeMin(h);   treeNode* next = createNode(-1, l->freq + r->freq, l, r);   add(h, next);  }  treeRoot = removeMin(h);  free(h);  buildCodes(treeRoot, temp, 0, codes);  freeTree(treeRoot);  printf("| ASCII | Percent | Code\n");  for (i = 0; i  if(freqs[i] > 0) {    printf("| %5d | %.5f | %s\n", i, (1.0 * freqs[i])/ total, codes[i]);   }  }   return 0; }

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