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Create A Car Tracking System in Java Assignment Solution

July 09, 2024
Dr. Zara Silvermist
Dr. Zara
🇺🇸 United States
Dr. Zara Silvermist holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas, where she specialized in cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With over five years of industry experience, she has completed over 500 Java Homework assignments with precision and expertise.
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Write a java assignment program to create a car tracker system.

Requirements and Specifications

Program to create a car tracker system in java


Program to create a car tracker system in java1

Source Code

public class Car { private int year; private String make; private String model; private String color; private int conditionCategory; private boolean isRestored; public Car(int year, String make, String model, String color, int conditionCategory) { this.year = year; this.make = make; this.model = model; this.color = color; this.conditionCategory = (conditionCategory > 100 || conditionCategory < 40) ? 80 : conditionCategory; if (conditionCategory >= 90) { this.isRestored = true; System.out.println("Perfect"); } else { this.isRestored = false; if (conditionCategory >= 80) { System.out.println("Excellent"); } else if (conditionCategory >= 70) { System.out.println("Fine"); } else if (conditionCategory >= 60) { System.out.println("Very Good"); } else if (conditionCategory >= 50) { System.out.println("Good"); } else { System.out.println("Driver"); } } } public Car(int year, String make, String model) { this(year, make, model, "blue", 80); } public Car() { this(1960, "Jaguar", "E-Type", "silver", 89); } public int getYear() { return year; } public String getMake() { return make; } public String getModel() { return model; } public int getConditionCategory() { return conditionCategory; } public String getColor() { return color; } } DRIVER public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { GarageOwner garageOwner = new GarageOwner("John Smith", 29); Garage garage = new Garage(garageOwner, new Car[3]); Car car1 = new Car(); Car car2 = new Car(2012, "Toyota", "Celica"); Car car3 = new Car(2020, "Mitsubishi", "Lancer", "red", 99); garage.addCar(0, car1); garage.addCar(1, car2); garage.addCar(2, car3); garage.sellCar(1); System.out.println("Cars owned: " + garageOwner.getCarsOwned()); garage.showCertainCars(89); } } GARAGE public class Garage { private GarageOwner theOwner; private Car[] carCatalogue; public Garage(GarageOwner theOwner, Car[] carCatalogue) { this.theOwner = theOwner; this.carCatalogue = carCatalogue; } public Garage() { this(new GarageOwner("Enzo Ferrari", 35), new Car[4]); } public Car addCar(int index, Car car) { if (index < 0 || index >= carCatalogue.length) { System.out.println("Cannot add a car to this spot."); return null; } Car prev = carCatalogue[index]; if (prev == null) { System.out.printf("A %s %d %s %s was just parked here.%n", car.getColor(), car.getYear(), car.getMake(), car.getModel()); theOwner.setCarsOwned(theOwner.getCarsOwned() + 1); } else { System.out.printf("A %s %d %s %s was just parked here.%n", prev.getColor(), prev.getYear(), prev.getMake(), prev.getModel()); } carCatalogue[index] = car; return prev; } public Car sellCar(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= carCatalogue.length || carCatalogue[index] == null) { System.out.println("There is no car to sell."); return null; } Car car = carCatalogue[index]; System.out.printf("%s just sold a %s %d %s %s.%n", theOwner.getName(), car.getColor(), car.getYear(), car.getMake(), car.getModel()); theOwner.setCarsOwned(theOwner.getCarsOwned() - 1); carCatalogue[index] = null; return car; } public void showCertainCars(int conditionalCategory) { for (int i = 0; i < carCatalogue.length; i++) { Car car = carCatalogue[i]; if (car == null || car.getConditionCategory() <= conditionalCategory) { continue; } System.out.printf("A %s %d %s %s with a condition category of %d.%n", car.getColor(), car.getYear(), car.getMake(), car.getModel(), car.getConditionCategory()); } } }

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