Write a C++ homework to implement a delivery program using a linked list data structure.
Requirements and Specifications

Source Code
* COSC 051 Fall 2020
* Project #5 Code
* Due on: 7 December 2020
* In accordance with class policies and Georgetown’s Honor Code,
* I certify that, with the exception of the class resources and those
* items noted below, I have neither given nor received any assistance
* on this project.
* Note that you may use without citation any help from our TAs,
* professors, or any code taken from the course textbook.
using namespace std;
class Delivery {
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Delivery& d) {
string itemsLine;
unsigned int milk;
unsigned int cheese;
unsigned int meat;
getline(in, d.orderID);
getline(in, d.address1);
getline(in, d.address2);
getline(in, itemsLine);
stringstream s(itemsLine);
s >> d.milk;
s >> d.cheese;
s >> d.meat;
return in;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Delivery& d) {
out << d.orderID << endl;
out << d.address1 << endl;
out << d.address2 << endl;
out << "Milk: " << d.milk << endl;
out << "Cheese: " << d.cheese << endl;
out << "Meat: " << d.meat << endl;
return out;
Delivery() {
orderID = "";
address1 = "";
address2 = "";
milk = 0;
cheese = 0;
meat = 0;
nextDelivery = nullptr;
Delivery(string newID, string newA1, string newA2, unsigned int newMilk, unsigned int newCheese, unsigned int newMeat) {
orderID = newID;
address1 = newA1;
address2 = newA2;
milk = newMilk;
cheese = newCheese;
meat = newMeat;
nextDelivery = nullptr;
void printAddress() {
cout << address1 << " " << address2 << endl;
void printItems() {
cout << "Milk: " << milk << endl;
cout << "Cheese: " << cheese << endl;
cout << "Meat: " << meat << endl;
void setNextDelivery(Delivery* newNext) {
nextDelivery = newNext;
Delivery* getNextDelivery() const {
return nextDelivery;
string getID() const {
return orderID;
unsigned int getMilk() const {
return milk;
unsigned int getCheese() const {
return cheese;
unsigned int getMeat() const {
return meat;
string orderID;
string address1;
string address2;
unsigned int milk;
unsigned int cheese;
unsigned int meat;
Delivery* nextDelivery;
class Route {
Route() {
head = nullptr;
Route(string filename) {
head = nullptr;
} // Create new Route and load file
int load_route_file(string filename) {
ifstream f(filename);
int n = 0;
if (!f) {
cout << "Can not open file: " + filename << endl;
return n;
while (true) {
Delivery *d = new Delivery();
if (!(f >> (*d))) {
delete d;
return n;
} // Returns number of deliveries loaded
void print_full_route() {
Delivery* current = head;
while (current != nullptr) {
cout << (*current) << endl;
current = current->getNextDelivery();
void print_addresses() {
Delivery* current = head;
while (current != nullptr) {
current = current->getNextDelivery();
void print_items() {
Delivery* current = head;
while (current != nullptr) {
cout << endl;
current = current->getNextDelivery();
void count_items() {
Delivery* current = head;
unsigned int milk = 0;
unsigned int cheese = 0;
unsigned int meat = 0;
while (current != nullptr) {
milk += current->getMilk();
cheese += current->getCheese();
meat += current->getMeat();
current = current->getNextDelivery();
cout << "Total milk: " << milk << endl;
cout << "Total cheese: " << cheese << endl;
cout << "Total meat: " << meat << endl;
void print_order(string ID) {
Delivery* d = find_delivery(ID);
if (d == nullptr) {
cout << "No order with ID " << ID << " was found" << endl;
else {
cout << (*d) << endl;
void clear_deliveries() {
Delivery* current = head;
while (current != nullptr) {
Delivery* next = current->getNextDelivery();
delete current;
current = next;
head = nullptr;
void add_delivery(Delivery *d) {
head = d;
} // Add parameter to list
Delivery* find_delivery(string ID) {
Delivery* current = head;
while (current != nullptr) {
if (current->getID() == ID) {
return current;
current = current->getNextDelivery();
return nullptr;
} // Return matching Delivery or nullptr
Delivery* head; // Head pointer of linked list
char showMenu() {
string line;
while (true) {
cout << "Please, choose on of the options:" << endl;
cout << "Load a delivery file (L)" << endl;
cout << "Show all delivery information (D)" << endl;
cout << "Show delivery addresses (A)" << endl;
cout << "Show delivery items (I)" << endl;
cout << "Show counts of items on route (C)" << endl;
cout << "Find an order by ID (F)" << endl;
cout << "Clear all loaded data (X)" << endl;
cout << "Quit the program (Q)" << endl;
cin >> line;
char choice = toupper(line[0]);
if (choice == 'L') {
return 'L';
else if (choice == 'D') {
return 'D';
else if (choice == 'A') {
return 'A';
else if (choice == 'I') {
return 'I';
else if (choice == 'C') {
return 'C';
else if (choice == 'F') {
return 'F';
else if (choice == 'X') {
return 'X';
else if (choice == 'Q') {
return 'Q';
else {
cout << "Invalid input. Please, try again" << endl;
cout << endl;
int main() {
Route route;
bool isOver = false;
string filename;
string userId;
int size = 0;
while (!isOver) {
switch(showMenu()) {
case 'L':
cout << "Please, enter delivery filename: ";
cin >> filename;
size = route.load_route_file(filename);
case 'D':
if (size == 0) {
cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl;
else {
case 'A':
if (size == 0) {
cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl;
else {
case 'I':
if (size == 0) {
cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl;
else {
case 'C':
if (size == 0) {
cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl;
else {
case 'F':
if (size == 0) {
cout << "Delivery data was not loaded yet" << endl;
else {
cout << "Please, enter user id: ";
cin >> userId;
case 'X':
cout << "Data was cleared" << endl;
case 'Q':
isOver = true;
cout << endl;
cout << "Good Bye!" << endl;
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